Looking for an accountabili-buddy!

ZenCatGirl Posts: 3 Member
Hi everyone!

Looking for someone (aged 30+) to chat with once or twice a week to check-in for accountability. I am currently plateaued and looking to lose my last 10 pounds! I have lost 37 pounds since 2013 years MFP on and off. I have also been plant-based for over 15 years and alcohol-free for 2! I also do OMAD or fast 20:4 about 5 days a week.

My goals are currently to work out three times a week for at least 24 minutes and I’m looking for someone who is up for the challenge! I am starting off with a realistic goal-set so I do not fail and get discouraged. I was thinking that having a partner to check in with after workouts would hold me accountable and keep me inspired.

Message me if you think we have similar goals! I started yesterday!


  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @ZenCatGirl If you're still looking for someone as an accountability partner, I'd love to help each other out! I joined MFP back in 2018 and within several months of counting calories and working out I reached my goal weight. Life sorta got in the way and I deleted the app and I have since gained all my weight back and then some. I have been using the 16:8 intermittent fasting method but still break it here and there and not really any results. I decided I wanted to try OMAD. My birthday is the end of December and I'm looking to lose the weight back (around 40lbs). Please comment or message me if you'd like to help keep each other accountable!
  • BiggestLittlePurdy
    BiggestLittlePurdy Posts: 21 Member
    Oh gosh I’m up for some accountability and support. I’m pescatarian but primarily eat vegetarian so I struggle with keeping carbs under control! I have recent gained (in the last year) 35 pounds due to an injury, a move, a surgery, and now stress with a spouse who is going through chemo. It’s a lot. I’m trying to move daily and while I move the scale keeps moving up! Oof.