Water Intake



  • jillbeanschoop
    jillbeanschoop Posts: 61 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty. I stop when I'm not. Hitting an arbitrary water amount is silly.

    That's always related to a trick question. If you wait until you are thirsty, it's been too long. You should drink before you are thirsty. I personally, also do not believe in water quotas. You should drink enough so that your urine is almost clear when you go. if it is dark, you need to add more water in your diet. Now, if I only listened to my own advice. :-)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty. I stop when I'm not. Hitting an arbitrary water amount is silly.

    That's always related to a trick question. If you wait until you are thirsty, it's been too long. You should drink before you are thirsty. I personally, also do not believe in water quotas. You should drink enough so that your urine is almost clear when you go. if it is dark, you need to add more water in your diet. Now, if I only listened to my own advice. :-)
    That's not true. The human thirst mechanism is a physiological system that recognizes when you need to hydrate. It's instantaneous and very sensitive. The body can recognize any drop in water levels in any part of the body and signal thirst.

    "Drink before you're thirsty" is actually just marketing junk spread by bottled water and sports drink companies to increase sales.
  • GCAsMom
    GCAsMom Posts: 120 Member
    I used to hate water, but when I made up my mind to drink it, it only took two days to become acclimated. I also drink coffee throughout the day; and at supper, my only consolation to cutting pop is a cup of club soda with a shot of generic mio in it, or flavored sparkling water. I try to get all my water down shortly after supper, sometimes though, I'm downing the last 2 cups at bedtime. :-O But I usually can get in at least 8 cups a day.

    I'm very strict about drinking plain water. I don't believe in putting flavor packets in it because then in essence, I'd be drinking "kool-aid" and not water.
  • cmorga02
    cmorga02 Posts: 34 Member
    I have a 32oz Gatorade bottle on my desk and I know if I drink it twice I get the recommended 64oz a day. So I finish mine by the end of work, but I still drink more water at home. I used to hate drinking water until I started my new job. They have this "osmosis" filtration water thing and the water is so light and crisp, best tasting water I've ever had. So my wife and I bought a Brita purifier jug and that's made drinking water easier.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty. I stop when I'm not. Hitting an arbitrary water amount is silly.

    It's only silly til your first kidney stone. After that, you want to drink until you puke...anything to keep from getting another one!
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    I just hit 90oz today :-) Now are you suppose to have 8 cups a day or half your weight in ounces?
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139

    The human thirst mechanism is a physiological system that recognizes when you need to hydrate. It's instantaneous and very sensitive. The body can recognize any drop in water levels in any part of the body and signal thirst.

    "Drink before you're thirsty" is actually just marketing junk spread by bottled water and sports drink companies to increase sales.

    It could be true for some, possibly most, but my wife can literally go all day without drinking a thing. There is no way her body is saying "hey you don't need to drink, you're good!" She has no desire to drink anything and doesn't feel the need for it.
  • jillbeanschoop
    jillbeanschoop Posts: 61 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty. I stop when I'm not. Hitting an arbitrary water amount is silly.

    That's always related to a trick question. If you wait until you are thirsty, it's been too long. You should drink before you are thirsty. I personally, also do not believe in water quotas. You should drink enough so that your urine is almost clear when you go. if it is dark, you need to add more water in your diet. Now, if I only listened to my own advice. :-)
    That's not true. The human thirst mechanism is a physiological system that recognizes when you need to hydrate. It's instantaneous and very sensitive. The body can recognize any drop in water levels in any part of the body and signal thirst.

    "Drink before you're thirsty" is actually just marketing junk spread by bottled water and sports drink companies to increase sales.

    Good point to consider. Thanks. I'm like brentrhodes wife, I am almost never thirsty. I just found this interesting NPR reference titled "Five Myths About Drinking Water." All good things to think about. Needless to say, I still stand by the urine color test :-)

    Myth No. 1: Drink Eight Glasses Each Day
    Myth No. 2: Drinking Lots of Water Helps Clear Out Toxins
    Myth No. 3: Lots of Water Equals Healthier Skin
    Myth No. 4: Drinking Extra Water Leads to Weight Loss
    Myth No. 5: It's Easy to Get Dehydrated During a Workout
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    I try to get it 4 cups in before lunch on the weekdays at work, and then I feel like I'm over the hump. Then I try to get the rest in before dinner because the later it gets the less I feel like drinking anything. exercising helps me get more water in though.