Too shy to run...



  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    i think you just gotta have a "i don't care" attitude! i wouldn't run outside but i do at the gym. i ignore everyone around me.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member

    That's what you keep in mind when you start running.

    Love the picture! Think I'm going to print this off along with the blog post and the not stopping picture and create a motivational scrap page to turn to if I feel like stopping.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I used to feel the same way when I first started running and what made it worse for me was I went to the gym with co-workers that have been running for years and here I was 300 pounds, trying to run beside them at a 5.0 pace and was only lasting maybe 2 minutes if I was lucky. Finally one of my co-workers noticed I had stopped running and asked why, I told her I was embarrased running next to them.
    She told me that, I am doing this for myself no one else and that I shouldn't care what other people thought. She told me about the
    Couch 2 5 K progam and it helped tremendously. Just recently she told me how great I was doing! It feels amazing!
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    I felt the exact same way before I first started running. One day I just decided to do it, music on/world off and just run. You will notice no one is going to pay attention to you really. Go do it! :wink:
  • I know how you feel OP!

    I think people will be looking at me too :-/ and I dont like it.
  • betsyb27
    betsyb27 Posts: 2
    Any time Is see ANYONE running I say "go Girl!" or "Go Mr!" Start with interval training....walk 2 minutes, run hard 30 seconds, walk 2 minutes, run hard 1 minute. ALternate until you go for about 20 minutes....and fine tune the pace to what you are able to comfortably do. There is a great APP for the iphone which is free...from couch to 5k. Even if it is not your goal, it's a great guide.
    Good luck!!! JUST DO IT!!! Wear shades and a baseball cap for that incognito feel :D
  • FitnFabMichelle
    FitnFabMichelle Posts: 161 Member
    I'm back and wow o.O I didn't expect quit so many responses but thank you.

    I'm not going to lie, I didn't run 1000 miles, but I did enough to gain some confidence. I managed 7 minutes then walked for 2, then 5 and walked for 2 then ran for 4 and saw a group of teens and decided to head on back XD But it's not about the distance or time today, it was just proving to myself I could do it and guess what?? I think I CAN! I put my headphones on and listened to some upbeat tunes, every time I got near somebody I just lifted my ipod out and acted like I was changing the song. I just ignored everybody and acted like I was in the zone. It will still take guts again next time, but I need to just keep trying what I am doing till I am confident.

    Now I will read all of your many responses and again thank you =)

    *edit make that after I've had a shower, even the dogs running away from me right now -_-

    GREAT JOB!! :)
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I'm going to hate myself for this tomorrow but I have set my alarm for 6.30am and have placed it right at the top of my wardrobe so I will need a little step to get it which I am putting downstairs and it's set to go off every 5 minutes if I don't get it (I find it really hard to do early mornings) so that should wake me up to get going.
  • Google running clubs in your area and join one. Runners love to recruit other runners and share tips and knowledge. Many running clubs offer the Couch to 5K program throughout the year so you can meet other new runners and get motivation and training from seasoned runners. Plus then you'll have new friends to run with outside of club activities. Other runners will not judge you. We were all new runners at one point. And if somebody is going to judge you from their car or kitchen window, who cares. At least you have the guts to get out there and run. I saw a quote on Facebook a few weeks back that said "You don't have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great." So lace up your running shoes and head out on the road. Good luck!
  • krisleve
    krisleve Posts: 7
    i use the outside track at the local high school (it's literally a 4 minute walk from my house). It's free and it's easy to keep track of the miles that i run/walk. If i go early enough in the morning, there is nobody there. I started slow and now i'm up to 3 miles! I never thought i would have said that 3 months ago!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Get over it. No body is looking at you and if they are who cares? Start by walking and then add some running. Alternate running with walking.
  • squidgely
    squidgely Posts: 29 Member
    I understand, I feel the same. I wear my headphones and the music right up. I run on streets and roads so I have to pass a lot of people, some I can tell are commenting but I can't hear them so I block it out! Could they run 4 miles straight no stopping? Err, no! Today a southern electric van passed me and they stared in a really obvious I-want-to-make-you-uncomfortable kind of way . I'd be lying if I said it didn't affect me, but I really want to do this so I have to ignore it!
    Listen to music, look at the road ahead and ignore everyone. You'll get there.
  • Ok, I admit, when people are running on my road, I LOOK. And I look hard....because it should be ME having the guts to get out and run like them, but I don't. I don't have mean thoughts in my head about them....only about me for not doing it!

    Don't be afraid, strap on some shoes and go for it!!! :drinker:
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    I really want to start running but I think getting over my shyness is going to be difficult. I would rather run outside than at the gym since a) It's free and b) scenery and several other reasons. Yet as I have said I have been putting it off because I am too shy! Running with a friend isn't possible since they don't enjoy it and I don't have a car to drive to the middle of nowhere and do it. I'm paranoid people will look at me. It's been a long time since I ran and I doubt I could do 2 minutes now without needing a break and I'm nervous of being judged as weak and unfit.

    I know all runners out there started somewhere, and hoping someone can advise me how they got over being shy and just got up, out and did it. Any advice for just not caring what others think?

    You're doing this for you, not them - get your butt out and get some fresh air - you'll love it! And you don't have to start off running, no need to hurt yourself. Start at a pace that's comfortable for you, get your heart rate up then work up to a fast paced walk (power walk) then if and when you're ready, a light jog. Do this several times before running so you build up your endurance :)
  • TOPsRocks
    TOPsRocks Posts: 15 Member
    I am working my way up from walking to sprints intervals with a goal to participate in a 5K walk/ run in Sept. Today I saw people looking at me when I was running. My first thought was they were thinking, "Look @ that fat lady! Sure looks stupid trying to run. Hahaha." I just turned off the negative dialogue running thru my head & replaced it. . .

    I am doing this FOR ME. I deserve all the healthy benefits I am getting. I am strong. I run faster & longer every time. I am SO worth this. This is for me . . .

    Then I turned my head so I would not see the stupid people looking at me.

    Just do it~ No more excuses! :smile: That is what I tell myself.
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    Here's my advice (and I'm too ADD to read through all the other replies, so someone might have already said this). Don't let anyone else dictate what you're going to do. Live your life for YOU. Do you want to run? Then run. Are you doing it for someone else? Then forget it. Guaranteed, if other runners do see you, all they're thinking is "Good for her. I wish I was running right now." Don't live your life in fear of what others think - it's too short, and your health is more important!
  • Pentdad
    Pentdad Posts: 23
    Hey folks fatman here again...

    A fatman has less of a problem than a fat lady. That problem is other men.

    Men will holla and cackle from their car windows at a chubby girl running along the road.

    And if shes fit and lithe they will holla like wild dogs.

    I wouldn't jog down busy streets if I was a lady due to these reasons.
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    Just do it! I used to feel that way & then decided I really didn't care what anyone thought I was doing it for myself! Now when I see someone who is a little out of shape & out walking or running I think.....good for them and it makes me want to get out and do it! You will feel so much better once you do.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    I agree, just do it! Start in local neighborhoods, work your way up to major streets, or just jump in and run right by the mall! Smile knowing your improving yourself, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks! I realized it wasn't a big deal when I saw other runners, overweight etc, and I just thought "good for them!"
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I should point out my shyness is not a weight related issue. I use to be a lot bigger than this and I feel good in myself for the weight I have lost, especially since working out and toning, I've gone from a UK 16 to a UK 10 and I am proud. I know I have a way to go, but I'm starting to be happy with my shape.

    It's just more the judging for being unfit. I've never been able to run 30 minutes before, but I still use to have better stamina than this before I was sick (I use to run at the gym) and feel like I have just gone back to stage 1. I've had a serious issue with bullying in the past and it has really knocked me down my self esteem and I just picture being laughed at for being breathless and stopping etc. Childish I know, but it's something I am really going to work on beating. Have the alarm set for tomorrow fmorning at 6.30am to get out and have a run, failing that a good workout.