Turbo Jammers 09/07 - 09/13



  • Hi Everyone-
    pulled something in my neck/shoulder again. Today I barely got off the couch because it hurt so bad. I'm hoping that it will be fine tomorrow and I can go for either my morning run or bike (don't think TJ punches are good for me right now)
    Have a good one everyone!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers!
    It's pretty near bedtime-was my rest day today, but I decided to get my butt in gear and at least do AbJam..which I really debated doing...I'M GLAD I DID!:laugh: I'm kinda proud of myself coz it crossed my mind to skip it:tongue: Anyway, I just finished that and am heading to bed in a few..have a good night all! It's Push3 and a short run for me tomorrow night!:happy:
    Erica-I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder issue again! Ahhh..just give it a good rest and start back when you can...no use doing further damage by pushing yourself and feeling guilty..though I know it's a bummer (I'd be dying too..:explode: )
    Nightnight all!
  • Morning Jammers,
    Well yesterday I worked both jobs and had a tough workout day...so needless to say I was EXHAUSTED when I hit bed..I was out cold! I did my CE Lean 2 later last night after both jobs..so proud that I got it done!
    This am was CE Burn Intevals..rest of day is more relaxing as just maybe a short walk and then Recharge.
    Lilangel: Good for you taking it easy but getting some ab jam in. I like the standing part for sure!
    Erica: Total bummer girl..but at least you are finding other ways to stay active.
    Ghanie: I am tired just listening to your day:) I am sure you'll adapt great with all the results you've had!
    Drevans mom: Hey girl! It takes time to get used to the running..but once you do it's wonderful! I love the calorie burn, the stress reliever, the feeling of accomplishment...have I mentioned I love running?:)
    Spiralgirl: You continue to rock it out..you go girl! Are a hip hop girl now too?:)
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning everyone.

    I managed another 3 miles today WAHOO! It feels good!

    Ghanie-sorry to hear about your work schedule. Be thankful you have a job!
    Erica-Take care of yourself! Your right punches would probably make them worse, but good for you for finding something else you can do rather than just doing nothing!
    Lilangel-congrats on getting in AbJam. Sometimes it can be hard to your workout, even just a 20 minute one but you always feel better once you're done!
    Casey-Thanks for the running encouragement. My hubby makes fun of me because he calls what I do "shagging" not really even a jog. But it keeps my heart rate in check and I get a good calorie burn out of it so I don't care what you call it. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Running...cheaper than Therapy" Loved it :happy:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day...I'm hoping the maid fairy will appear and clean my house while I'm not looking hahahahahaha RIGHT like that would happen!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I got in Push Circuit 2 today ... I might add Extreme Abs later tonight since I have the evening off and might just do without Burn Intervals this week.

    Good news, hubby finally got an interview scheduled for tomorrow (his 4th in almost a year). So send positive thoughts and energy this way please!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Ladies!
    So today was a pretty busy workday for me-but I came home and got Push3 in tonight! I also added a half hour run which was just perfect:smile: I was only left with about 25 calories tonight:ohwell: ..I usually like a little more lee-way than that, but I estimated to burn more with Push3..I guess that one just doesn't hit my body as hard...:grumble:
    Either way, I am proud of myself:tongue:
    Ghanie- Congrats to your hubby! I'll make sure I keep my fingers crossed!
    Casey-Great job with the workouts girl! I know-It can be so hard after a long day at work to keep in check...I've been doing very well lately though!
    Drevansmom- Awesome run!! 3 miles is great!!! I am very new to running, but have been estimating my longer runs to be about 4 miles (I should map it in my car to find out better..haha!)
    Got a half day of work tomorrow, then I'll be doing Burn It Off and Recharge sessions, along with a longer run probably. I hope you all had a great Thursday!
    Check in tomorrow! Nightnight!
  • Hi Everyone,
    Sounds like you all have had quite the week! Shoulder/neck is still quite painful- but I managed to bike for 40 minutes today. Thanks for all the encouragement...Work is not helping my shoulder- dogs just don't understand!:explode:
    Ghanie- sending good thoughts across the USA to your hubby.
    Drevan- can you send the maid fairy to me as well?
    Angel and Casey- thanks for always being a great source of inspiration- you both work so much but still get in those workouts!
    Nightie nite!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday Jammers! Finally, it's here...seemed to take forever!

    I have been struggling the last few days with getting up in the AM to workout, so I've had to squeeze what I can into the evenings (not much time left after the kiddos go to bed !). I did some Shaun T. Hips Buns and Thighs last night and then Turbo Sculpt this morning. Hoping to get some cardio in tonight, but probably won't happen. We're ripping out our carpet tonight so my brother and hubby can put new floors in our main level tomorrow! Lots of work, but will be nice when it's done!

    Hope you all have an awesome Friday!:happy:
  • Hey jammers!
    Thanks to all of you for your kind words...it really means a lot to me:) I've been struggling with my stomach again for the past day or two. I had to tone down the am run this am to take it easy on my body..but it was nice to get outside on a beautiful morning and get some movement. Jason was there for me though when I needed him and we sat down last night to discuss my colonoscopy and decided it can't wait. So will go in as of now on Oct 12. REAL excited for that:laugh:
    Erika: I hear ya darlin! I so wish I was a hip hop girl..but Shaun T def ain't bad to look at:wink:
    Erica: Good for you to keep active in spite of an injury..that's a true athlete right there! It can be SO frustrating to not feel good and be stressed about work..I think it's wonderful you are continuing to push through!
    Angel: Way to rock it out girl..good for you! BTW..they have online pedometers that allow you to map your route and then you can tell mileage! Free too:) I have an email at home with the link..so if you can't find it send me an email at ccfett@hotmail.com and I'll pass along. Other option..if your bike has a pedometer you can mark the route that way too:)
    Ghanie: I am sending good wishes your way..my sister just found a job so I bet your luck is next! How was Extreme abs? I think that one is a killer!
    Drevans: Well we all started out just the way you did...I wished I knew more runners to help me along when I started! And you show your husband...you'll be kickin his buttocks before long! I SO agree with that bumper sticker...hmmm where would I get one?:) And even though I LOVE to clean..I don't have much time lately..so send the maid fairy my way too:laugh:
    Peace out team...
  • bump for later :wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning Everyone

    I got my 3 miles in again. It seems to be getting easier...I shouldn't say that I'll probably jinx myself. Maybe it's because I have a friend that is riding along with me. She just had a baby the end of July so right now she just bikes along side me. It's nice to have someone to chat with, makes it go by quickly but I miss my tunes!!! :)

    Ghanie-best of luck to your hubby. Job market is tough. I've been jobless for almost a year and a half. Hope he gets it!!

    Angel- I hear ya on the lee way in calories. I like to leave about 100 just for human error.

    Erica-Injuries can really be motivation killers. Great job on getting out there and burnin some calories. The maid fairy didn't find her way to my house but the nap fairy found my daughter so I got my cleaning done :laugh:

    Erika-I know how hard it can be to find time to workout when your chasin kids around. Just remember something is better than nothing!! It may not be the big workout you wanted it to be but be proud of yourself for getting a workout in amongst a crazy busy day!

    Casey-sorry to hear of your tummy troubles. Hope that it doesn't give you too much trouble between now and your appointment. Great job on getting a workout in even though you didn't feel well.

    Well I'm thinkin it's gonna be a pretty lazy day from here on out. I do need to wash the bedding, but I got most of the household chores done yesterday. And a bonus I don't have to cook tonight. We are going out to dinner for a friends birthday!!!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok it looks like I'm gonna stay on 15-hour work days for the next 2 weeks. So my main priority will be all the Push workouts. I'm not too worried about the lack of cardio since a lot of my duties during the afternoon shift have me huffing and sweating up a storm (it's a huge 5-bedroom house and I'm running all around it, not to mention helping with her physical therapy).

    Hubby just ran off to his interview. He's resorted to asking for 10k less than what he got at his last job so hopefully that helps.

    Anyway, I didn't get in Extreme Abs yesterday but I'm going to go ahead and do that today.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! Still getting my workouts in but have been bad about posting. I will try to remember to do so after tonight's workout.

    I am now juggling Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs! It is giving me some fun variety for my cardio workouts. I'm still doing the CE program as well.

    Erica-I hope you feel better soon.

    Ghanie-Good luck to your husband! I will keep my fingers crossed for your family!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Friday Jammers! I am feeling pretty good today, I hope you all are as well!
    So this afternoon I got my Burn It Off and Recharge in, and I just got back from my longer run^_^ It was a bit chilly, it seems the temp has dropped ALOT here...:grumble: .....here comes Fall!
    It feels so good to just be ACTIVE and not a lump indoors! haha! I am glad I have tomorrow and Sunday off- but bummed because my usually Monday off got ca-bashed- I have to work 11 hours shifts all next week..ugh...I am going to stay determined though and get all my scheduled workouts in!:glasses: -And burn it up this weekend while I can! haha!
    Casey-I hope you are feeling better today girl, and thanks for all the great tips!
    Ghanie-Hope your hubby's interview went well-let us know!!!:drinker: And good luck with the hectic work week-but we all know YOU CAN DO IT:bigsmile:
    Spiralgirl-Great job with the workouts! Keep it up girl!
    Drevansmom-Enjoy your dinner out:tongue: It's been awhile since I've been out to eat...I think I'm a little scared...I like knowing exactly how to track my food on MFP and I guess estimating just--eeps I don't know!
    Well, I'm anxious to see how everyone else has been doing! I'll check back later!
  • Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the kind words. Yesterday was a bad day at work again- it's hard to do surgery when the anesthesia machine breaks and instead of just seeing yorkies (like normal) I had a 90lb lab and a 70 lb golden. Needless to say my shoulder is screaming :explode: and I'm glad I have the next 2 days off to recover! :wink: Going to try to run today between studying- my goal is to run for 20 consecutive minutes and then break up 40 minutes with walking 5/running 5 (I should probably say jogging b/c I'm a slow poke!)

    Casey- I hope you have some good days coming up. Can you email me those links at ecrb77@yahoo.com about the mileage?
    Angel- you're a beast- thanks for being a good motivator.
    Ghanie- good luck with your 15 hour days. Hope your husband hears good news soon.
    Drevans- 3 miles is awesome! Way to go!
    Spiralgirl- it's great to hear how much you're getting done!

    Have a great day everyone!:wink:
  • fitnesspal456
    fitnesspal456 Posts: 5 Member
    Would like to order Turbo Jam...to do on my cardio days or on a strength training day when I am not in the mood for the gym. does it really work?
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers!
    It was a pretty lax day for me today, I decided not to go for my AM run...instead rocked out with my mom and did TJ FB! I hadn't done that one in awhile, so it was nice:tongue: After breakfast I headed out for a bikeride...another thing I haven't done in awhile..haha! I finished up allll the lagging things that I can never finish from the week (pay bills, clean up, etc) and finally ended up doing about an hour of pilates mid-afternoon, and later evening completing a TJ 20-minute! I felt good, but for some reason I feel like I did not accomplish that much today:ohwell: ..maybe because my calorie burn was lower today...but I shouldn't be bummed I was still very active! I think I was just feeling under the weather today, kinda exhausted and in need of a lower day..I also feel like I maybe shouldn't have eaten so much today:laugh: ..but I am still left with about 100 cals, negative 3 carbs and a few proteins...I guess going over by a little is ok? I hate feeling nerved when my numbers are red! lol! how stupid......:blushing:
    Anyways, I hope to get my butt up and out the door for my run tomorrow AM, then an afternoon with Push1 and probably some other exercises:smile:
    Oh, I had a question about resting calorie burn-should I be subtracting from my exercise cals that my HRM says I burned?? I usually have been leaving around 100 cals at the end of the day to accommodate, but I heard somewhere to subtract about 80 cals per hour exercised...:huh:
    Erica- I am really sorry to hear about your shoulder still! I HEAR ya bout the yorkies!:laugh: There's nothing quite like lugging 90lbs dead weight onto the sx table..lol! Be safe, be careful girl! And rest!
    Fitnesspal-YES TurboJam works! I've been doing Chalene's workouts since January and I still can't get enough:smooched: I have (and several others on here) started the ChaLean Extreme program which is her circuit training program lifting heavy weights, but for the cardio you want-TurboJam baby!:laugh:
  • Morning jammers!
    We are having beautiful weather here in Iowa..all weekend and this week so far! I love it I love it I love it! And Iowa beat ISU..yeah! I worked at the Y Sat am..did some walking that day and a little turbo jam (my rest day). Yesterday I rocked out a 12.5 mile run! Then I proceeded to clean like there was no tomorrow!
    This am I did CE Burn It Off and a treadmill incline walk. Later is getting extreme with weights! Still working on the stomach..but hopefully I am on my way to recovery..hopefully this last ditch experiment works or colonoscopy for me:sad:
    Lilangel: I usually just use the cals for my workout (don't include cooldown)..as even after your workout is over your heart rate stays higher..you can take it down a little..but you just have to use good judgement. As far as cals...if you are trying to stay even steven just stay near your cals...if you gain weight for some reason then you can worry!
    Fitnesspal: If you enjoy that type of thing then yes it works. She does kickboxing/dance in her workouts and it comes with cardio, core, and strength workouts..and has an instructiional part to teach you how to do it. It's fun...if you enjoy it! I have a lot of home workouts from that same company and love them as I am so busy I don't have time for gym..and they give you the motivational tools and nutrition too. Be sure to buy through a coach so they can help you and I think shipping is cheaper too (coaches are free).
    Erica: Thanks doll! I don't have my hotmail access at work..so shoot me a note to ccfett@hotmail.com and I'll send that on! I used it just yesterday!
    Spiral: You rock it out girl..look how far you've come!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning Everyone,
    I haven't fallen off the planet but I haven't been as careful as I need to be with the food for the last month or so, and It shows. No weight loss... no gain either but no loss which is the goal. I stopped logging my food for like 3 weeks!! MFP even sent me a couple of emails(that's a first!) Trying to find my mojo again - the exercise is still a priority and I haven't stopped the w/o's but I want to get the eating clean back on track again and I (once again!) realize I can't do that without your help. Seems like it's so easy to make an allowance here and there - then all of a sudden i turn around and i'm just not as careful as i used to be.
    Anyway - enough of the whining:laugh: , I've logged my food for the day and i'm sticking to it. DH got us a membership to the gym in our subdivision (i am so not a gym person but i'm trying to be open minded:wink: ) and we went last night for the first time together! He has come on board with the fitness quest so we've been run/ walking together on the weekends. How cool is that!! A big positive change for our family.
    I did 20 min of stationary bike at a pretty vigirous level and i amde it through 10 minutes on the ellipital machine (ouch!) plus goofed around with some of the weight machines for a while. We we're there for a bout an hour and I was drenched with sweat - have no idea how to calculate the burn but I do feel it today in my glutes/ hamstrings
    Planning on some TJ after work and probably back to the gym w/ DH tonight.. we'll see.

    Signining off for now :heart: :smile: ,
    (recommitted) Janet
  • Hello Jammers!!!
    I'm having bad pain with my fibro right now so I'm trying to ease into TJ again. I wanted to start with the Cardio Party, but I don't think that's going to happen. I have to start with the 20 min learn and burn then I can move up. I'm still thinking about ordering the Chalean Extreme for lifting but I don't know since I just joined a gym i can really get my lifting in there. I'll see.

    Everyone have a great day!!!!
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