

  • I have found the exact same thing and something that has helped me is increasing my protein. I try to have 100g + in a day while staying within my calorie limit. since I have done this I have way less cravings and I'm not hungry all the time. Good luck!
  • I also cut out soda as a new years resolution. I wasn't drinking much (usually about one can of diet pepsi a day) but I found I was constantly crave sweet foods. I suspected maybe it was the sweetner in the diet pepsi causing it. Now that I am not drinking pop anymore I find I am not having those sweet craving nearly as…
  • I actually added it to the cardiovascular exercises, I think I made it public so it should be there if you search for it. I burn between 250-280 in a class (I wear an HRM). I hope that helps!
    in BodyPump Comment by manamac January 2011
  • I personally haven't tried it yet but I've heard great things about the Biggest Loser game for the Kinect. The other Biggest Loser games were a dissapointment but this one apparently is really good.
  • I picked up one of those microwave egg poachers and I've been eating a poached egg with Rye toast in the morning. It's perfect after a workout!
  • I burn between 400 - 450 in RPM depending on the day. I am so excited to try Body Attack our gym is introducing it this month!! I've been excited to try it since GoodLife opened up in our area but they didn't have the instructors for it yet.
  • I take the Les Mills Body Pump 2x per week alternating with RPM and then on Friday my gym does a 1/2 hr RPM and 1/2 hr Body Pump combo. I love the class! I've really noticed a difference since I started going to Body Pump. I've noticed most of the difference in my arms and shoulders, more muscle definition! I actually…
  • I've run a few 10K races and my first half marathon this past May. The thing that helped me the most was run/walk breaks. To start with try running for 3 mins walk for 1 min and then increase to 5 mins with a 1 min break. I trained for my half marathon doing a 10 min run with a 1 min walk break and even ran the race that…
  • This race is a goal of mine!! I have two daughters so I want to wait a couple of years until they are both old enough to participate in the kids races. I did my first half marathon locally last May and plan to do another one next May. Good luck and I can't wait to hear all about it!!
  • Try looking at what kind of calories you are consuming too. Make sure you have enough protein in a day to sustain you. I have started eating a 1/3 of a cup of trail mix on the days I work out and I'm finding it really reduces my hunger pains. It is quite a few calories but I snack less on other empty calorie items.
  • I took my HRM to my last Zumba class and I burned about 250 cals. As mentioned though everyone is different in the calories they burn while working out. The class is a great time and I have an absolute blast!
    in zumba??? Comment by manamac October 2010
  • I have found the exact same thing and I started eating trail mix on the days I work out. It helps with the sweet and salty craving and I am not starving throughout the day. I will have a 1/3 of a cup spread out over the entire day anytime I feel the need for a snack. It's high in calories but reduces my cravings…