cassika1 Member


  • Frozen grapes are like candy. You can even coat them in sugarfree jello mix.
  • I had a psychology teacher that happened to have brain injury and can't feel the sensation of motivation anymore. She told us that sticking to a routine whether or not you like it will help you when the going gets tough. She runs five miles every morning and she hates every second of it but she does it anyway. And fyi she…
  • It's possible. I'm lowcarb (Keto) and I walk everywhere. When I decide to lose weight, I lose it fast. I found what works for me but you need to find what works for you. Then take it one day at a time. Don't look into the future and drive yourself crazy. Creating big goals can make you fall off the wagon. Just focus on the…
  • If it's you worrying about posting pictures of face, you can use the camera app Cymera. It has a pixelate feature.
  • Some people don't believe motivation really exists. With all my years of yo-yo dieting, what I found that works is just to take one damn day at a time. That seems to be the magic answer. Don't set goals too far and too big (not even 10 lbs.) I'm on Keto again. January 1st until the beginning of February I lost 14.2 lbs.…
  • I typically have a window in the middle of the month but on Keto it varies. My partner isn't dieting but he seems to be more interested lately. Maybe my pheromones are in overdrive. The only killer is the acetone breath.
  • After my first two kids, I used MSM soap and took a MSM supplement. My stomach went back to (almost) prepregnancy size in regards to the loose skin. I didn't after my 3rd. My stomach horribly sags. I started with the soap again and I see an improvement. I do want to stress that MSM wont work unless you consume vitamin C as…
  • I'm 5' or 5' 3/4" on a good day. I set my goal to 113 lbs. (I'm currently 181 lbs) I think I just like the number. I get told a lot that that is too low but I don't think regular sized people understand short people. I know for a fact I would still be carrying a little extra weight. At 107, I was fit (buff) and had the…