Turbo Jammers 09/07 - 09/13



  • Hey all!
    Gonna be a CRAZY day..but I got some great news this am..I am able to get in for my colonoscopy on Monday now! So not only do I figure out what's wrong before vaca, but my sister can also take me as she won't be working yet (just got a new job). Jas will drop me off in the am and be nearby at work if needed (he's alone in the office next week!).
    So that means the long run I had on Sunday will have to get done EARLY tomorrow am as I am on a liquid diet on Sunday and have to work at the Y at 8 tomorrow am. Oh well..I can be lazy on Sunday:)
    I probably wouldn't have run as hard on my 5 miles this am had I known that-but what can you do right?
    Today is also last day of CE Round 1! Might take it easy on the weight though since I have my long run in the am...
    Have a great one all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey all!
    Gonna be a CRAZY day..but I got some great news this am..I am able to get in for my colonoscopy on Monday now! So not only do I figure out what's wrong before vaca, but my sister can also take me as she won't be working yet (just got a new job). Jas will drop me off in the am and be nearby at work if needed (he's alone in the office next week!).
    So that means the long run I had on Sunday will have to get done EARLY tomorrow am as I am on a liquid diet on Sunday and have to work at the Y at 8 tomorrow am. Oh well..I can be lazy on Sunday:)
    I probably wouldn't have run as hard on my 5 miles this am had I known that-but what can you do right?
    Today is also last day of CE Round 1! Might take it easy on the weight though since I have my long run in the am...
    Have a great one all!

    Glad you're able to get in before vaca! That should make you feel better knowing what's going on before leaving!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Happy Friday, we made it ..WOO HOO!!
    Got an early start this am and got in 45 min Taebo Boot camp this @345 this morning and I am finally feeling human again!! On a suggestion I added a little zinc to my supplements and after 24hrs I really do feel better. Not 100% but I'm getting there. And it also feels good to get a good w/o in before the day gets moving(seems like it's tough to schedule it in during the weekend evenings).
    Casey - so glad your getting checked out b4 the vaca!! I'll keep you in my prayers that you get you solution and feel better really soon. Hang in there!
    Lilangel -good for you for getting an early run in! I like to do that too when i don't have to work,it's a nice change up!
    Fitzfour - hang in there girl and don't forget to take care of you while you're taking care of everybody else!! hope you get ttime to get your work out in!!

    Hopefully I'll get to get something else in before the day is through !
    Have a great wekend!!

  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Good news everyone, hubby got the job!

    Of course that means I'll have a 4-mile walk 4 days a week pushing a stroller to get my preschooler to and from school Monday through Thursday. So I guess I'll be eating more calories, hehe.

    Anyway, just wanted to share the good news. Thanks for all your prayers! I'll still be working evenings until we replenish our savings but I'll be off days after next week.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I am finally checking in for today! So far so good with my AM runs, two down two to go! :laugh: I am proud of myself today I got my run in the AM and this afternoon I did TJ CardioPartymix1- the 45 minute workout WOOHOO! I am glad I pushed myself and did the long one because today has been a pretty lax day- or at least it feels like I've done nothing..:ohwell: Does anybody else feel that way sometimes? I did my run, cleaned the house...vegged for awhile....made a grocery list? lol Then rocked with TJ! Idkkkk I guess I've just been bored..hope I got things caught up:huh:
    Anyways, in all my rambling..I hope you all had a GREAT Saturday..I am planning to spend the evening home as well..making some tofu tonight for dindin! :heart:
    Ghanie-Tell your hubbie congratulations!!! That is awesome!!! I hope he enjoys the new job!
    Janet- Do you mean you did Taebo at 3:45 am?? Wow girl, thats motivation! haha, nice!
    Casey-I am glad you will find out what has been going on before the trip, It's no fun wondering-or feeling like crap..
    Erika-I hope your little ones are feeling better!
    Have a good one all!:flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I didn't get any workouts in this weekend as I spent Friday night in the ER with my youngest as he ended up with an Upper Respiratory Infection (the docs originally thought H1N1), and had to do the neb a few times to get his breathing back to normal...he was really struggling! Then, I woke up on Saturday with the same thing...very short on breath all day, and tired. Didn't do much but lay low. Yesterday was hopefully the worst day of this crud, as I feel much better this morning.

    Did Power 90 Sculpt 1-2, and it felt really good. Same type of workouts as the Push phase of ChaLean, but much quicker, so I had to go down in weight quite a bit!

    Hope you all have a great Monday!!
  • Hi Everyone!
    I'm sorry I haven't been on in a week- my husband's grandfather died (he was in CHF and had dementia). :cry: So we had to go home and sit with his family. I was doing really well the first day we were there- I woke up and ran for 25 minutes straight:smile: ! But then we were constantly surrounded by food and his family was very upset- which made for an emotional house. It didn't help that I am smaller than everyone on his side so whenever I was eating they were telling me how I wasn't too skinny and that it bothered their self esteem. All in all I ate quite a bit and we were spending so much time at the house I didn't have a chance to work out again-the damage is about 3 lbs:mad: . Does anyone have a good way to not let life get in the way of diet/exercise because I feel like this is a trend in my journey? My shoulder is 90% of the way better:smile:

    Just got back yesterday and I did the learn and burn to try to get back in to Turbo Jam. Here's my plan for the week- tell me if you think it's ok please!
    Monday- 20 minute TJ and Ab Jam
    Tuesday- Run, pilates
    Wednesday- Cardioparty and Ab Jam
    Thursday- Run, pilates
    Friday- Off
    Saturday- 20 TJ and Ab Jam
    Sunday- Run, Pilates

    I also want to do 100 thigh master crunches twice a day to work on my legs. Still trying to lay it easy on my shoulder- which is why I'm not doing Turbo Sculpt.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week and thanks for being here for me. :flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! I haven't had the opportunity to do this yet BUT- Follow me to the new week's thread! Hah that's fun!:laugh:

  • I see you lost 9 lbs did you do it with the turbo jam routine? I started working out last monday and am really trying to stay focused to lose weight. I love the turbo jam workouts. I am 51 years old and can keep up with Charlene. I loose about .5 lb a week. Keep up the good work. You seem much younger than me but our goals are the same. Do you eat the extra calories that you burn off exercising? I find it hard to eat all of those calories. The other day I burned 750 calories exercising. I could'nt eat all that food in one day. It seems crazy but I am going with how my stomach feels.
  • I hear ya, life does get in the way. When my father passed away last December he had CHF and dementia too I took a week off but got back on track after the funeral. It was when I has surgery and could not work out for 6 weeks and then went on vacation for 2 weeks that set me up for failure. I don't know why I did this to myself. Keep the focus and get back on track. I am following the Turbo jam calander. I have 3 days of rest the first week but I am still doing walking during these three days. Keep moving is my best advice. Winter is coming and so are the holidays what a perfect time to start working out for next summers goals. So glad the bathing suit weather is done. I live on a lake and I hate my body!
  • have you had any success with the 10 day kick start turbo slim plan and workouts?
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