Cutting out pop??



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I gave it up years ago just because I got tired of watching people in business meeting belch their way through them after cans of pop. That was enough for me, as I didn't want to be making similar noises in front of clients! I really haven't missed it.

    I think that giving it up gave me an unexpected benefit though. It helped me to cut my sweet tooth.
  • Mission4Life
    At, he has a 28 day pop elimination program. It helps break the addiction. If you are looking for help.

    Ok...I don't want to get on your case, and please don't take it as such. but Dr. a cardiac surgeon. He does not need to know ANYTHING about nutrition, but the basics.

    He may have good advice on how to break the soda habit, but I wouldn't trust him at all for any nutrition info. My mom is a registered dietitian, and the doctors she works with always have to ask her nutrition information, because they are not specialized in that area. Imagine how little someone who is a surgeon would know?

    Ok..well, just a thought, and I thought it would be helpful to some people who believe his nutritional info.

    I didn't mention anything about his thoughts on nutrition, I just pointed out that he has a 28 day kick the habit plan. I thought it was useful but I guess I was mistaken.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Yes, I said "pop." You can call it soda, cola, sodypop, or whatever else you want. We midwesterners know what's up. :smile:

    I see a lot of posts about "quitting" pop. I can't do it. I'm a diet-pop only guy, so my 6 cans/day that I used to drink isn't as bad as it could be (yes, I know there are other health factors that hte sugar substitute causes). I've cut down to one or two a day. I just NEED the carbonation and caffeine.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? would there REALLY be any benefit to me completely eliminating diet pop?

    I am a fellow native Midwestern guy, now live in TX, but "pop" was my biggest hurdle. I can't stand diet pop, and use to drink a ton of Mt. Dew and Dr. Pepper. Somedays I would consume 156 to 180 oz. About 5 weeks ago, I just quit, cold turkey if you will, consuming any pop what so ever, and drink nothing but ice water, and to tell you the truth, I have more energy now, then ever had consuming all that sugar and caffine, and I work 16-20 hour days sometimes. So it can be done, I use to think the same way, I NEEDED that carbination and caffine, but after 29 lbs lost, in just over a month, I can see now that I don't need it, I had my last pop on Jan. 27th, and haven't looked back.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    I only allow myself to drink it with dinner now, which has cut my consumption down a lot. 1-2 cans a day, otherwise I drink water.

    i do this aswell. and on fridays at work we normally have a office bought lunch so i might have one then too. i log it all tho.

    im a non-diet soft drink person tho. cant stand the diet stuff. so its about 165 calories per can or me, cutting down from 3 to 1 can is a bid thing.

    (yes, here in australia we call it soft drink)
  • bfrice1
    to wriglucy:

    I was under the impression that Dr. Oz does in fact consult that incorrect?
  • Mission4Life
    to wriglucy:

    I was under the impression that Dr. Oz does in fact consult that incorrect?

    He has a "Dream Team" with the likes of Bob Harper and many specialists. He doesn't claim to know it all but passes on info as he learns himself.
  • AdamA
    AdamA Posts: 15
    I feel your pain man. I gave up the sauce (Pop) about 4 years ago and it wasn't easy. I was mentaly and physicaly addicted. What helped me the most was the flavored soda water, available at all major grocery stores. Some are better than others but they all gave me the carbonation that I craved. As far as the caffine headaces I took a couple of alieve if it was bad enough or a coffee to help. At this piont my wife still has it in the house but my cravings are gone. You may want to ween yourself off of it over a month or so. Good Luck
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    to wriglucy:

    I was under the impression that Dr. Oz does in fact consult that incorrect?

    He has a "Dream Team" with the likes of Bob Harper and many specialists. He doesn't claim to know it all but passes on info as he learns himself.

    I don't know about his team, I'm just saying that Dr's don't always know everything about nutrition. I didn't mean to get on anyone's case, and knock on anyone. I was just saying that. My mom is a registered dietitian, and the doctors she works with have no clue about nutrition. They always have to ask her. So, based on that, just because some one is a Dr., doesn't mean they know nutrition. And, if Dr. Oz has a team, that includes dietitians, then maybe he is reporting facts. I don't know...I don't watch him. I just wanted to bring it to people's attention, that Dr's don't always know nutrition. And...Bob he a dietitian? I don't know his credentials. But I also know that some fitness people don't always know nutrition.

    So..I guess, take it all with a grain of salt, and check the credentials before believing them....that's my point.
    Sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to.

    Good luck to you all!