

  • Hi there, I've often wondered the same thing. While I can't answer the question about your machine, I can take a guess at why you see such a difference in caloric burn. The intensity of your exercise impacts total calories a great deal. For instance, I burn about 10 calories a minute on my machine (avg workout being 35…
  • Nope, no miracle creams. And if you find one that says results are guaranteed, don't believe it. As people have explained here, cellulite is the result of water retention, fat, and toxins that are pressed through the honeycomb of our leg's muscle fibers. That's why it's dimply. To get rid of it, you must eat very very well…
  • Hi there, It might not be a protein issue. How is your water intake? Sometimes the body can confuse thirst with hunger. Try drinking a cup of water and see what that does for you.
  • Hi there, I'm not surprised to hear that. I stopped using mine for the fat feature because I noticed a big difference in whether I used the scale with wet feet or not. A bummer really! I thought it would help me out. I would love to hear if anyone has an article or feature on why these things don't do what they say.
    in Scale Comment by Sacredmaiden May 2011
  • Hi Helen, That's a really good question and it's good that you're struggling with a thought process around it. I guess to answer your question with a question: what do you think you'd earn by losing 20 more pounds? What are the pros and cons of not?
  • I agree with Taso. And be sure to make up whatever calories you lose during exercise! It seems redundant... Why would you eat more when you've exercised? But it has to do with restoring your body and allowing it to feel comfortable losing weight. It has to know that there is more energy coming before it will get rid of the…
  • The most comfortable heels I've ever worn have been from Franco Sarto - and I'm so not a heel person, so they must be good. You can find them online ( or in Macy's. They aren't $200, but they aren't $25 either. I think I paid $89 for my most expensive pair.
  • Ha ha ha ha ha. You're a genius!
  • Yep. My big thing is watching my potassium and half of the stuff (at least user entered) doesn't have potassium in the nutrition info. I have to poke around a bit to find one that does. At that point, there's no guarantee that it's right. But at least it's something, eh?
    in Why? Comment by Sacredmaiden March 2011
  • Hang in there. :0) Make sure to drink a bunch of water today to help get the lactic acid build up out of your muscles (what's making you sore). Eat foods high in potassium too! It's hard to get started, but once you do you'll feel amazing.
    in yuck Comment by Sacredmaiden March 2011
  • I hear you! I'm a full time employee, full time graduate student, and am involved in a variety of extra-curriculars... plus housework and all that... all stuff I love and would hate to cut out. It is hard to find time to work out, but let me tell you, it pays off. I have regularly scheduled gym days (Mon, Wed) that I don't…
  • My guess would be that you're losing water weight and "internal" fat - which is the most dangerous kind! So you're really doing good. Also, you are probably trading fat for muscle, which is naturally heavier than fat. Don't get discouraged! You're doing well. Keep up the good work. :0D
  • Hi Kandy, I've experienced the same! I think food quality is a big part of it. At home, I take such care to eat organic, whole foods that I feel like I'm ingesting sawdust at most restaurants. Is there a local health food store with a deli you could go to "eat out" but still maintain food quality?
  • I would go ahead and log your exercise when you do it, but listen to your body the day of and the day after. Technically, the calories burned "during" exercise are actually burned during sleep, while your body repairs your muscles from the activity. Consequently, you may not feel hungry until the day after. If you find…
  • Hi there, Another "legitimate" reason you can often use to get out of the vaccination is "religious reasons." If that's helpful... I don't understand why so many business are flustered about seeing their employees vaccinated (I'm opting out at my workplace, btw). Viruses change with each host! So one ends up being…
  • That's wonderful! Good job. :smile: