new member

Hello, I am new to this. I had a baby 3 yrs ago and have been trying ever since to lose the weight I gained after the baby was born along with the weight I gained with the baby. I have been walking on the treadmill 5 days a week, and have been trying to watch my intake of food, some times I don't even take in 1200 calories. I have not lost any weight and am so discouraged!!!!! I am 40 yrs old so I know this had alot to do with it. Any way I am looking for some advice and motivation. I have recently started doing some weight training along with the walking. maybe this will help.


  • gargisingh
    gargisingh Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Makeuplov,
    I know what this feels like. Though I have never been pregnant, yet I have been overweight for most of my life. In past I tried everything- I drastically cut my calories and tried to exercise, but it only left me a lot tired. I never lost weight that way.
    Now, I have been trying MFP for a while and one remarkable thing is that no matter what- I always try to eat in at least 1200 calories. MFP has been helping me and I hope it helps you too! All the best! It is difficult but you are totally worth it!
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    First thing first. You need to eat over 1200 calories, especially if you're working out on a daily basis. You're not even eating enough to fuel your body, much less to fuel it with excercise added in. Try eating the amount of calories that MPF tells you to for awhile. I'm a huge believer that workout equipment only give you an estimate of your calories burned, so I only eat back about half. Drink plenty of water and stick with it.
  • BiggestLittlePurdy
    BiggestLittlePurdy Posts: 21 Member
    I have to say that water is HUGE for weight loss. Often your body will mask dehydration with hunger. The other trick is protein, I find that if I eat a lot of lean protein throughout the day I'm not nearly as likely to binge at night (night binging/emotional eating is my issue), and yogurt is a great way to get that and not pack on the fat or calories. My other trick at night is to chew sugar free fruit gum while drinking water to "trick" my body into thinking it is getting a sweet filling dessert. it works 3 out of 5 times. but hey it's a start.

    Good luck to you!!! Don't starve yourself, and don't get down on yourself if you go over the calorie on MFP, it is EXTREMELY difficult to do and if your body feels like it is going into starvation mode you are likely not to lose any weight at all.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to MFP, You have found a great site here, and some great people to help you.

    I had my babies 12 years ago so i know how hard it is to shift the extra weight the longer you leave it, but trust me you can do it, 40 is just a number ;-), im just about to turn 43 next week ....WE CAN DO THIS!!!.

    I was eating 1200 cals and wondering why i didnt lose, i came on here and after a lot of advice (which i took) i upped my calories and lost 3.5lbs, i will tell you the 3 main things i was told.

    1. Eat more
    2. Drink more water and then some more.
    3. Watch sodium intake.

    Please feel free to add me and i will help and support you in any way i can
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Welcome to the place for support. You can do this! Dedication to your journey is required.
    Some items of interest are:
    Measure foods exactly, especially to begin with. Exercise almost daily. Eat things like roasted chick peas, veggies, fruits, lean protein, even for breakfast. If you feel like having chicken, tuna, etc., that's fine. Wasa crispbreads are an excellent snack too. Just don't get in a hurry. It takes time! Again, welcome and add me as a friend if you like!:flowerforyou:
  • Tsunami79
    Tsunami79 Posts: 122 Member
    I am new here too. I am also looking for advice if anybody has any. Also if anybody want's to be friend, feel free to add me. I will finish my profile this evening. I also don't plan on officially starting until Sunday.


  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome and as long as you have dedication and don't give up it doesnt matter how long it takes you will eventually reach your goals.

    feel free to add me.