Diet Backsliding



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Most of us have backslides and the ones that don't... well, they're liars.

    The ones that don't are the ones hell bent on a mission. Take a good look at my diary if need be... not one backslide there at all in closer to 8 months now. I'm no liar, just strong enough to make no excuse.
  • Pentdad
    Pentdad Posts: 23
    You should try the alternate day fasting diet, you can eat whatever you want as long as you hardly eat anything a few days a week. It makes you look forward to the on days and really enjoy a good hearty meal. It only works for dedicated people though- if you feel ill by not eating more than 500 cals in a day for example it isn't for you.
  • Spindrift2012
    Spindrift2012 Posts: 58 Member
    Logging can be very helpful but it can make you obsessive and worrying about it all too much. I work out what we are going to eat for the week (I have to do this anyway, because I have to go and buy the food for the family). I find recipes that are within my calorie goal and plan which day to eat them. There are loads of normal meals within mine so its not like I have to find special diet foods to make it work. It takes about 15 minutes to do this. Then I don't have to worry or think about it anymore after that as its all worked out. If you give yourself a goal like that then you know its done and its achievable.

    You are starting to feel like rubbish now because its getting darker and colder. One of my friends suffered from SAD and found an ultra violet lamp very helpful so you could try that if you haven't already.

    Whatever you feel like, spring will turn up eventually. If you're struggling remember that its OK to maintain for a while too and then you can focus on it when you're feeling better. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't all happen at once.
  • 60x60
    60x60 Posts: 75 Member
    Bump. Will try to respond later.
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Look at your other goals.... not just weight goals. What will it take to accomplish those goals? It will take a healthy person.. who can climb up the stairs..... bend down to pick up a piece of paper.... and walk a mile...... If you can't do that... get back on track... because the Other goals are beckoning you..... We focus a lot on the weight and the logging, but the truth is.. you are carving a path to other ..... earning money for food, clothing, shelter,.......... tuition for school...... insurance for health..... It's not just about how much you weigh..... it's about how much fat you want around your heart while you're trying to take on the world..... oh , and by the way..... i know i'm older..... and I'm still trying to lose weight......... not pretty...... so..get back on track... and if you need counseling or have to buy the lamp that SAD folks use to fight the depression...... get it... do it... Best wishes. I know it is not easy.....
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I don't know what to do. I just can't put up with logging anymore since this weekend, and I want to eat whatever I want. I know I shouldn't, but I have been since this weekend. I don't want to reverse all the work I've done, but this constant counting and figuring out what will fit into my diet, instead of what I want to eat, seems so TEDIOUS at times.

    I've also completely lost the feeling for all the reasons I started this. The reasons are still there, but I think the sudden winter cold snap has slapped me into my usual SAD. I bought mostly healthy groceries, but have binged on frozen yogurt, IHOP, a steak sandwich from a fast food place over the course of the past four days. Can anyone help me? Say some words, help get me through this? Look, I know I don't want diabetes and heart disease. I know I don't want it to be hard to f'ing climb stairs. There has to be some kind of profound thought out there that isn't a cliche. If you have something like, remotely different from listing the USUAL reasons I should keep going, then I would like to hear that.

    In the meantime, I will be taking a bunch of b vitamins.

    I suffer from depression too, all year long on and off, but it sucks during the colder months. I feel like you need something fun to look forward to. I know how depression drains your motivation and energy levels. You already know the quickest fix for that is a workout. Imagine all of those marvelous endorphins! Is there any activity you enjoy doing? For me it was a few things. I took a water aerobics class and had fun. I've done Zumba, and I love dancing. I love running too. I don't really do any exercise that I don't enjoy because then I won't do it. I feel like maybe if you focus on getting your activity in first, the eating will fall in line. I can only speak for myself, but as long as I'm working out, I don't really want to eat a lot of crap. :)

  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    If anyone has had SAD, then you know what she's talking about! I'm with you sista-but this is what I do. Get a full spectrum light box, and use it every day, from now until April. It really does help-it takes a while, but you have to be consistent. Keep exercising, and above all, don't beat yourself up. One day, or one minute at a time, and don't listen to the stupid remarks some posters say. Peace.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Sigh ............. I had one month of "perfection", but yesterday I had a very stressful afternoon of fighting with the computer and turned to food to soothe me. I saw exactly what I was doing and decided to do it anyway.

    One day; that's not too bad. Right?
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    Okay then.. Let me ask you blunt: Do you really want to meet your goal and be the most confident beautifull and strong girl ? Or do you just want to give up? Just like that? Well .. It's up to you to decide. :) i hope you choose the former, it will be totally worth it trust me! :flowersforyou: