swhite1209 Member


  • Caffine used to make me jittery. When I started my weight loss I would only have one cup of coffee in the morning. Weight loss was slow at first. I started drinking diet sodas and ice coffee and my weight started coming off. I cant know for sure that the caffine helped but I think it did somewhat. Still drinking it and it…
  • I bought one and it did a fine job for one month and then it stopped working. I tried t find a customer sevice number to call and finally found one and when i called there was a recording that said they do not do phone support. you have to email them and then they take two or three days to answer you. They are mailng me a…
  • I hope ur day gets better. I dont know what to do to cheer u up other than to say karma will pay the smart A that posted the rude comment back. u should be feeling better just thinking about that.
  • WOW that was mean.
  • good job.. keep up the good work
  • Love, Love, Love the tatt. I had thought about getting something to cover up stretch marks but figured u would be able to see them through the ink.
  • For years (im talking years) I starved myself to stay small. I was always little and if I gained weight I could lose it quick. Four years ago my father was dying of cancer and he asked me to quit smoking (which I had done for years too) I tried three times and failed. The last time I tried I made it. It was the hardest…
  • Donuts... they are the devil. lol I cant go near them. You know the glazed ones that are soft and yummy. I could eat 4 at a time and then go back later and eat 4 more. I love, love, love those things.
  • My cats name is Boomerang. boomer for short He got his name because when he was a kitten no matter how many times i put him down he would jump right back up into my lap. He was a stray and so he found a forever home with us.
  • LOL, so ur attacking me for my opinion. I didnt attack anyone. I said how I feel about my situtation. I eat good. I have something sweet everyday though. My diary is open because I have nothing to hide. The reason I use MFP is to chart my exercise and my calorie intake. I chart everything. If people are going to be judged…
  • i wonder what the measurements would be to use splenda instead of stevia? cant remember what non sugar product she used in recipe for sure. I need to use splenda
  • If someone on here said something bad about what i eat I would unfriend them. I am here for support not looking for FOOD POLICE. If I feel the need to eat a piece of cake I will and I do. I need some form of something sweet each day or I will not stick to my diet. I stay under my 1200 calories each day and I exercise. Oh…
  • why doesnt it make sense u r not eating the raw product. u r eating the cooked one. this stuff is so confusing.
  • I loved the books... to each his own i guess. No vampires in book... someone posted it had to do with vampires. I guess biting could have been part of their games but i cant remember. Yes it seemed to repeat some but how many ways can u describe what they did. But the books were also about him being messed up as a child…
  • exactly....
  • I usally eat a bagel with strawberry creme cheese. I only use one TBS of creme cheese instead of two. Its not really that high on calories and i feel really full after eating. Kind of sticks with me for a while. I toast my bagel. I never ate them before I started dieting and found out that i love them. Sometimes I eat…
  • Yay! you are looking good girl.
  • i use lemon juice, salt, pepper, dill weed, a little garlic powder, thyme.... u can put what all kinds of spices on it. I use rosemary too but u dont like it. I just use a little of whatever i decide to put on it.
  • They are saying.... If MFP says ur daily calories should be 1200 that u should eat the 1200 but if u do exercise that allows you extra 200 then they dont eat their extra 200 because they dont lose as much. It is up to you whether to eat those extras. Ur daily allowance is 1200. I dont eat my extra calories. It says I can…
  • thanks and I will check into getting a monitor.
  • I am a type one diabetic. I didnt get it until I was 33 yrs old. I have been on insulin for a long time. When I first started having to take insulin I was small. The doctors told me that I could eat whatever I wanted but if I over did it I would get fat. I was fine until I stopped smoking 4 years ago and then i put on 40…
  • I am about two weeks in to. I havent weighed myself yet to see if I lost any. I have to go buy some scales. I live in the middle of no where so trips to walmart are about 50 miles. I am going next week. I think its a good thing I dont have scales so I dont get discouraged at first. I sent u a friend request.
  • When I tried to diet before i didnt make it but a few days. This time I am about 2 weeks in and am not struggling at all. I walk every day. 3 1/2 miles in the am and in the pm. I do not feel the need to eat a lot. When I get bored I feel a slight twinge to eat because that has always been a habit for me. Now when i feel…
  • I found out that weight watchers has these small cakes that are about 80 calories and they are actually good. I bought the lemon ones and they remind me of orange juice cake. I thought they were yummy. I only purchased the one box so I could see how good they were. I saw chocolate one too. My sister says they have carrot…