HausfrauB Member


  • Look at all that hard work paying off--congrats! :)
  • First, congrats on having accomplished a 28-lb loss last year. Life can certainly throw a wrench in our plans for self-improvement. Last year, I had lost 11 lbs and then my husband and I went on our belated honeymoon and a gained a few back...then almost immediately upon returning my grandmother got very sick and passed. I…
  • Exactly--I think of BMR as Bare Minimum Required. After subtracting calories burned in exercise, I always make sure I am at least at my BMR by eating up to it (if I have dropped below).
  • Pardon me, but I provided a link to a video explaining all of the statements I made...did you watch it? Please do not "correct" me and then demonstrate your lack of knowledge by saying that pineapple and mangoes have glucose---no, they contain fructose. Those sugars ARE different. I promise that if you check it out for…
  • Fructose (fruit sugars) are very different chemically from glucose (grain sugars) and are processed differently in the body. Essentially, too much fructose in your diet has the same detrimental bodily effects as too much alcohol--and that makes sense because alcohol is made from fermented sugars (wine, anyone?) Fresh…
  • No doctor ever offers a diaphragm as an option--they are always pushing hormonal birth control. My diaphragm has been the best contraceptive option for me. I do not have to take a pill everyday. I don't have to worry about side effects. I don't have to depend on my husband to put a condom on or pull out. In two years, I've…
  • I hope no one minds me reviving this thread. I'm so happy--I just got back from a back-to-back session of pole fit and level 1. I can't tell you the last time I exercised at that intensity for that duration (2.5 hours). It makes me feel so strong and fit! Also, my teacher told me that I was ready to make my…
  • If it's not too late, I'd enjoy this challenge too. :) Let me know. Thanks.
  • Seconding (or thirding or whatever count it's up to) the suggestion to talk to your doctor. A simple blood test would rule in/out thyroid issues and anemia. My doctor had a mini sleep screening machine that I wore for a night so he could get a snapshot of my sleep. It indicated a possible problem and he referred me to a…
  • You say that you are consistent with your sleep pattern. When sleeping, do you breathe heavily or snore? I was diagnosed with Upper Respiratory Airway Resistance - a sleep breathing disorder that was waking me up enough to prevent deep sleep (stage III), but not enough to wake me up the whole way. Just a thought to keep in…
  • Seriously, half the battle is deciding that the costs of smoking (smell, effect on lungs, monetary cost, etc.) outweigh whatever benefits you perceive. Is that cigarette you just smoked REALLY making your life better because it's a "stress reliever"? Or is it a pleasant lie we tell ourselves because quitting is hard. Maybe…
  • It's such a funny feeling to fit into clothes that you previously outgrew, isn't it? When I've had that experience in the past, I was always shocked because I didn't really "see" the difference in the mirror. Congrats! :)
  • *too strenuous
  • Hi Brandi! Thanks for the tip on googling the calorie burn--sometimes I need the obvious answer to be pointed out to me. haha Glad to know I'm not alone with the armhurt. In the last week I noticed my forearms had muscles where I never noticed muscle before. Feeling a bit like Popeye. :P
  • Hi! I, also, have similar goals. I was here a year ago and then went through a bunch of decidedly un-fun things that threw me off track. Currently 180 lbs. and wanting to drop to a US size 6 (14/16 now). I just started pole fitness and am really enjoying becoming stronger every week. :)
  • I smoked for about 12 years off and on (mostly on except for pregnancy and a few months of quit). Watching my husband (then boyfriend) cry when he told me his biggest fear was losing his mother to smoking-related cancer was my moment of revelation. I realized that my son must feel the same way about me as my husband does…
  • Glad the talk with your son went well. He probably can't see this, but being self-reliant is so rewarding. Best of luck!
  • The defining moment came when my husband told me his biggest fear was his mom dying of lung cancer. At that moment, I realized that is exactly how my son felt about me and I needed to quit. I used Chantix for three months and now, nearly two years later, smoking is no longer a temptation. Best of luck! P.S. My…
  • The most amazing low carb / high fiber food I've found is....coconut flour! 1/2 cup is all you need to make a single layer cake. Yes, I said cake! Here's the nutritional breakdown for 1/2 cup coconut flour: 496 cals 16g total fat 20g protein 68g carbohydrates - gross -44g fiber24 g carbohydrates - net 24g of carbs in an…
  • This is such a good idea. I'm a perfectionist and see everything I'm doing as black or white. Eating within calorie limit regularly > lowering carbs > lowering sugar > reducing grains > experiment with adding things back in to find my body's "happy spot"
  • Please keep sharing! This is my starting size too! Congrats on all the great successes! You all look fantastic! :) Bump.
  • Guesstimate your dinner and wine intake beforehand and adjust your breakfast and lunch accordingly that morning. That tends to work for me. Also, make sure you are eating a net amount of calories that is equal to your BMR. Find your BMR here: Good job on taking a healthy…
  • You know the answer... (from your profile) "we have lots of friends which means lots of weekend food.. and that is what kills me!" Not impossible to overcome (invite the friends over so you can control what's being served). :) Good luck!
  • You can do this! I'm eating low-carb and low-sugar too. Here's what I've learned: - Realize that sugar is sugar whether from sucrose (table sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), or carbohydrates from grains; this sugar is driving your appetite by causing huge swings in your blood sugar - You CAN have cake--Coconut flour and…
  • I couldn't agree more! Most of my life has been filled with negative body talk/thoughts. I've lost weight before, but always for an external reason, so it always returned (plus more, because it's generous like that!) This is the first time that I feel positive, kind and nurturing to myself while "dieting." I realize now…
  • Not an expert. Here is what happens when you eat sugar (any type: glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.) carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar-->insulin response-->low blood sugar-->carb/sugar craving-->carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar--> (cycle repeats) If the fruit is having an affect upon your appetite then cut…
  • Beauty, Haha...yep! I couldn't have a better husband either! :) Life is just so funny like that. :)
  • I have trouble taking anything with such a ridiculous name seriously. If you want to stop sweet cravings, stop eating sugar and simple carbs...they create a cycle that goes something like this: carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar-->insulin response-->low blood sugar-->carb/sugar craving-->carb/sugar ingestion-->high…
  • I had this dilemma years ago...except I had only worked one day at job A before a better offer materialized. I quit the next day to take job B and in a strange twist of fate, 12 years later I married the son of the boss from job A. Everything has a funny way of working out. Do what you need to do to. Best wishes! (Boss…
  • Ahhhh...*finally understands* Me too...I'm always happy when I have a lot to "spend" for dinner. :D