

  • Hi Everyone- Wasn't able to get in my morning workout today:mad: hopefully I won't get out of work too late to do it when I get home tonight. Not ready to talk about work- but I'm sure between my inconsistent schedule and my stress level that probably why I can't lose weight. Congrats Ghanie!:drinker: Thank you for all…
  • Hi Everyone, Can't talk a lot now- will check in again tonight. REALLY BAD day at work yesterday- but this morning woke up and ran for 35 minutes, fast walked for 15 and did 10 minutes of yoga to cool down. Off to work now, how I get out at a decent hour and things become more stable. I feel the instability has affected my…
  • Hello Jammers! It was raining this morning so I dusted off my Biggest Loser Cardio Max and did Level 1 and 2. My butt is going to be sore later!:laugh: Hopefully I can run tomorrow instead. Off to work, happy I will have a 3 day weekend! The higher ups from worked emailed me and said they would speak to me soon. Hopefully…
  • Hi Everyone- Today the stress level really got to me at work. I'm really proud of myself because during my lunch break (at 4:00) I did not give in to temptation to eat either the pumpkin cheesecake or godiva cheesecake at barnes and noble. That is my little victory for the day.:laugh: I got TJ 20 min and Absculpt in- it's…
  • Hello all! The past 3 days of work have been really really bad- and I've gotten home 3 hours last the past three days:explode: Hard to have a life outside of work when you don't get to leave. I'm going to take a lot of issues to the higher ups and hope it makes some positive changes for us all, because I can tell I'm going…
  • Hi Everyone- The plague is going around work, so we are very understaffed and I keep staying until the wee hours of the night trying to get everything in order for the next day- not ideal but manageable at this point. Just trying to stay positive. This morning I hit a milestone- I was able to run for 30 minutes straight…
  • Hi Everyone- Sounds like everyone had a good day. I did 20 min TJ this morning and the I'm going to do Ab Jam tonight. Work was crazy but it was nice to have TJ done before hand. I do like working out before I go. My husband started a new job today. We're hoping after we get some of our bills paid off we can by an…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been on in a week- my husband's grandfather died (he was in CHF and had dementia). :cry: So we had to go home and sit with his family. I was doing really well the first day we were there- I woke up and ran for 25 minutes straight:smile: ! But then we were constantly surrounded by food and…
  • Hi Everyone, Thanks for the kind words. Yesterday was a bad day at work again- it's hard to do surgery when the anesthesia machine breaks and instead of just seeing yorkies (like normal) I had a 90lb lab and a 70 lb golden. Needless to say my shoulder is screaming :explode: and I'm glad I have the next 2 days off to…
  • Hi Everyone, Sounds like you all have had quite the week! Shoulder/neck is still quite painful- but I managed to bike for 40 minutes today. Thanks for all the encouragement...Work is not helping my shoulder- dogs just don't understand!:explode: Ghanie- sending good thoughts across the USA to your hubby. Drevan- can you…
  • Hi Everyone- pulled something in my neck/shoulder again. Today I barely got off the couch because it hurt so bad. I'm hoping that it will be fine tomorrow and I can go for either my morning run or bike (don't think TJ punches are good for me right now) Have a good one everyone! Erica
  • Way to go Ghanie!!!:drinker: Got called in to work at the last minute because someone is ill- goofed up my morning plans for a long run and then TurboSculpt- hopefully I won't get out too late so I'll be able to workout tonight. Catch up with you later! ~Erica
  • happy labor day! Hope you can all enjoy your day today. I have to work but I have the next 2 days off:glasses: I finally weighed myself and I gained 2 lbs from my 1 week off the wagon:angry: I think it's ok and could have been worse. I'm going to start tracking my % body fat now as well. I'm still ahead of my long term…
  • Started my morning with a cardioparty! :smile: Off to work now. Ghanie- hope you're feeling better. Angel- have you heard of the new specialty technicians? Something to think about for your future if you're every wanting more but do not want to go through the many glorious years of schooling to be a vet! have a happy…
  • Hi Everyone! Since I last checked in on that awful day at work I've been having a rough time. I'm not going to get in to it- but I fell in to some bad habits. It didn't help that I had a few visitors from home and we definitely ate a lot! I haven't weighed myself because I'm scared :embarassed: Today is the first day I…
  • Hello ladies (in Chalene's voice- j/k) Wow, I had a HORRIBLE day yesterday. I woke up and went running- just to get to terrible side cramp after 6 minutes. :angry: Does anyone know what to do for side cramps? I did run for 14 out of 20 minutes and then I walked with my mom who is visiting. Then I went to work and I almost…
  • Sounds like we all had a productive day! Didn't make it up in time for Cardioparty but I did 20 minute TJ instead before work. Made today a little more bearable- I can't wait until my husband finds a job so I can look for a new one. Talk about stomping on my bubble from school- again I don't know what I would have done…
  • Hello hello- Got in a TurboSculpt after a crazy day of work. Goal is to do CardioParty in the AM before my insanely long day of work. Casey- that's awesome that you ran so fast:drinker: Hope you're feeling better soon- we miss you! Angel- 650 is a pretty kickbutt day!!:happy: Have a terrific night everyone! ~Erica
  • Happy Monday:glasses: Woot woot- I lost another pound- I'm officially in the Healthy BMI range and I'm .5 lbs away from my halfway mark!:happy: This morning I woke up and ran for 15 minutes and walked for 20. Hopefully after work I won't be too tired and i can fit in TurboSculpt. Have a great one! ~Erica
  • Hi Tanya, Good luck on your weight loss journey- you can do it! :flowerforyou: I suggest joining (or starting) a message board group that you log in to everyday to keep yourself accountable. That has truly saved my butt. There have been many times where I do not want to let my MFP pals down! ~Erica
  • CONGRATS:drinker:
    in Hello Comment by ecrb77 August 2009
  • woo hoo! Congrats!:drinker:
    in 19 lbs Comment by ecrb77 August 2009
  • Hi All- I'm feeling so much better today- didn't even take a dayquil! Last night the rain put a stop to my walk so I did TJ 20 minutes and 10 minutes of pilates abs (boy are they sore today!) Today during my study break I did 20 minutes of kickboxing and TJ 20 minutes. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can start up AM runs…
  • Hi Everyone- Sounds like you all had a healthy week! My cold/flu is finally going away and I'm going to try to go for a walk and do some yoga this evening. Can't wait until my red nose is gone:smile: have a good one! ~Erica
  • Today turned into a rest day- very bad cold/flu that progressed during work- been in bed all night sleeping it off. Luckily I have tomorrow off. Hope you all had a good one! ~Erica
  • Thanks for all the advice with my workout schedule this week. This morning I woke up a little late but still got in 20 minutes of Yoga. After an OK day of work I did 20 min TJ and AbJam. Time for bed:wink: I love those pumpkin candy corns:heart: See you in the AM- ~Erica
  • Thanks Ghanie- I plan on upping my exercise this week and I want to know what to look for if I over do it. I don't think I am yet- do you? This morning I ran for 15 minutes, walked fast for 15 and then this evening I did cardioparty and turbo abs. Here's my plan for the rest of the week T: morning- yoga 40 min evening- 20…
  • Erika- hope everything is ok. Casey- hope you're feeling better! This evening I also did CardioParty and Turbo Abs. how do you know if you're working out too much? Is that possible? Have a great one! ~Erica
  • Happy Monday- Back on the healthy wagon after falling off this weekend. Let's not talk about it, but I at least I did some sort of physical activity everyday and somehow I lost weight. I'm assuming it either won't stay off but that's ok. Woke up this morning and ran 15 minutes and fast walked 15. Going to do Cardioparty…