BiggestLittlePurdy Member


  • @ZenCatGirl Oh gosh I’m up for some accountability and support. I’m pescatarian but primarily eat vegetarian so I struggle with keeping carbs under control! I have recent gained (in the last year) 35 pounds due to an injury, a move, a surgery, and now stress with a spouse who is going through chemo. It’s a lot. I’m trying…
  • Hello! Starting a round May 1st. Could use some whole 30 friends!!
  • Add me, looking for MFP friends to help keep me motivated!!
  • I totally relate. Staying consistent is my biggest hurdle. I would love more accountability partners!! Feel free to “friend me” and let me know how I can help you stay focused!!
  • I'm always looking for more MFP friends and community. Add me too! I need some help in the accountability dept.
  • I like using Greek yogurt as s mayo replacement.
  • i love quinoa. it's great for breakfast in place of oatmeal. add some ginger, dried fruit and soy/rice/cow milk and stevia or honey if you like things sweet. add to veggie soups to add protein. it is a great side with just about any protein, it also makes a great base for a veggie burger.
  • 1. What is your eye color? HAZLE 2. What is youre favorite season? SPRING 3. What is your favorite Holiday? HMMM 4TH OF JULY 4. Have you ever been arrested? NO 5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? DIET COKE AND DEODERANT 6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to…
  • have any body goal you want. ugh people telling you your goals are "silly" or whatever. Stick to cardio that will reduce fat all over your body, and do leg lifts and A LOT of them to strengthen the muscles. Your legs will get toned and healthy. whether there will ever be a gap is up to your body. I would suggest not…
  • remember you can't change what has already happened. just because you binged at lunch doesn't mean the day is shot. I know that if I don't have enough protein the binge is more likely to happen. I also know the feeling of anxiety that triggers my binges. Try to keep safe foods in the house. If I binge now it's on sugar…
  • so while cleaning the kitchen i knocked a glass of water off the counter....right onto my cat....oh man the look she shot me as she watched the water drip off her body was priceless!!! i love my critters, they always seem to cheer me up. hope your day gets better.
  • I have to say that water is HUGE for weight loss. Often your body will mask dehydration with hunger. The other trick is protein, I find that if I eat a lot of lean protein throughout the day I'm not nearly as likely to binge at night (night binging/emotional eating is my issue), and yogurt is a great way to get that and…
  • this would be a great way to prepare fish, and a nice light summer dish to boot. if you are just cooking for two i totally reccomend a george forman grill. it will make cooking fish so easy and…
  • if you have a george forman grill fish is awesome on it. super easy especially if you are cooking for one. i love to pair it with sauteed veggies or roasted veggies, and quite often a salad. I'm currently following the 17DD plan as well so no carbs at dinner for me. I just saw a wonderful recipe for blackened fish taco…
  • last year I lost a lot of weight (gained it back but that is a different story) and I remember reaching a point where the scale wasn't moving but i noticed my body was changing. Don't fret, just change up something. Maybe your workout needs a change or you need to mix up your diet to keep your body on it's toes. and…