What counts as water?



  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    There is water in foods and liquids. I heard someone tell me there is water in pop and that you can have your water that way. I told them I totally disagree. I wouldn't count anything as water, only if you are drinking it by a glass. Any extra water you have, great! You can't have too much water :)
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member

    Don't forget agua or eau. I count those as well.
  • tiffanyvc
    I personally don't count it unless it is plain water (or water with lemons or cucumber or mint or something thrown in for flavor). Any fluids on top of that I consider bonus fluid, but they're extra calories.

    Anything with caffeine is going to act as a diuretic, so you may actually end up dehydrating yourself unintentionally, is what my nutritionist said. I think you'd need to drink a LOT of caffeine, though, for that to happen.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    I don't count anything with caffeine and have been told that anything with added coloring or flavoring breaks down differently in your system and is no longer considered water, so it should not count. ???
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    They tell me that tea and coffee change how your kidneys function so don't count as water even though they have no calories.

    But it's most of what I drink, so who am I to talk?
    Who are they?

    Doesn't tea and coffee dehydrate you?
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    I count my green tea and water as water. *shrugs*
  • jomckillop
    jomckillop Posts: 19 Member
    Milk is also made of water (if its a liquid), we are 70% water (or higher) but we don't look like a glass of water do we?
    So yes any drink can be classed as water.
    I don't like drinking plain water so I always put squash/juice with it.
    But fruit (oranges and water melon etc) are also water.
  • katweeks63
    Dr. said milk & juice don't count as water.
    Your doctor is a bit contradictory, isn't he?

    He's been a good Dr. to me and my family for over 20 years. He has saved my life twice, so I trust him, I was just wondering, for logging if I could or should be using other fluids as water. I know juice is made with water, but I haven't been counting it. Thought if I could see results from people who have lost weight then I would have an idea of how much it would affect my progress.
  • Marinayes
    Marinayes Posts: 21 Member
    I drink a lot of tea: black; green; oolong; decaf; herbal. I average about 6-8 cups per day. Since I don't use any sweetener, there are no calories and I basically count this as water. I also drink a lot of water, but no where near the 8 cup range - maybe 2 or 3 per day.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I once had a Doctor tell me that if it was made with water then it counts as water. So... I would like to know if others count coffee, tea, etc as water?

    No, I don't!

    Water counts as water.

    Perhaps some lemon in it for flavor if that works for you. Coffee is coffee, and tea is tea. Soda isn't considered water and it has carbonated water in it.
  • smaschin
    smaschin Posts: 91
    Is there any beverage, other than milk, that isn't made from water?

    You're going to get different answers on this. As far as what I put in my food journal, I only count actual water, but I think it's okay to count black coffee and plain tea. If you add creamers and sweeteners, I personally wouldn't count it.

    Since when is milk not made from water ?

    cows milk is about 90% or so water.....any drinkable fluid contains water !
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I once had a Doctor tell me that if it was made with water then it counts as water. So... I would like to know if others count coffee, tea, etc as water?

    No, I don't!

    Water counts as water.

    Perhaps some lemon in it for flavor if that works for you. Coffee is coffee, and tea is tea. Soda isn't considered water and it has carbonated water in it.

    Actually soda is considered "water" when it comes to the amount of fluid your body requires for the day. You can get that fluid from fruits, vegetables, soda, juice, water. It doesn't matter. If you're looking to drink water, then only water is water.
  • Starlightbella
    Starlightbella Posts: 77 Member
    What is the consensus on Powerade or Gatorade? I drink the powerade zero's all the time at work (I work outside) but I never count them as H2O since I am not sure.....
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    I count water as water. And the occassinal crystal light any thing else is not water. However I do drink minimum 100 ounces a day approx 12 cups prior to having any other drinks with the exception of my morning coffee
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    If you are talking about your journal it's up to you if you count only water as water or all 0cal 0caffiene drinks as water. If you mean fluid intake, then all beverages save alcohol and milk will help plus many water-rich foods. There is some debate about caffeinated drinks on this one, and I understand the reasons behind it. I still however count my tea towards my fluid intake.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    This is just my own personal opinion - but I count obviously water, "naked water" as water. But, also water that I put lemon in. I don't do crystal light or mio because of the after taste... but if I drink unsweet tea with lemon or black coffee, or green tea (brewed, not that lipton sweeted crap), or even earl grey - with NOTHING ADDED as water.

    I personally don't count juices, sodas, or anything else that adds calories / sugar, etc...

    BUT, that is what works FOR ME, and it may or may not work for anyone else. :)

    Hope you find your happy medium :)
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    dihydrogen oxide
  • nataliexxxx
    I would count drinks that you put water in as water like blackcurrent
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've had 2 nutiritonists, one was a sports nutritionist, tell me that anything without caffeine counts as water. But I couldn't pin either one of them down on how much I should drink. Rather, they both said to go by the color of your urine - it should be a pale yellow, the color of wheat.

    My own exception would be first thing in the morning, since I take my multivitamin at night.
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    dihydrogen oxide

    Did you hear about the park that got dihydrogen oxide banned due to an initiative? Some smart aleks went and formed a petition and got enough signatures to get it banned from the park marketing it as dihydrogen oxide.