

  • Not to say that crash diets are good, because they are not. But you are getting advice that to lose weight you need to up your calorie intake. This contradicts the laws of physics... EDIT: I know what people are trying to say by the way, I just think it's the wrong way of saying it. Like if you have a full tank of fuel in…
  • Brother 1XL would still be overweight unless you are full of muscles, so you still arn't seeing that flat stomach and flabby arm because it is still there (only much smaller than what it used to be). I hope you did a 'before' pic- this is awesome motivation and you can totally see how much has gone.
  • When you start seeing progress it is the most awesome of motivation, it's those initial first few weeks that are hard when the weight doesn't magically fall off the way we all wish it would ("I have been so good for two weeks and the scales say I have only lost 2lb! I'm going on a binge and giving up!") . If you start now…
  • What did I see above, someone saying that if you locked a 400 lb man in a room for a year he wouldn't come out slim? If it were possible of course he would! He might look terrible (and kinda dead) but if he had been supplied with water he would have died a much slimmer man. No one seen what animals look like after they…
  • You know for an overweight person, rather than a morbidly obese person, unless you start some harsh trials for your body such as heart attack diets and fasting (certainly not for everybody), the weight isn't going to drop off dramatically. If you're only around 30-40lbs over it could take months and months. For the 400…
  • by the way hun, you did so well in your first 3 that your weightloss is slowing down- its natural. It cant go on at that pace forever. You can see your body toning up, personally I dont think you're doing anything wrong
  • You are doing well, this excersise is making you very healthy.
  • Do a day a week of close-to-fasting, or two days of 600 calories. You will see the needle do a big jump. Alternate day fasting is the in diet right now and it is working for me. Look it up- people are turning their back on the starvation mode idea. And I've been a useless fat whale for 7 years trying most diets. Also my…
  • You should try the alternate day fasting diet, you can eat whatever you want as long as you hardly eat anything a few days a week. It makes you look forward to the on days and really enjoy a good hearty meal. It only works for dedicated people though- if you feel ill by not eating more than 500 cals in a day for example it…
  • Hey folks fatman here again... A fatman has less of a problem than a fat lady. That problem is other men. Men will holla and cackle from their car windows at a chubby girl running along the road. And if shes fit and lithe they will holla like wild dogs. I wouldn't jog down busy streets if I was a lady due to these reasons.
  • Hi folks fatman here again... The fact that I am losing motivates me more, losing 20lbs is amazing, how come such an acheivment wasn't on your mind when you reached for the cake or the bun? You must have been doing so well for a number of months, and then started to disregard what you had done and fell into your old ways.…
  • hey folks fatman here again... my answer is... to get more confidence- in a previous job when I was slimmer I remember bounding around the place like an energetic bunny rabbit. At the mo I am an eclastical frog. Also so that family and people at work talk about me (vain but true)
  • If I knew I was going out for a meal of some kind that could be calorific, I'd spend 2-3 days beforehand eating a good deal under my calorie goal (so enough to make me full but stringently NO treats), eat what I want on the day, then spend another day afterwards way under my goal... Then weight myself... and I bet you…
    in mcdonalds. Comment by Pentdad July 2012
  • Hey folks fatman here again... I think people should ruminate on the choices... To be huge, unhealthy, and obese with no loose skin. Or to be slim, healthy, feeling great, with loose skin. Everything you can do in life has positives and negatives, you just have to use logic to determine the ratio. For example, I could go…
  • yeah susan I agree with that- people want to lose 2 stone in a month rather than a pound a week, so they give up. Probably because so much else in life is quite easy and done for us these days.
  • Anyone else for fatman to get to know?
  • hi folks fatman here again. I suggest eating a ton of food, go completely overboard and enjoy it. Then the day after eat hardly anything. This is the price one pays. The next day weigh yourself. There should hardly be a difference.
  • Hi folks fatman here again. I would have thought losing all that weight and looking great would have upped your confidence and thus made you try more things in life and hence move away from depression? I have found that fatness and depression is a vicious cycle, one eats because it is so tasty and the best thing in our…