

  • Thanks for the great ideas. I will be adding those foods to our menu soon.
  • I feel your pain man. I gave up the sauce (Pop) about 4 years ago and it wasn't easy. I was mentaly and physicaly addicted. What helped me the most was the flavored soda water, available at all major grocery stores. Some are better than others but they all gave me the carbonation that I craved. As far as the caffine…
  • You have so many better options for the 250 calaries left other than a chocolate bar. I know in the past the better food I eat the better I feel. Maybe use the choclate bar as a reward for a great week of healthy eating, if you even need it at all. Good Luck.
  • Beef Kabob's. Just beef and your favorite vegi's. Quick and easy!
  • You know the old saying "*kitten* happens"? Don't dwell on it. Get back on the bike and man.
  • I take a men's multi and a omega 3 about 4-5 days a week and think I can tell a difference in the way I feel or is this just in my head? I have noticed my pee turns a neon yellow, is this ok or am I just waisting the vitamins? I do drink alot of water so I think I'm covered on that end.
  • Way to block out the little stuff and get your workout finished. I got up to get a workout in and come to find out the gym will not be open until 10am. I figured what the heck and just started walking. 5miles later and I'm happy, got it done. Anyway good job Ian! Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.
  • I've been off diet pop for about 6 months now and what helped me kick the habit was sparkling water of one kind or another. I think I was after the carbonation thing and this helped.
  • Right now we have too many big companies profiting from our so called obesity problem. We won't see much change until the laws regarding nutrition change. This is why I'm glad I found this site, to be able to help myself with a giant support group.
    in Did you hear Comment by AdamA July 2009
  • Thanks for all the answers. I'm sure I'll have more.