cmorga02 Member


  • MFP doesn't work well with WLS. As DJRonnieLINY said, focus more on water and protein. These two things will affect every thing that you will experience as you go forward. They are a great way to handle the "hunger" that you'll feel. The more water and protein you take in, the less "hungry" you'll feel. I have my surgery…
  • My nutritionist said during week 2 post op, as long as I strained out most of the big chunks of eggs I can have egg drop soup. It's the chunks that you need to be concerned about. You should definitely contact your NUT or doctor to make sure. Every program is different and should be followed to the best of your ability.
  • I don't think there is a given calorie amount. I'm in the soft foods phase of the process and I couldn't eat more than 800 calories if I tried. My nutritionist for the surgery said not to be concerned with calories until more foods are added to the diet. Even at that point she said as long as I eat the right things not to…
  • Hi! I was on a high protein lots of liquid diet for 5 months prior to surgery. Then 2 weeks prior to surgery I was on clear liquids with 100 grams of protein only from shakes. Before that I had to get in 160 grams of protein while trying to stay under 1800 calories, sometimes I was a bit over, but normal sensible portions…
  • Hello! My name is Chuck and I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy on 11/4/2013. I wasn't always a over weight guy. I played football and was very active up until 2006. I went to college and the "Freshman 15" was more like the "Freshman 50", but I still did physical activity as much as I could. Then I needed money as most…
  • This is a decision that you will not regret. I'm only 3 weeks post-op and I'm feeling amazing! One thing that I would suggest and this is in my opinion, see if your surgeon has a diet plan. My wife and I went to University of Tennessee Bariatric Center and they had a very in-depth plan. They want you to loose weight prior…
  • I was sleeved on 11/4/2013. It doesn't seem like very many men have the surgery, but my wife and I did it together. Best decision of our lives!
  • Today is my 3 week post op anniversary and just started soft foods, mashed potatoes, eggs, pudding, fruitless yogurt...ect. I will say that the "you never feel hungry again" thought is completely bogus. You will still feel hunger, but our bodies can't distinquish hunger and thirst. Your body may be thirsty but it signals…
  • I was 360ish when I started riding. Depending on what type of riding you're planning on doing i.e. mountain, terrain, or just cruising, I would look into peddal forward bikes. They are typically made for bigger people and the peddals are forward of the seat so it's easier on the knees (my problem). I own a Giant Suede. Its…
  • Everybody Loves Raymond and The Office!
  • I actually had two this morning. I weighed in and am under 340lbs for the first time in forever. The second was that as I was getting dressed for work, I was buckling my belt and two more notches/holes buckled. I didn't really try in the past but I tried and success. I only use one less notch because the second was a…
  • I don't have a cheat meals. A piece of advise I was given was to have a Last Supper, where you eat whatever you want, how much you want with no concern of the calories or anything. Once that meal is done and over with you do your diet to the max. My problem with cheat meals only make me want those foods more, which makes…
  • Hello all! My name is Chuck. Ever since I stopped playing high school football (2002) my weight has slowly gone up. I started college a couple of years after I graduated and one of the things everyone talked about was the freshman 15...HA! It was more like the freshman 50! It was harder to stay active because all I really…
  • I am currently 358 and would love to be around 220, but if I got to 250ish I would be pleased. Even though my BMI would still be obese (I'm 6'0) it would be really tough for me for me to be "normal" at 180. I don't think my body type and muscle would let me get to 180.
  • Hello all! My wife and I are both considering the surgury for numerous reason, not just normal weightloss, but we are wanting to have children and with her weight what it is, pregnancy would be very difficult on her and the potential baby. We're both over 300lbs (I'm 358), and have tried various things to drop the weight.…
  • My heaviest weight is when I started on this site, it was a wake up call. 361! I'm 10lbs down and looking to loose over 100 lbs to start, then start a new goal once that is reached.
  • Awesome! This is what I need to keep me motivated. A 300+ guy, loosing over 100lbs. Starting at 361 three weeks ago, and now 350, I'm glad to see that being under 200 is possible.
  • My first week was spent doing a lot of walking and drinking water. I held myself to one soda a week and that's on Sunday's after church when the family goes out to lunch. I also did a lot of research on how to eat better and found out a lot of interesting facts. I'm my third week in and I'm 7 pounds down. But the first…
  • Beasley (Border Collie, Chihuahua mix), as in Pam Beasley from The Office. Our first two dogs before we moved were Dunder (Shih-poo) and Mifflin (American Bulldog).
  • There is a place in New York City that deep fries the entire menu, pizza, burgers, hotdogs... you name they fry it.
  • I posted a blog about my denial of how much I weighed. I started at 361 and am on my down, 354 at my last weigh in. I'm wanting get to 260, then from there I'll continue. Doctors say I should be at 160ish for a 6'0 male, but I'll stick with around 220 would be my maintain weight. As others have said, this isn't a diet, we…
  • I just started P90X tonight, actually finished about 30 minutes ago. I started it last year and quit, but I really need to get back into it. People say it's not a weight loss or calorie burning program, but it is a fat shredding one and that is what I need. My soreness will be out done by the feeling that I am bettering…
  • I have a 32oz Gatorade bottle on my desk and I know if I drink it twice I get the recommended 64oz a day. So I finish mine by the end of work, but I still drink more water at home. I used to hate drinking water until I started my new job. They have this "osmosis" filtration water thing and the water is so light and crisp,…
  • You didn't notice the difference? That's a great transformation!
  • That is inspirational. Don't stop at 160, you can make it to 140.
  • I do... but not all the time... I still get my work down... This is the second best thing to facebook as Facebook is blocked at work.
  • Great Job! You are rocking it out!
  • Here is a issue that I have. Everything has a different method. According the MFP I need 3050 calories a day to loose a pound a week. According to my TDEE- 15% I need 3530 calories and MFP says that it over my limit and won't loose any weight. Why can't everything be on the same system?