geordiegirl27 Member


  • I've managed to get my Cals up a little and after Blaydon Race last night and Parkrun + running there and back I've blown the cal budget on a mccy d breakfast. Naughty but nice once in a blue moon. Got myself a 7min PB last night too dead chuffed.
  • That would explain it! Do you still live in NE? I stopped eating diet when i first did EM2WL. I've been adding in things to my day I have ryvita multigrain (because I like them) as an afternoon snack and nuts too. I could happily drink them and eat chocolate but I want to stick with good calories for the most part. Really…
  • Just read the 2 blogs the 2nd lady her story rang true with me when I went to live overseas and the weighty crept on I reverted to lowering food intake. I was only cooking for me which meant I often didn't bother and it has been my hubby recently saying I'm not eating enough for the miles I'm putting in. I know it will…
  • Really appreciate your input Heybales, I have been concerned at eating too much on non run days. I'm happy to put the effort in to get the fuel where I need it. I do love running but this is the first time I've done a marathon and stuck to a training plan. I do intend to get back to strength/weights just in process of…
  • Wow Ichel you have an amazing memory!!! I was running the other day and thought why am I stressing over morsels of food, I'm trying to find what I need to fuel a run and the lightbulb switched on and here I am, I remember the realisation previously that my body suddenly worked when it got used to being fed properly. I am…
  • I've tried web version i choose connect but it takes me to my daily stats and no sign of anything to link. I'll try again tomorrow - technology hates me!!
  • all sorted they kindly emailed me the links thanks :)
  • So I've managed to disconnect Fitbit but when I ask to connect to Garmin it takes me to garmin webpage but I cannot figure out how to connect it, any ideas what I'm missing? TIA
  • Thank you I already feel better just getting back to a sensible way of life.
  • Thank you tinkerbellang I did wonder if it was an app limitation.
  • Sorry I'm struggling to disconnect Fitbit and connect Garmin Connect. I have gone into Apps and on Fitbit pressed disconnect but it's still there when I go back in and try to connect to Garmin Connect it takes me in to sign in but I cannot see how to connect it. TY
  • Hi I'm back to MFP after a long break. I managed to lose my Fitbit one and feel like I need some encouragement to ensure I'm moving a bit more (moved overseas for work for 6 months and not as active as in uk) and thought of getting the charge HR. I'm concerned I won't like th wrist based tracker but is the HR pretty useful…
  • I will do a treadmill test when I get a chance, I've been out for a walk tonight and if I run between 2 lampposts I have 32 steps, if I walk the same 2 lampposts its 45 steps, I know thats a bit basic but I guess proves that the distance covered is out. Thanks again heybales.
  • It's definitely out when I run I did a 3.1m run earlier in week but it only gave me 2.5m on FB, maybe I should do a check on treadmill this week. I am confident that no steps add when they shouldn't i will do some extra checks though to be sure. If anything it would be under actual steps as I often forget to put it on…
  • Really appreciate your message MandaLeigh and esp the photos. I think I will try upping cals slightly and see where I get too. Worse case I have to cut back again. I also have to get back into my x-training and weights but need to be realistic as to what I can do when. I will brave the before photos and I do measurements…
  • I haven't MandaLeigh, I haven't been too low calorie of late but I do have a habit of cutting cals if my weight doesn't drop which is what I was doing up until a month ago when I got back on MFP and using my fitbit. Therefore I don't know if its worth trying a reset - I figure if nothing else I would know where my gain…
  • Thanks - it's a proper fight over what you have been conditioned to believe you must do to lose weight. But thinking about it isn't that what slimming world & weight watchers do by giving points/syns so you can have the hints you enjoy whole ultimately sticking to a decent plan. Bbq for tea tonight and I'm adding a…
  • I know I need to get back to eating nuts much nicer than crisps as well. Been shopping and come in with avocado and hummus along with carrot sticks as a snack. I do have greek yoghurt but can't manage cottage cheese (years of low cal diets and living on the stuff lol (although full fat mightnt be too bad maybe I'll try it…
  • My protein is miles out I struggle with protein I like meat/fish but don't eat huge amounts of it. Any other ideas on how to up my protein?
  • I think it's all the media going on about not drinking! Generally the most I have is a small glass on an evening but lately it's crept up to 2 (I do get 6-7 glasses from a bottle so thrybarr small glasses) I also think it's media again if you need to lose weight cut out the bad stuff. The stuff I eat that I consider bad or…
  • Also meant to say I cook from scratch majority of time and everything is weighed and measured I have them saved in recipes if I add anything differently another time I add it separately to the recipe. Cheers
  • I do use oil to cook either olive or groundnut and a dessert spoon does 2 of us whatever I use I add. I love cheese of any kind but restrict for fat but good call on Parmesan I used to add that to pasta dishes for flavour but one of those things I cut back on. I do love asparagus wrapped in Parma ham with some motzerella…
  • This sounds great Jennebecca33, for me the thing I struggle with the most is getting my calories right using the right foods. My protein is always WAY low. I want to shed fat (plenty to practice with) and would love to build muscles, I am doing a set of workouts in the home using dumbbells but thats largely due to now…
  • I was like you a few years ago, found MFP found this group and did (mostly) do what was suggested. I slowly increased cals, had much more energy I remember one day on a run thinking wow this training is finally working, when I realised it wasn't the training it was fuelling properly. I lost weight and started to lift…
  • I'm using fitbit one and doesn't have HRM. Garmin is HRM but doesn't work indoors (unless its user error) maybe I'll try again. Thanks again heybales your advice is great (as always you have guided me in the past)
  • Thank you Heybales I will do that I was going round in circles last night trying to figure out which would ensure I don't overeat esp while I'm not as active. There are still days I'm not doing much and didnt know if I was better eating for that day or an average regardless of exercise so your advice is greatly…
  • Hi all I am busyizzy's daughter - she is not very good with this technology malarkey!! So she will have posted this question then not be able to find it again. Thank you for your replies, I will point her back to the thread but in the meantime maybe I can offer a bit more info. I helped my mum set up her goals, I ran them…
  • My protein is always low, I do like meat & love fish but never in the quantities that it requires. I might have to 'steal' some of these ideas. Thanks for asking & good luck with your increase.
  • Hi I have a fitbit and had it connected to MFP, on heybales advice on one of my earlier questions he said to disconnect it. From then I had a lightbulb moment & I figured I could see my TDEE from FB and adjust my daily cals accordingly. I am laid low with a virus at the moment so eating under my TDEE for the day but once I…
  • Thank you & apologies for taking so long to pick to your reply. I am merrily now recording food ate in MFP and calorie burn in fitbit & I'll add in some calories for my HIIT sessions then I get back to them. I feel happier knowing I'm eating the correct amount (albeit a bit higher at weekends /bit less midweek) but that's…