Marinayes Member


  • I ate too much and moved too little. That's pretty much it. I still move too little, but since I started eating less, I have lost weight.
  • It's probably mostly water. I gained 4 pounds overnight once. I was freaking out, but it was all gone in the next 2 days. Thinking back, I did overdose on salt before the weight came on and I am pretty sure it was all water retention.
  • That's amazing! Good for you!
  • Wow!!!! What did you do with the belly? ;) It's amazing.
  • Since I am cooking, I will try to be good. Turkey is really very low fat and delicious if you don't slather it in butter. I will not make a gravy...I will serve au jus from the pan. I have to make mashed potatoes for my daughter (she requested) so that will be full of fat and salt so I will bake some sweet potatoes for…
  • I'm not sure yet. Conceivably I could since I am doing almost all the coking and I will know what ingredients there are, but realistically, I am not sure I really want to know what I am consuming that day.
  • Also, the apple juice and orange juice are KILLERS! I am always shocked how many calories are in them and they never fill me up. Water is your best friend. You might have saved over 200 calories drinking water instead of juice.
  • Ohhh, I feel for you. I currently have no butt to speak of but my belly still protrudes. I am happy with my weight loss overall, but I just wish some of it was coming off my belly. I kind of liked my butt with an extra 15 lbs.
  • Last December my aunt (whom I had not seen for about 2 years) told me "you got fat!" when I came to visit her. The problem was, she was completely right. I did get fat, but I really did not need to hear that. It was very rude.
  • I tend not to tell people that I'm "dieting" or even trying to lose weight. If I do, I find that quite a few of them try to undermine me. My husband and children know that I am logging calories (pretty obvious at home) and trying to work out more. No one else needs to know. I am visibly thinner and if anyone asks if I'm on…
  • One dark hershey's kiss has 20 calories. I eat it very slowly, but almost daily. Some really bad days, I have 2. I cannot give up chocolate.
  • Thank you all for the suggestions. I went back and logged my breakfast. It wasn't too bad actually considering...
  • A Grandmother would certainly notice. ;) I think the issue here is portion control and unhealthy food. There is a lot of processed junk in the diary. Just because it's labeled "diet" doesn't mean it's good for you. I also don't see any exercise logged, so that could be a problem.
  • I don't have nightly heartburn anymore! I was able to squeeze into my wedding ring this week (still a little tight but actually can be taken on and off)
  • I really had no idea this was such a hot button issue around here. Thanks to everyone who answered. I think I will log it since I only do a cleaning this heavy twice a year (fall and spring), I definitely don't have it as part of my normal routine. This is more than washing dishes, tidying up and vacuuming.
  • I am in the same boat. I lost the first 15 fairly easily (I know my counter only says 9, but that's just when I started MFP), but the last 15 won't move!. I've been fluctuating between 145 and 147 for almost 2 months and NOTHING!!!!
  • I drink a lot of tea: black; green; oolong; decaf; herbal. I average about 6-8 cups per day. Since I don't use any sweetener, there are no calories and I basically count this as water. I also drink a lot of water, but no where near the 8 cup range - maybe 2 or 3 per day.
  • Hershey's special dark kisses. 1 has 20 calories and I eat it VERY slowly.
  • I am having that day today. I am already 350 over on calories for today and I am still starving. I think I will go out and run a little later just to earn back some of the calories I already ate.