jaeysson Member


  • Yeah oocdc, I've seen threads about the topic you mentioned. This is different though, I was looking to see if you log the calories eaten during exercise, not whether you eat your exercise calories back. Thanks for the information though! Good luck to you as well!
  • Thanks for the book suggestion Capt! I haven't considered reading a book about weight loss for triathlons. I train/race with a power meter so I believe I have a pretty accurate picture of my calorie burn.
  • Thank you for the quick responses!
  • I don't like when people say woof instead of woLf, please pronounce the L, you don't say the plural woofs do you, no its woLves! Roof is almost as bad.
  • Try some cross-training. Give your running muscles a break. I cycle a lot and I've noticed when I run instead of bike for a week my biking improves. Just a thought.
  • Don't worry about the lbs. Worry about the inches. Losing lbs fluctuates daily based on water retention, food in your stomach, TTM, etc. The scale is a horrible measure for success in short time frames. Just know that eating right and exercising is good for you even if you aren't losing any lbs.
  • I bike and run. I've used Garmin Connect, Garmin Training Center, mapmyrun/ride, and Strava. I like Strava best followed by Garmin Connect. I know Strava has a good app because my friends use it, but I personally never have used it because I have a Garmin GPS and just upload the data from the GPS to the website.
  • I started with Stronglifts 5x5. It is a progressive program. It seems to be one of the most recommended programs for beginners.
  • 80 minutes of cycling at 16.1mph avg http://app.strava.com/rides/16135973
  • Yeah, for convenience and they are known for their HRMs. I'm inside the gym doing cardio more than outside running so it makes sense for me.
  • The Garmin 305 utilizes GPS to track calories. When I use it indoors, I will start the timer as usual and then plug my average heart rate and time into a website. The website I use is http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm At some point I will probably purchase a Polar FT4 or FT7.
  • It's better to be safe than sorry. Try to stay calm and confident because animals can pick up on your emotion.
    in dog muzzle Comment by jaeysson July 2012
  • I normally don't have a temper. The only time I get POd or upset is when I am riding my bike. I think it's because my heart rate is already up and I have exercise hormones racing through my blood. I've had many verbal confrontations with drivers but luckily it has never turned physical. When a driver does something that…
  • http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ibw <-- A great tool to calculate a goal body weight. It's based on body fat%/lean muscle rather than height.
  • I used these tools to help me determine my goal weight: Here is a great tool to calculate goal weight based on body fat %: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ibw/ Here is a tool to help calculate body fat % if you don't have access to calipers or another better method: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/mbf/ And finally,…
  • I tried a Zumba class for the first time this week. It was fun but not a very good workout for me. My HR on avg was 124bpm, which for me is barely zone1. If anything it was a coordination workout trying to learn the steps and moves.
  • "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
  • Fingers crossed for you! Good luck and have fun!
  • Good luck on your centuries! I've done two 100 mile rides. The first ride I "bonked" because I didn't eat enough. The second ride (a month later) I learned my lesson and ate properly and felt great during and after the ride. The key is nutrition and hydration. Make sure you get at least 100-200 calories per hour even if…
  • Ok...in general, there are less injuries cycling than jogging because cycling is low-impact. Also, if the height of your seat is adjusted correctly and you use clips you will be able to use more of the muscles in your legs, but in my opinion clips are more for the advanced rider.
  • I love cycling! I would rather ride 100 miles on a bike than run a 5k! Another advantage is that cycling is better for your knees over running. You can definitely burn a lot of calories and have fun at the same time!
  • Coconut oil has the most saturated fat (the unhealthy fat). I wouldn't eat too much. Increasing the amount of polyunsaturated fat in the diet has been shown to lower cholesterol levels by lowering the LDL cholesterol without reducing the HDL. The preferred type of fat to substitute for saturated fat is monounsaturated fat.…
  • Instead of a chair at my desk I use one of those big fitness balls. Simply balancing yourself on it all day works out your legs and core.
  • Like everything else...in moderation.
  • Thanks for the link Chris!
  • Weight loss in my opinion is probably 80% diet and 20% exercise. I'd start simple by setting up your diary and getting your goals set. I'd then start tracking my food. You don't have to exercise to lose weight, but the extra muscle gained from weight lifting helps you burn more calories throughout the day and doing cardio…
  • When I have evening food cravings I usually suck on a low-calorie, sugar-free popsicle. I think this works for me because a lot of it is the action of placing something in your mouth or the oral fixation thing, similar to smoking. I make sure to buy the sugar-free, low-calorie popsicles that have less than 30 calories…
  • ^^This I rode my bike 100 miles last week for a charity ride just north of Atlanta. The temp was 107 with high humidity. I was drinking 2 bottles of water every hour and losing a ton of electrolytes. You could actually see the salt on my bike shorts from the sweat! I was thankful for Gatorade that day.
  • Did it all in one day! Completed a 100 mile bike ride today! http://app.strava.com/rides/12145198
  • I love group rides! They are so much more fun than riding by yourself. They are also a lot safer because when you have a big group of cyclists, motorists tend to give you space. Here are a few things I've learned from riding in a group: don't make sudden moves, try to ride in a straight line, signal or call out your…