200+ girls / guys



  • LovingKay
    LovingKay Posts: 47 Member
    :smile: This is great motivation. Thanks
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    At my heaviest i was 238lbs and at the time i didn't realise quite how big i was, i went to the gym regularly so i ate exactly what i wanted thinking i was burning it off. I found MFP 2 years but only started to take it seriously in October 2011 and since then have lost 22lbs with the help of all my lovely friends here. I'm 197lbs now and my next goal is 185lbs for my holiday in October.
    I can't believe i've lost 41lbs, yes it has took time and a lot of exercise but i'm slowly getting there and if i can do it anyone can!
    Feel free to add me if you would like some support/motivation because we CAN do it!
  • cmorga02
    cmorga02 Posts: 34 Member
    I posted a blog about my denial of how much I weighed. I started at 361 and am on my down, 354 at my last weigh in. I'm wanting get to 260, then from there I'll continue. Doctors say I should be at 160ish for a 6'0 male, but I'll stick with around 220 would be my maintain weight.

    As others have said, this isn't a diet, we are all trying to change our lifestyles. Portion control, drinking water, doing some sort of exercise everyday. This should be how we live everyday from now on.

    We can all get to our goals and exceed them if we just change our mindset. It was suggested to me not to focus on the end of your goal, for me 260. That's 100 pounds away and it seems like it may be too much and if I were to loose one pound a week I might get discouraged. So set small goals, mine is one pound a week.

  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    I started at 250 (my heaviest), I'm currently 226, and my goal weight is 150. I had a hard time coming to terms with how much weight I had gained, because I never felt like a big girl. However, recent pictues of myself on a vacation with my boyfriend really opened my eyes to how heavy I've become. I'm two months into losing weight and I've shed 24lbs so far. I feel better, I have more energy, and I'm more motivated than ever to finally drop this weight and become the sexy, skinny girl I've always imagind myself to be.

    All are free to add me. Good luck to all on your weight loss!
  • LovingKay
    LovingKay Posts: 47 Member
    I started at 286 last year. I weighed in at 191 this morning.

    Just keep up the routine. Its a lifestyle change, not a diet you will go off of. Everything in moderation. Find those healthy items you like and eat them a lot. It is all about finding a balance that works for you and being dedicated to doing it.

    Exercise at least 3 times a week. Now that I am down to 191 I eat like a horse and am constantly hungry. I am eating the right items so it is really a lot of food. Tons of fruit, veggies, lean meats. Your body will adapt and change.

    As you start seeing results and start buying smaller clothes, it really helps to motivate you. I remember feeling on top of the world buying a XL instead of an XXL, I am now in a L.

    Your post was very motivating! I started at 316 and I am now 276. I am so proud of myself...not for the weightloss. I've lost (and regained) more. I was a chronic yo-yo fad diet person. I am most proud of the new lifestyle, the motivation from those like you on MFP and yes...YES, shopping for smaller sizes. This is a wonderful journey and I am so glad I came across your post today! Thank you for being you and for posting this!!!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I started out in December 2011 at a whopping 327 lbs and this morning I weighed in at 276. I'd love to be about 175.. just being in Onederland would be Onederful, but I have a long way to go.

    My my success so far, and all of yours too, is just being here and trying every day to live a healthier lifestyle. I can't say I'm focused 100% of the time, and it seems summer months are harder for me because of distractions involving more eating and drinking than working out, but I forgive myself for those times, move on to do better the next day or the next meal, and feel good that at least I'm not laying around on the couch binging and depressed and gaining. I am focused at least 70 to 80% of the time.. and I see that as a success so far.
  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    My ticker shows my lost amount since 11/31/2010. I concentrate on the amount I have lost versus the weight I would like to be. One number represents my hard work, achievement and progress. The other number is a subjective number that unfortunately most people pluck out of the air and attach unrealistic time frames to. The only difference in the the two numbers is time! I will get to where I want, all those that suceed will reach their goals, eventually! This is not journey I intend to stop making, maybe just reduce the pace slightly :-)
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I'm currently at 223! My highest ever was 260+ (not even sure). Got married at 248. After having my son and losing the "baby weight", I came in at 233 (I had lost 40 lbs before getting pregnant).

    In October I started the slow journey and had gotten down to 217 before I had a seizure in March. It rocked my world emotionally but three months later, I'm back on track and losing weight again.

    My "goal" for now is 170. (I'm 5'9" so I carry weight decently). As an adult I've never been below 196 but would like to get there this time! I will get there this time!

    I'm in the first phase of my journey which is tackling my eating habits. I'm making an effort to move more but not going to focus on exercising until I have my diet fully under control.

    Would love for some new friends on here -so feel free to add me!
  • Bump to read later. I'm starting ~220 and can't wait to be under 200.
  • lassisar
    lassisar Posts: 14 Member
    I started this week at 225. That's close to weight I delivered my son at maybe twenty pounds higher than the weight I delivered my daughter at. She will be driving in a year and a half and she's never seen me thin.

    My short term goal is 30 pounds by my birthday in October,and long term is to get close to 170 and we'll see. Healthy BMI would be maybe 155, but I don't have the ability to see that for myself yet. But I can see 195. I have a lot of clothes I'm missing that fit at 195.

    I'm loving everyone's success stories. I did well on WW in the past, and even on Jenny way back when, but I never learned how to keep it off. I was always "on a diet." I didn't make the changes permanent. This time I need to.

    Add me, if you want, I just signed up, so my friends page is blank.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    I started a year ago at 248 and lost 7 lbs then started MFP. I am now down to 231. I feel like a failure because it has been over a year but I am getting back on track!
  • OOH goodness! I never expected this many people to post on here! Glad you all did though!

    You are all doing so wonderful - even if you havent lost a single pound...you being on this site is something to be very proud of!

    I will not have time to reply to each of you, which im sorry for - busy at work.
    But you are all MORE than welcome to add me as a friend on here!

    Congrats to all of you on how far you've come!
  • missxh0llywo0d
    missxh0llywo0d Posts: 14 Member
    No success story here yet, but I'm in the same boat as ya'll! I just really got back on track for the millionth time last Thursday(ish) and I have been working very hard. I've already lost 12 pounds, and I want to remain strong and keep seeing these pounds shed off. I'm currently at 222.8 (I'm 5'4) and I would like to get down to 135 (an even 100 pound loss for me). My weakness is definitely my sweet tooth. Plus I'm a habitual late night snacker because I'm a night owl and my fiance doesn't even get home from work until 1230am. I've traded late night dinners for a cup (or two) of tea with either 0-cal sweetener or nothing! I've also joined the gym (Planet Fitness!).

    Well, that's all I can really think of to say right now. I just woke up. But if anyone wants to add me, I will give support and motivation, as MFP is quickly turning into the new Facebook for me! I'm pretty sure that I have logged in more here than there for the last few days and it was the first thing I did this morning! Haha! Anyways, stay strong!
  • SunnyB09
    SunnyB09 Posts: 20
    Anyone feel free to add me! :) I started MFP in May 2011. I started at 235 and I am currently at 206. I started a new profile this year and haven't been very successful. I had gotten down to 200, but gained some back. I am trying to really get back into things and would love some motivation!
    Don't consider myself success yet but I'm getting there, I have been using MFP since first of January and have lost 59 lbs (I have 11 lbs to get to goal but going to change goal so need to lose 30 more). It has definitely helped me change the way eat and I'm exercising. Diets just didn't work for me. You will definitely achieve your goal and reading and seeing people (just like you and me) that have done it is so inspiring and helps me to keep the faith.
  • Curvy_princess
    Curvy_princess Posts: 135 Member
    I too am on the same page..at my highest is 208 standing 5'1.. I was entirely disgusted with my appearance. Tired of feeling like this.. Im the only one that can change it, and I will. Im down 9lbs..And have MANY more to go. My Ideal weight would be 150..but like someone mentioned earlier I would aim for 140 to be comfortable with weight fluctuatuons. Lets do this FRIENDS we can do it!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I started at 276 two years ago, and I am currently 192, and my goal is 150, which is probably high for my height (I'm 5'1"), but I will reevaluate when I get there, and if I feel happy there, I am fine with that. Considering I have been overweight since I was 10 years old, and was OVER 200 pounds for almost 25 YEARS, I feel like a success story almost every day, even though I haven't met my goal. You can do it!! <3
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I'm with you! I was at my heaviest at 300 lbs and started MFP at about 280 lbs. I believe I'm only partially successful at this point because although I've gone down, I'm no where near my goal. It's a constant struggle to not go back to my old eating habits. Some may say I'm obsessed...I believe dedicated is more appropriate. I don't want to allow food to control my life!

    Best of luck!!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :)
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    i'm at 266 right now and want to be around 120-140. Its hard but I have this new found motivation that i hope will stay with me not only till i lose the weight but to keep it off
  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    Nothing earth shattering to share yet - 30 days today - started MFP May 21 at 250 - weigh in this morning 234 (maintained this week) - I'm seeing a whole lot more difference in my energy and INCHES lost than the weight - I've been doing strength training and walk/jogging, and not incredibly seriously either - maybe 3-4 times a week I do one or the other...

    0.5 off my neck
    7.5 INCHES off my waist
    5 INCHES off my hips

    Neck on 06/20/12 15.0
    Waist on 06/20/12 40.5
    Hips on 06/20/12 48.0

    Neck 05/22/12 15.5
    Waist 05/22/12 48
    Hips 05/22/12 53

    The scale is not always where you see your biggest victories. The awesome people here on MFP and on my FL (:smooched: to my FL) sure do make it more fun, inspiring, and motivating :drinker: