eating and headaches...

Since I have been eating healthier, it seems when I go out to eat, I almost always get a headache... I wonder what causes it... I know that Chinese food has a lot of MSG's and I attribute my headaches to that if I have Chinese food, but what about other stuff?
Does anyone else experience this?


  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Most Chinese restaurants don't use MSG actually. When the idea of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome was spread back in like the 60s, most Chinese restaurants stopped using it since Americans were worried about it. But MSG has sodium in it, and I think it very well could be the sodium in non-MSG form that's giving you headaches.

    You're supposed to keep your sodium under 2300 mg a day and if you do that regularly a shock to the system will give you headaches and make you swell up!

    The best restaurants will be better with the salt, for example Chili's, a typical casual cuisine in the US is practically too salty for me to enjoy at all. McD's is really salty, too! Less processed usually means less salt.
  • dawn675
    I only get headaches when I don't have some caffeine. I used to be really addicted to Mt. Dew but I dealt with the migraines. Now I get a headache about every other day from not drinkin soda. I know that doesn't help ya but thought I'd let you know you're not the only experiencing headaches now that you're eating better.
  • niccup
    niccup Posts: 32
    I get headaches for a few reasons but I know that food can do it also. When we eat out the food is usually full of more fat, preservatives and other things that are not in homemade stuff. It makes eating out no fun really. I am usually safe with meal size salads. There are many different kinds with interesting ingredients. They taste really good too.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    The most common reaction I get if I go out to eat is dry mouth, because of all the sodium and sugar in the prepared foods. I don't ever go to fast food places, so it might be something else at those places. Sorry, probably not much help.
  • Sacredmaiden
    Hi Kandy,

    I've experienced the same! I think food quality is a big part of it. At home, I take such care to eat organic, whole foods that I feel like I'm ingesting sawdust at most restaurants. Is there a local health food store with a deli you could go to "eat out" but still maintain food quality?
  • EmilyStrick
    Most Chinese restaurants don't use MSG actually. When the idea of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome was spread back in like the 60s, most Chinese restaurants stopped using it since Americans were worried about it. But MSG has sodium in it, and I think it very well could be the sodium in non-MSG form that's giving you headaches.

    You're supposed to keep your sodium under 2300 mg a day and if you do that regularly a shock to the system will give you headaches and make you swell up!

    The best restaurants will be better with the salt, for example Chili's, a typical casual cuisine in the US is practically too salty for me to enjoy at all. McD's is really salty, too! Less processed usually means less salt.

    agreed...sodium! it's amazing how much sodium is in processed/prepared foods. i never thought twice about sodium until i developed high blood pressure. one doctor told me to lower my sodium intake and it really helps. now when i eat out i def get a headache sometimes...all that sodium makes the blood pressure rise. kinda scary...and, unfortunately, hard to avoid unless you predominantly eat at home and very carefully order food when you're eating out.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Could be sodium (causing high blood pressure) or Sugar (diabetes) in the foods that you are eating. Have you been checked for either of these by your doctor? I might go in just to have these checked. Both are very treatable and it can give you the answer to your problem. I get migraines and sometimes when I eat/drink foods or liquids with a lot of caffeine then I get headaches but the same is for sodium because I have high blood pressure too. best bet is to get your labs drawn and blood pressure checked to see where you fall. and cook at home that way you have more control over what is in your food.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I haven't had fast food in FOREVER!!! I have been to a couple of "sit down" restaurants, though... BUT I limit that to VERY RARELY... Sodium could be the kicker here... I never thougth about it giving me headaches, but what I ate today did have a lot of sodium...

    I also gave up drinking sodas a WHILE back... it's been about 8 months, I guess... I stopped having the caffeine headaches a good while ago...

    Thanks everyone for the advice and suggestions!!!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I have chronic headaches. One of my triggers is definitely food. Cheese will do it to me almost within seconds of eating it (doesn't stop me!!), yogurt, too. Recently I've begun to suspect garlic as well. I can't explain why.

    Red wine and chocolate are both a common trigger for some people, although I don't drink wine and choc never bothers me.