Remove Consistency from Food Dairy

I just got home from being in the hospital for 3 days for knee replacement surgery. While there, I followed by diet to a T. Now when I sign in it says I'm on a 1-day streak. That's very discouraging and I really don't want to see that. I don't understand the value of it. Does anyone know how to remove it?


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You could email tech support and ask but sticking to the plan is far more important than the streak.
  • crumbtinies
    crumbtinies Posts: 29 Member
    I'm pretty sure the streak just refers to the number of days in a row you've logged into the site (I don't think you even have to log food for it to count, just be on the site in general). While I do know people use this feature for motivation, you know you've been doing well, so I wouldn't let the number bother you too much. Just keep moving forward.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm pretty sure the streak just refers to the number of days in a row you've logged into the site (I don't think you even have to log food for it to count, just be on the site in general). While I do know people use this feature for motivation, you know you've been doing well, so I wouldn't let the number bother you too much. Just keep moving forward.

    this you just need to hit the home page to keep your streak...

    My current streak is 90days...prior to that it was a lot longer...and again prior to that longer...

    My 1 year anniversary is June 17th...I have logged everyday (except while in DR in Feb) even if it was after the fact due to being at the cottage with no internet access..

    It's more about you following your goals than the streak of signing in.