

  • Thanks! I did order one. I may be completely new to running, but I don't see myself getting over this for a little while and I might as well be comfortable for the time being. :)
  • You can definitely do it! Week 4 was a big jump for me, and it seemed SO HARD at the time; but I kept on. If you can run for 10 minutes, you can definitely run the 3 and 5 minute ones. :smile: Do try and pace yourself, because I found that last 5 minute run quite difficult as I'd used up all of my energy on the first 3.…
  • I got the Polar FT4 from Amazon, and I love it! I'm totally new to HRMs and it was really easy to set up and figure out. It wasn't very pricey, either. ($58, I think)
  • First off, welcome! :flowerforyou: Obviously it depends on what kind of shape you're in and whether you're completely new to running or not, but it's really not advised. Your body isn't used to the stress that running puts on your joints/muscles/everything yet; and, even if you feel like you can do a lot more, you should…
  • Hey, don't let it get you down! Some days just plain suck. I had a whole week that sucked. The most important thing is to put it behind you and start fresh on your next run. I find it really important to do that, because one crappy run has the tendency to ruin the rest of my runs that week. You CAN do this. :flowerforyou:
  • I have this problem, too. I keep handy a list of healthy recipes ( has a ton of good ones), and I make something little myself. There are recipes on that site for a single cookie, cupcake, cookie dough balls, and sooo many other good things - having to make just 1 ensures that a) I really,…
  • And done, with 5 pound dumbbell.
  • Hi! I'd love to join! This sounds like it would be excellent motivation. :) Current weight: 251.3 10 week goal weight: 235 I'd also like to graduate C25K and do at least 2 races! :)
  • Kids can be absolutely horrible. Don't let it get to you, though - you're working hard and they don't have the life experience yet to even know what "working hard" is. It's so great that you confronted them, though. When we brush off **** like that, it just makes them think it's okay to demean people who are bigger. I wish…
  • I'm a nanny, and I found my current job (of 4 years) on Craigslist. Sure, there might be sketchy people on there, but I hope you'd do a thorough reference check/interview/possible background check on anyone watching your kids. :) Also, you might want to check if there's a TimeBank near you - it's a local organization that…
  • I was so scared of looking like an idiot when I started running! Of course, on my second week of C25K I passed a group of like 25 judgmental, annoying teenagers on my run. It's hard at first, but you'll start to realize that you are freaking AWESOME for being out there and running (no matter how slow/silly you might look).…
  • Hi! I'm on week 6 of C25K and I completely love it. Feel free to add me if you'd like some support! :)
  • WOOT WOOT! Congratulations, lady! I also just finished W5D3. I literally can hardly believe I did it. In elementary school, we had to run a mile every year or so. I've been chubby since forever and couldn't do it, so I was always assigned "scorekeeper". Today, I ran 2 miles without stopping once. Honestly, I started crying…
    in W5D3 Comment by carolinesmiles July 2012
  • You're awesome! Just wanted to let you know. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm fat because I didn't have enough respect for myself to change. Overeating + couch potato + horrible self image = one very fat me. But not for long!
  • Mornings, always. I like starting my day off with exercise, and it's already out of the way.
  • homemade whole wheat bread topped with 2 - 3 really thick slices of tomato, an ounce of crumbled feta cheese, a ton of chopped fresh basil, and a drizzle of olive oil. I could actually be happy eating only this forever.
  • Ugh, I do. I wish I didn't, but the scale is just so tempting! I take the number with a grain of salt, though; because my scale sucks. The one at work and the one at the gym are much more reliable, so I usually have an "official" weigh-in on one of those scales on Friday.
  • FANTASTIC! Go you! I adore Zumba, and it's nice to see someone who's had such fabulous results from it!
  • I just signed up for the Reggae Run in Cleveland on August 12. I'll be one week shy of finishing C25K at that point, but it seems like a pretty chill event, so I'm not super concerned about pacing and such. My goal is simply to run the whole thing. :smile:
  • I'm glad it's not just me! I finished week 4 today and, while I still couldn't run the whole time, I probably ran about 14.5 minutes/16. I've been recording my pace with MapMyRun, and today was my fastest run since I started C25K. So I know I'm making progress. I'm going to get a ton of new music to keep me going, and give…
  • I made a Mexican bean soup, topped with fresh cilantro and queso fresco. Leftover pita bread on the side. :)
  • I'm planning on registering for my first half marathon in Disneyworld when I'm under 200. :) Up until then, little things - new workout clothes, a new pair of shoes, possibly a heart rate monitor...
  • I've been here daily for almost a month now, and my diary is open to friends. Add me if you'd like! :smile:
  • This is such a great group! :) I have a lovely brindle pittie, Layla, and she has been very supportive of my weight loss goals so far. Leisurely walks turn into runs (at a breakneck speed), and her favourite game is following me around the house. She has a lot of energy. :happy:
  • Yay! Good job for doing it! I just did it today, and I was shocked that I could run for 3 minutes. I felt that it was easier than other weeks, because I could just zone out a bit.
  • Hi! I've been here for about a month and have had great success so far. I'm vegetarian (was vegan for the past year and a half), and would love some new veggie friends! Please feel free to add me. :)
  • Start out slowly. Honestly, I threw around the excuse for a long time that I couldn't exercise yet because I was obese, but it's a complete lie. Your body is capable of so much more than your brain thinks it is. Start out walking, or swimming, or whatever feels manageable to you - the key is consistency. Get up to 3, 4, 5…