Why don't guys do Zumba?



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Because they are not cardio bunnies?
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I'm a Zumba instructor, and I usually have 2-3 guys in my class from time to time.

    Zumba is an incredibly awesome way to help with the cardio endurance - it's an interval-based cardio dance workout. Of course, that's if you're teaching it properly, which a lot of instructors don't seem to be doing (judging by what I've read on the Zumba boards).
    One reason I think a lot of men don't do it is because a lot of the instructors tend to choreograph "sexy, hip-shaking" movements into their routines that feel quite unnatural for most straight men (even though I'd really LOVE to see them do it! What, I'm a healthy woman that likes looking at men!)

    Keep in mind that the founder of Zumba is a man. There are thousands (more like tens of thousands) of Male Zumba Instructors....

    ....but it is seen as a very "feminine and sissy" activity.

    Doesn't stop them from watching through the windows....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    To make a sweeping generalization... men seem to prefer competitive exercise, even if they're only competing against themselves. Lifting more, running faster, scoring points, etc.

    There's no winner at Zumba. Except the guy in the back of the class watchin' all the booties bouncing around.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I see some men doing regular Zumba.

    WhenI do Aqua Zumba and African Zumba, I'll try to remember if any mem were there.

    But, in general, you see more men in the weight room and more women doing cardio/classes.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I Zumba all the time.
    <--- This is actually the outfit I wear when I do it too.

    bwahahahahaha :flowerforyou:
  • sarabluebell
    sarabluebell Posts: 68 Member
    I asked my husband why he doesn't do Zumba with me...He looked and me and said really? I gave a blank stare back..He asked If I really wanted him in a room with half naked women shaking their "girly parts" around....I laughed...He said he would be so distrated by it. Men are visual he reminded me...lol I cant stop laughing about how childish men can be sometimes
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I wouldn't do Zumba because my interests are in building muscle and lifting weights. Besides I really think that when you look at each individual and his or her goals, you have to consid
    There are a lot of jiggling boobs to watch

    where do I sign up?

  • jaeysson
    jaeysson Posts: 41 Member
    I tried a Zumba class for the first time this week. It was fun but not a very good workout for me. My HR on avg was 124bpm, which for me is barely zone1. If anything it was a coordination workout trying to learn the steps and moves.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I only dance when I'm drunk and that probably wouldn't go over very well in a Zumba class.

    I have been meaning to attend a yoga class, but I still can't get over the idea that the chicks will think I'm there to creepily stare at them twisting themselves in half.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I did Zumba once mainly because it was for charity. I was one of 2 guys there.

    I thought it was awful First of all, It wasn't a very intense workout for me, I had been doing Insanity for 3-4 weeks prior to it. I barely broke a sweat.

    Second of all, I just felt foolish. My rhythm isn't all that great, I'm not really into dancing, and I felt like I was in some sort of 80's aerobics class. Just too girly for my tastes.
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    We consider Zumba a spectator sport.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Dance classes are kind of sissy.
    Guys tend to steer themselves to sports, jogging and weight lifting.
    Well...you asked.....:flowerforyou:

    Very well put, Bobby, as usual :drinker:
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    Well to be honest, every time I wander past the studio where they are doing zumba....it really doesn't look like an intense work out.

    Lots of people think they are pushing themselves, but they really aren't

    Spend an afternoon sprinting with a 40 kilo sled then see if you still think zumba is intense.

    I have to partially disagree. . .I had been running for two months when I took my first zumba class and when I was done I was sore for two days. I think that it depends wholly on the instructor. My instructor is very athletic and it shows in the workout.
  • rherington
    rherington Posts: 85 Member
    I attend an early morning Zumba class. It's typically about 10 - 12 ladies and one older gentleman with the worst rhythm I've ever seen in a human but his smile and energy are infectious. He's been a fixture in this class since before I joined the group and earlier this week another older gentleman who I've seen watching us through the glass door finally came in and joined us. He stayed to the back of the class but seemed to be enjoying himself. I hope to see him in future classes.

    But why don't more men do Zumba? It's fun. The workout is intense. There are a lot of jiggling boobs to watch if nothing else. Or am I stereotyping based on my admittedly limited point of view? Guys, please weigh in. :happy:

    While it it fun I think it's two things:
    1) most of the guys I know don't dance in a mostly dark club unless they're completely tanked so getting them to dance in a well lit room while sobor is laughable.
    2) As a group fit instructor I find that fitness classes are primarily a women's dominated world. Most the women I know love the group atmosphere . . . most of the men I know prefer to work out alone or with one other guy, they don't rove in gaggles.

    I agree with this for sure!!!
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    Not Zumba but I do Ballroom and Latin American
    my HRM tells me that an hour of good practice in the ballroom equals an hour hill walking which I also do.
    last saturday night out social dancing with my wife I burnt 1700 Kcals (net) and that was with a half hour tea break.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I would never do it in public. I did however just get it for the Kinect and do it at home, I have done it once so far. Its not that easy and I am uncoordinated at not good at so far, its fairly cardio-y and does a nice little burn according to my HRM. My main objective being to shed the many years of sedentary fat then move on to / increase the other various toning weight lifting methods. It beats the boring of the elliptical or treadmill, the same goes for the dance central and just dance games.
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Jiggling boobs? Might have to turn in my man card for a hour and check it out.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Isn't Zumba a lot of "shaking what yo Momma gave ya"? That's not what my Momma gave me hips for. I've never tried it, but it also doesn't look as intense as people seem to think it is, but I could be wrong about that. It's just not my thing.

    It does look like fun, and I can see why people enjoy it.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I Zumba all the time.
    <--- This is actually the outfit I wear when I do it too.

    And THAT is why men don't Zumba... in public... we hope. :noway:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Jiggling boobs? Might have to turn in my man card for a hour and check it out.
    Trust me, it's an aerobics class, generally you're all facing the same direction. You'll see way more jiggling butts than boobs. But if your instructor is hot try and get a spot up front.