crumbtinies Member


  • I too have fallen numerous times, and therefore I do try really hard to pay attention to my surroundings, especially on sidewalks. But like a few others here, I tend to trip and fall when I am tired. I certainly don't pick up my feet enough (I have perfected the marathon shuffle o.O) and the fatigue also diminishes my…
  • Sometimes when I visit my parents, my dad will literally go through the entire contents of their fridge and pantry listing for me all the food they have and telling me I am welcome to eat any of it. But it doesn't bother me because I know he's doing it because he loves me and is happy I'm there. If I walked in the door and…
  • I took my job at a candy store because at the time, it was the only job I could find. Better to be around temptation all day than to be unemployed. If she likes her job, which she sounds like she does, or even if it's just her only option right now, don't you think trying to come up with strategies to make it work is a…
  • I hear you. I had a very similar sounding job about 10 years ago. Worked in a small locally owned candy shop in the evenings, mostly just me and maybe one other person. Friendly customers. We were encouraged to eat as much of the bulk chocolates as we wanted, that way we could answer customer questions intelligently, or…
  • I think you just answered your question. I know you feel like you've been at it forever, and that you've been consistent, but between the 3 month hiatus, not having more than 10 days in a row of consistent logging data, and your guestimate weekends, you haven't actually been consistent at all. That nine pound loss in a…
  • I don't think you are wrong to worry that a high deficit can negatively impact your lifting progress, but it is possible to continue making strength gains while at a deficit, at least for a while. I think some of the other posters suggested a smaller deficit. That way you are still losing, even if it's slowly, but you…
  • If you want to lose fat, eat at a deficit and continue to lift (to try and preserve the muscle you already have); if you want to build muscle mass eat at a surplus. As a previous poster already said, it is really hard to gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time, so you may have to choose which is more important to…
  • To open your diary go to "food" -->"settings" -->"diary sharing" and change that to public.
  • I'm pretty sure the streak just refers to the number of days in a row you've logged into the site (I don't think you even have to log food for it to count, just be on the site in general). While I do know people use this feature for motivation, you know you've been doing well, so I wouldn't let the number bother you too…
  • I read this book over the holidays and found it both fascinating and endlessly helpful. I happily managed to keep up my routine and actually lost a few pounds over Christmas/New Year's. I find that rewards do not work for me either. In fact, planning a reward for myself, no matter how big or small, is pretty much equal to…
  • This, so many times. Pictures can do strange things, depending on lighting and angles. Mirrors can also be skewed (although sometimes in a good way ;) Go by how you feel. You were feeling great about yourself before those pictures, don't let weird lighting and angles take that away from you.
  • I drink a ton of tea. I don't think it really helps me lose weight, other than the fact that it keeps me from drinking sugar filled hot chocolate when I'm craving a warm beverage (I don't like coffee). My favorite kind at the moment is "tropical green tea" from Harney and Sons. It's green tea with pineapple and it is super…
  • At my office Christmas party this past December I was helping myself to the desert table and I had just put a big piece of cake on my plate when a colleague said really loudly in front of a bunch of other people "careful, that's going to make you fat." I cannot for the life of me figure out why she said that. I'm not…
  • I have a flex and I love it!! There are several fitbit groups on here, if you search under groups, but here's one that seems to have a lot of the info you are looking for
  • I agree, don't give up, don't worry about daily weight fluctuations, and make sure you are as accurate as possible. I just wanted to add re: Insanity...I don't know if you've read other people's experiences with Insanity, but a lot of people who do it (myself included when I did it last summer) don't see a whole lot of…
  • I don't have my fitbit synced to MFP, but from what I've read on the forums (and played around with on my own) there is a setting on fitbit that uses your past activity history to estimate your calories burned for the day. If the actual amount is different from this estimate, it will fluctuate at the end of the day as…
  • Quinoa with apple, raisins, cinnamon and slivered almonds is my go to breakfast!
  • I would not give up strength training entirely. This is purely anecdotal on my part, but I've run eight full marathons in the last six years and whenever I trained by simply running, I always ended up with an injury. Continuing your strength training will make you a better runner and can help prevent injuries from the high…
  • I struggle with this same thing sometimes. I know everything that I need to do, I just have trouble doing it. What finally worked for me is to NOT start with every single thing I need to do. I began by picking just one thing out of the pile and working on that until it became habit. Then I choose something else. It was…
  • I had one of the Nike GPS watches back when they first came out (which was maybe summer of 2011?) So take my experience with a grain of salt, as they may have fixed the bugs present in the first generation watch since nike watch worked great for about a month, I absolutely loved it. Love how simple it was to use,…
  • This, right here is what I struggle with sometimes...this whole post is something I think I will need to revisit a few times. Thank you!
  • Oh man do I have experience with this. My dad lives a very unhealthy lifestyle. He takes numerous medications daily for things like cholesterol and blood pressure. He has had heart stints put in and even wears a nitro patch for his heart. He is pre-diabetic and has gout. And he always feels like crap. To make it worse, he…
  • *Please take everything I am about to say with the metaphorical grain of salt. I am not a nutritionist and do not claim to actually know what I am talking about on any more than a purely anecdotal level. I am simply trying to offer some advice and encouragement. Ask ten different people and you will find ten different…
  • Telling myself I'll start tomorrow is something I REALLY struggle with. In fact, my weight loss/fitness goals have basically been put on hold for three years because of this. Three years is a lot of tomorrows. I've done all the basic things like hang up motivational pictures and quotes, making a list of my goals and the…
  • Sex: F Age: 32 Weight: 123 Height: 5' 3" How many calories you NET per day: 1900-2000 How many times per week you exercise w/ minutes: running 4 x 1-2 hours; weights 3 x 45 min; yoga 2 x 1 hour
  • I find that paying attention to my breathing helps. If I always exhale when my right foot hits the ground, I usually end up with a stitch in my right side. So I breathe in a pattern, I inhale for three footfalls and exhale for two footfalls. This makes it so that my exhales alternate feet. If I get a side stitch anyway, I…
  • I joined MFP a little over a week ago. I am 5'3 and was given the standard 1200 calories a day. I was nursing a running injury so did not have any exercise calories to eat back. I lasted a day and a half before I ate an entire box of cookies and realized 1200 calories was not going to work. I found the eat more to weigh…