AMPitup89 Member


  • I love IF! I really should have focused solely on diet tho in my early days as fasting in the evening into morning doesn't work as well as it did before. Then again, I've also been more lax on my ratios. But I've gotten quite comfortable. Its not very hard to resist bread and junk anymore. If i REALLY want it, I have a…
  • Some of these are repeats but its my go to list that's ever expanding: Chipotle - no rice, beans, corn, tortilla In-n-out - Protein style burger w/o onion or tomato KFC - either the grilled chicken or the original recipe. I usually have some of both. I also want to try the double down :P Chick fil A - Fantastic salads!…
  • Luckily for you, men seem to lose fantastically on Keto. Like you said, we all vary. And the fastest losses typically come in the beginning. However, I've seen heavy set men lose 15-30lbs in a month on keto. I've explored keto reddit and there's some fantastic stories on there. For a while I was losing 4-1.5lbs per a week.…
  • I agree. Higher score doesn't necessarily mean more scale losses. Yesterday i had the most carbs i've had in a long time. about 60-70. I went a little overboard on the easter candy. This morning about 45min after waking I checked my ketones and i got a 0.9 - my lowest by far but still in ketosis. So it's back on track for…
  • I have much more to go! lol I'm an accountant. Used to date an engineer and we got along pretty well. :P I've had the same experience on keto! I used to not be able to eat anything spicy without getting heart burn and a stomach ache quickly thereafter. Now I can have all the hot sauce I want. Chicken wings? Bring em on.…
  • Thanks for the input! I'm gonna look into both of those! I do have the latest iPhone and I'm considering if i want to rely on it and carry it everytime (sometimes i walk the dog). I suppose one of those arm straps could work. And the stairs i do at work are actual stairs and I'd like to see my HR while doing that. Ahhh…
  • I started keeping my records here. I actually need to update a few things on it: I didn't weight myself from the beginning. My first weigh-in was March22nd. In that first week it was about a 3lb loss. The next week…
  • So all the Easter candy was sitting on my desk starring at me when I got in this morning. And yes, I had a few pieces of chocolate. But I've avoided all the cupcakes, cookies, brownies, etc. I decided to test my ketones 2 hrs later... I measured at a 4.2! My highest yet. So I think I can handle a few pieces of dark…
  • This weekend ended up turning into a small camping trip so no new cooking for me. But i wanted to recommend this recipe: very good! the buns are noticeably almond flour but otherwise, delicious. Also, a easy dessert to get some fat in is this: 2-3tbsp of whip cream/cool…
  • LOL Yeah i feel like they should offer some financing for those strips. :P Had a bit of a cheat weekend. I really wasn't that bad but i'm sure my protein #s were quite high and i might not have my min fat goal due to a impromptu camping trip. Mostly just pork rinds, jerky, burgers, protein bar, and a single large…
  • The strips took awhile to get here, at least if you ordered from UDS (link in prior post). Might have something to do with customs? But its worth it for the cost savings! Those strips are crazy expensive. But despite the cost, I really appreciate being able to see how I'm doing in a non-scale way. Share your results when…
  • All of my readings have been pretty high - between 2.5 and 3.9. One of the 2.5 readings was 6 hours after a carb heavy lunch of stiry fry. Most of the carbs were from veggies and some from soy sauce and sriracha. And the frozen veg mix i used had quite of bit of heavier carb veggies in it like carrots. Two days later I…
  • Oooooo! I like your spreadsheet better!!! I'm consistently getting high ketone readings. This morning I got a 3.7. This was about 1.5 hours after waking and before food. I'm noticing the biggest difference in my hips which is definitely a good thing as i've always carried my extra weight there even at a healthy weight. But…
  • From a fellow accountant.. Great job!
  • lately i've been skipping breakfast to intermittent fast but occasionally i have a quick breakfast. I don't like cooking breakfast aside from the occasional weekend so i usually opt for grab and go items. Some ideas (i usually have 2-3 of these for a breakfast): macadmia nuts pepperoni beef sticks (old wisconsin - found on…
  • I can't speak to the thyroid issue but there is a lot of great alternative information out there. From what I understand, the thyroid is hard to kick start and correct. Have you ever heard of Sean Croxton? He has a great radio program and website and does a lot of interviews on various health topics. I know he did a…
  • From what I read, weight loss and balancing your diet like you have can help your body balance your hormones naturally. Not all women will see quick results in terms of the facial hair reduction. I'm in the same boat as you (i suspect PCOS) and I've been keto for about a month without any hair reduction like you've…
  • i hate cooking too but every once in a while I get in the mood. I usually skip breakfast to intermittent fast but some things i ate for bfast were... Old wisconsin beef sticks (from amazon), pepperoni, mozzarella, macademia nuts, tea with coconut oil Lunch: hot dogs, sausages, bunless burgers (microwave kind, home cooked,…
  • Tested again yesterday - 6 hrs after lunch (before sitting down for dinner) and I was at 2.5 again. I'm pretty impressed considering I had a carb heavy stir fry for lunch. Mostly the carbs were veggies, soy sauce, and sriracha. Krista, have you tested your ketones since then?
  • Krista - I don't think the water has an effect on the blood strip test but it does in urine strips. Thats part of why the blood tests are more accurate. I've been getting a gallon a day lately. I'm wondering why your scores are so low. My carbs were up last night (24 net carbs - most from dinner) so I may be able to handle…
  • Update! Curious to see how my ketones fluctuated so i tested again. This time towards the end of my daily fast. I stopped eating at 7pm last night and i tested at 11am. I'll probably stop to eat around 11:40-noon. So this is my ketone score 16hrs into my fast: 2.5 Translation: I'm still deep in ketosis.
  • Krista - I started reading Jimmy Moore's logs of his ketosis experiment and he noticed he was lower in the morning. My reading was 2 hours after dinner (9pm). The higher you can get your score, the harder it will be to throw you out of ketosis. There's going to be fluctuation throughout the day too. How long have you been…
  • Got my test strips! I took my first reading 2 hrs after my dinner (9:15pm) and I got........ 3.9! I'm deep in ketosis! Background: these last few days haven't been perfect by any means. I had 2 days with too little fat and too much protein. I also had a Cobb salad from chick fil a today so it was more carbs than usual for…
  • just wanted to update that I am still waiting for my ketone test strips. Getting a little Concerned. UDS emailed me to confirmation that they shipped Friday, March 21st and said to wait 7-10 business days for delivery. Not sure if they consider Saturday as a business day but it better be here by Friday!
  • That's so awesome!! I've never tested my cholesterol numbers before but all those typical markers have been healthy for me probably because of my age. What I do want to get checked is my hormone levels. I KNOW those are out of whack and have been for years. I think my diet caught up to me coupled with losing my mother and…
  • Very cool!!! I've been needing a easier way to get more greens in and up my potassium. What does the mio use a sweetener? I don't use Splenda or any of that stuff so I may have to try to substitute with flavored stevia or something.
  • I thought I would share this little excerpt that maybe will provoke the low-calorie-gospel-folks out there to look into it for themselves. A calorie is NOT just a calorie. source:…
  • Cool! Glad i wont be alone! I'm starting a google doc, only accessible with the link: Haven't started testing my glucose but I'd like to check in on it every one in a while and I'm thinking do physical measurements every…
  • small update: For the precision xtra meter you can get the control solution from the manufacturer for free. Not sure why it wasn't included in the kit with the meter considering they included everything else with it! Oh well, I won't complain about free.
  • There is some great info here! I went through a big dizzy spell yesterday and I had to track down this info. I felt your pain! I'm feeling better but not quite back where i was. It will likely take a few days of getting my numbers up to feel tip top…