Running and Hunger

Any of you runners/joggers on here find you are really hungry after a run?? I've just noticed the last 2 days after running outside, I'm starving when I get back and cooled down.... I'm only running around 3 - 4 miles but a lot of hills involved... Yesterday I ate more than my calorie limit because I was starving. And I might add, when I did run, it was mid-day after lunch. Any suggestions, help, etc is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks and best of luck to you all on your weight loss journey and maintaining!!


  • manamac
    manamac Posts: 13
    I have found the exact same thing and something that has helped me is increasing my protein. I try to have 100g + in a day while staying within my calorie limit. since I have done this I have way less cravings and I'm not hungry all the time.

    Good luck!
  • CarlaAnn15
    CarlaAnn15 Posts: 55 Member
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    Your body needs more calories to repair the muscles than it just burned off during the run. That's why running is not a good weight loss exercise. Well, I should say it shouldn't be the ONLY exercise you do like me :-/
  • Mahlissa
    Mahlissa Posts: 128

    I run quite a bit. I find that when I am well hydrated ( up to two hours before run) I don't have severe hunger pains. I find when I am dehyrdated to begin, I come home famished and weak. Being dehyrdated makes you feel famished

    Don't underestimate those hills, they burn a lot.

    Also, don't eat anything with sugar up to two hours before, you don't want a sugar crash and all that, which will cause hunger pangs.

    And yes, I do agree with increasing your protein, whether it be, peanut butter on rice cakes, or cottage cheese with banana slices for small snacks.

    ANd since you are running in the extreme heat of the mid day, you will need to be extra hydrated with more than just water, eloctrolytes as well. Depending on how long your out there running, you may want to bring some GU , GU chomps or some other carbohyrdate blend for energy before you go.

    All of the above is from my own experience, I am not a dietician or nutritionist, just my experience

    Good luck.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes, I find running makes me hungry, but no more so after 6 miles than after 3, so I try to run further and burn more calories, then eat half back. I am finding having a protein bar straight after a run helps.
  • ScatteredWriter
    Protein!! Makes all the difference in the world. :)

    Water helps, being well fueled before the run helps. Having a good snack (banana with peanut butter, chocolate milk, etc) right afterward helps.

    I've found that my body adjusts over time, too. I just make sure to eat "bulky" foods: raw veggies & fruit, whole grains, popcorn. Helps keep me full without too many calories.