Soda after 30 days without

When I started watching what I ate and exercising more, I intended to cut back on sodas (I usually would consume 3-4 16oz bottles or more a day). Once I went a week or so, I just decided each day to not have one. I decided that I would go for 30 days, and finally have one.

After 30 days without...
The result? For the first time ever, I drank only half (everybody drinks the whole 16 oz bottle, right?). It was funny how much sweeter it tasted after not having had any for so long vs drinking it regularly. It was good to have some, but I didn't feel like I'd been missing it all that much either.

I thought I might have craved it more over those 30 days, but it hasn't really bothered me at all. I even had a couple sitting in the fridge so they would be cold in case I wanted to splurge, but the urge really hasn't been there. I do love my chilled water, so I haven't struggled to look for an alternative to sodas that much either.

Anybody else given sodas up entirely for a while with similar or completely different results?


  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    :drinker: yes, for years i would drink about 1 litre of diet coke EVERY DAY, now i dont miss it at all, once every couple of months i will have a diet sprite, but very rarely, i dont miss sodas at all

    well done on your achievement! :flowerforyou:
  • Erica9903
    I did and then I took a drink of my daughters Coke the other night and not only was it too sweet but the acid upset my stomach the rest of the night!! I couldn't believe the difference in the taste and the way it made me feel!! Congrats on your 1 month soda free anniversary!!
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I gave up diet coke a few years ago now - I realised one day that I was bulk buying it and drinking loads of it. I looked at the ingredients and realised it was all chemicals and rubbish so just decided to stop drinking it. I don't touch the stuff now :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I hardly ever drink soda because I find it too sweet. I drink some at the holidays, but even when I have the choice I prefer nice cold water 99% of the time! So I totally understand the feeling about not really missing it, and congrats on cutting back so much!
  • AlyssaC2010
    I completely agree! I went 6 1/2 weeks without having a soda...I drank about 2-3 cans a day. I never even craved one at all either. One day I decided I'd have a sprite. So the next night I wanted one also. But I had 2. When I woke up the next morning...I felt so gross because I'd had the soda instead of water. So I drink it every once in a while and I'm fine w/ it. I no longer feel like I have to have it every day. Sugar is SUCH an addiction and it's hard to cut back on it. I drink a lot of water but I really love southern sweet tea also...that's the next thing I'm working on.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    Congrats on your victory! I have been "soda free" for 18 days now. At first I thought "how am I going to live without this?" and it was tough...I battled headaches from the caffine withdrawl. I don't drink coffee or tea so this was my only source of caffine. Once lunchtime hit, I would like clockwork open a can of coca cola!

    But now I don't even crave it....I did however, substitute it for a new addiction - Nestea Citrus Tea juice crystals...but it's only 5 calories for each packet I put into 500mL of water, I am okay with my new addiction lol

    Congrats again :) xox
  • _Lisa_
    _Lisa_ Posts: 61
    I gave up sweets in general for a whole month and the first week or two was hard but after that I didn't even crave it anymore. Then when my month was over I had a piece of cake and it actually seemed sickly sweet to me and I felt gross after I ate it. I think once you give your body a break from the junk then you actually see how bad it is for you.
  • Toaster88
    14 months free, with no cravings to even touch it again.
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    I used to buy a 24 pack of Pepsi (12 fl oz) and it would last me 1-2 months depending how much I drank per day. I lowered my amount daily and eventually forgot all about them because I was upping my water intake. I cannot say how many times I drink a soda a month because I really don't remember when the last time I had one. I still love Pepsi but I just don't drink it as much. I think the last time I drank it was last spring sometime. Coffee..well, that's another issue. Still, I drink more water than anything.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I haven't had any regular pop in 31 days myself (January 8th), and only a few diets since then (never really been a fan of diet anyway). I haven't broken yet to try some and see what I think, I have been tempted with some crazy days where I need the caffeine jolt, but those were the few times I had diet.

    I still miss it though, I just am not going to touch it until I get closer to my goal weight or the end of this biggest loser challenge at work. Not going to risk the extra calories or sugars!

  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Good for you! I quit drinking soda 2 years ago with my boyfriend. It's weird to hear the struggles of people trying to stop drinking it, because I don't miss it one bit! It's a great decision. :) Everyone who offers us a soda now is always amazed when we tell them we don't drink any!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    I have never been one to drink soft drinks but my Mom was terrible with Dr. Pepper. She would drink a liter a day and thank God she finally stopped. I do good to drink one once a month. I don't like the carbonated water. My weakness is milk. I can consume a gallon a day. I also have cut down to (1) 8oz glass of Non-Fat a day. So I do know where you are coming from. Congrats on your victory.
  • manamac
    I also cut out soda as a new years resolution. I wasn't drinking much (usually about one can of diet pepsi a day) but I found I was constantly crave sweet foods. I suspected maybe it was the sweetner in the diet pepsi causing it. Now that I am not drinking pop anymore I find I am not having those sweet craving nearly as much!

    Great job, I can't imagine trying to cut it out if I was drinking more than I was...very admirable :smile:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I agree with the others who have said that once you stop drinking soda, it really loses it's appeal. I was a HUGE Diet Coke fan, drinking at least 3-4 a day, but when I stopped drinking it I was amazed at how little I missed it. Now there is no desire, except when I am ill I occasionally think a Sprite or 7-Up might be good. But I am almost never sick so it really isn't much of an issue.
  • doll2002
    doll2002 Posts: 427
    I am proud to say that it has been 1 year and 1 month since I've had a soda. I have no desire to want one either. I gave them up cold turkey too. Yea me!!!
  • biggerpix
    That's good. there's so much garbage in soda, even diet soda, that helps you retain water. I cut it out of my diet too a while ago and haven't missed it.
  • helenamonks
    OMG! I went right at 30 days without one, but I really didnt drink a whole lot anyway so it wasn't as sweet as I expected it to be, it was just a treat!

    They're especially rewarding on ice!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I gave up pop in college, then had to drink an entire can of Mt. Dew for a class science experiment, and it about killed me! I could feel my heart racing after just a few minutes, and was really jittery. Going totally off of pop for a while was a great thing to do- now I only have it a few times a month.
  • hotmooglelove
    I envy you OP, I try to give it up and I keep craaaawling back
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    Great job, y'all. Lent is coming up and I plan on giving up Diet Coke. I drink way too much of it. I already started drinking caffeine free just to avoid any possible withdrawls from that. Though, I haven't felt any so far, maybe my body still thinks it's getting it since I'm still drinking diet coke. I'm not looking forward to getting rid of it all together. It will be tough LOL.