I'm going way over today....

Today is my birthday and I'm going to end up being way over...waaaayyyyy over. I've been at a platue for weeks and I'm hoping that maybe I'll get lucky and when I get back on track tomorrow I'll break through it. :) Hey a girl can dream right? Do you guys ever go over a lot for something like this?


  • drgooch
    drgooch Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Birthday!! And don't worry about it! Tomorrow is a new day!! Sometimes you just gotta let it go.
  • Jeebs71
    Jeebs71 Posts: 41
    I had a bad day yesterday and went waaaaaaay over!! Been trying to be good today tho!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :drinker:

    my birthday is coming up soon and I told myself I have to be good until my birthday, then it is my special day and I am to have what I wish to have!:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Everyone has days when they go over. Tomorrow is another day and another day to make the better choices. Just make sure you don't have too many days that you'd rather forget.

    Just go out and enjoy your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  • Giniac
    Giniac Posts: 36 Member
    It's fine to have a cheat day every once in a while :)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    call it "zig-zagging".

    instant validation. :)

    oh and happy birthday.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    Everyone and I mean everyone has a day now and then that they just let go and enjoy. This is your day - celebrate, then get back on track the day after!
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member

    If they go over for a day, is it possible that they might actually break the plateau? Isn't that what calorie cycling is about?
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Happy Birthday and I do it all the time! Every time I go out to dinner or get drinks with my friends. Tomorrows a new day and you can refocus then. Just relax and enjoy.
  • cara4art
    cara4art Posts: 48 Member
    A cheat day is FINE! In fact, for some people it can get weight loss going again, if one is sticking to their diet the rest of the week, because it gives one a metabolic boost.
    With the holiday and all, I'm willing to bet that a LOT of people will be taking a cheat day or 2 LOL! Sometimes one has to have a day where one simply enjoys the company and the food. It all works out and there's always tomorrow or the day after to hop back on:)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    happy birthday!!!! :flowerforyou: on my birthday, i had way too much cookie cake, and enjoyed a lot of stuff. the scale showed a small gain, and within a couple of days, it went back down to where it was. enjoy yourself!!!
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Don't feel bad for it. My birthday was the 30th and I went way over with the margaritas and mexican food. Just pick back up tomorrow and you'll be fine!

    Happy birthday, btw.
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Happy Birthday! IMHO, if you plan it, log it, and are happy with the decision, then enjoy it! It's all about you living your life! Cheers.
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    call it "zig-zagging".

    instant validation. :)

    oh and happy birthday.

    Perfectly said!!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Happy birthday!!!:flowerforyou: Enjoy!!!
  • It's your birthday! Celebrate!

    Don't feel bad about going way over your target once in a while. Everyone does it. A lot of people even have Sunday as their designated 'cheat day' :D
    Just make sure to get back on track afterwards, making smart, healthy choices.
  • Pentdad
    Pentdad Posts: 23
    hi folks fatman here again.

    I suggest eating a ton of food, go completely overboard and enjoy it. Then the day after eat hardly anything. This is the price one pays. The next day weigh yourself. There should hardly be a difference.
  • hi folks fatman here again.

    I suggest eating a ton of food, go completely overboard and enjoy it. Then the day after eat hardly anything. This is the price one pays. The next day weigh yourself. There should hardly be a difference.

    No... Don't starve yourself. If you go way over one day, try to balance that out over a whole week. So for instance, if you ate 600 calories over one day, try to eat 100 calories under for the rest of the week.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Birthday and just wake up tomorrow after your sugar and calorie coma and go for a nice walk :)
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    mine was yesterday. I ate lightly until dinner and then enjoyed grilled pork loin, potato salad, bake beans, cheese rolls, broccoli salad and homemade citrus cheesecake. I ate small portions and enjoyed the cheesecake, I understand where you are coming from......I haven't eaten any refined sugar for a month. The leftover cheesecake is still in the fridge, and so far today it hasn't called my name. I know life and occasions will happen. If I am careful most of the time, I can enjoy a celebration occasionally. I logged everything......I was over by less than 300 calories.:wink: