nerolimoon Member


  • Ah, wine, where would we be without it. I drink 3 glasses of wine on Friday and Saturday nights, and factor it into my calories count (Though I tend to balance my calories out over a week rather than day by day, and haven't had a problem losing weight doing this.) I agree with the poster who said that we'd be more likely…
  • Oh yes, this is so familiar. And as some others have said, giving up the drinking just isn't an option. I just try not to let it get me down, and just eat a bit less over the next couple of days. I have never managed this myself, but having some healthier snacks to hand for when you get back home seems like a good way to…
  • Agree with what people are saying about diet and making any necessary adjustments to your calorie intake to make up for doing less exercise at the moment. It sounds like it's really important for you to take some time to let your injuries heal, rather than keep up your usual amount of activity.
  • I'll be logging everything - regardless of what I eat and drink. I will also try to be reasonably careful (though not obsessive). I reached my target weight earlier this month so I want to make sure I keep any Xmas related weight gain to a minimum.
  • Thanks everyone, some great resources to look into here!
  • Thanks, that's very helpful.
  • To be honest, I satisfy my sweet tooth by giving in to it. I still eat sweets, biscuits and cake, just a lot, lot less than I used to. I know that I would never have managed to lose weight if I'd said "right, that's me and chocolate finished." So far this regime of eating some - but not too much - of what I love had really…
  • Log the burger, ditch the guilt and move on. Today you had a burger, tomorrow and the day after and the day after that you won't. We should all have a burger - or whatever it is we want to eat - with friends and family once in a while.
  • My husband is quite thin. He's not that supportive any more, he thinks I've already lost enough weight, but I reckon I still have around 7lb to go. And it,s my decision to lose that remaining 7lb. He often brings "bad" foods into the house, but I don't see this as sabotaging me at all. Before I started losing weight I knew…
  • I ate too much and didn't exercise, and up until a couple of years ago I didn't much care. Now that I'm in my mid-forties and nasties like arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease are just round the corner I do care a bit more. I still smoke 30 cigarettes thoough, and I'm not motivated to give them up!
  • I'm a crafter too - mostly beading, but also a fair bit of knitting, sewing and embroidery. I also love walking (countryside in summer, city in winter) and reading.
  • Hi Neil I also was here for a few months before I found this group. I love your photo!
  • I weigh myself once a month, on the 1st of the month, after I wake up. I decided to go with once a month to try to even out any weight fluctuations. I thought that every month I would (probably) have lost some weight and that would motivate me, and this is what has happened so far.
  • I'm one of the people who just counts calories (and I don't really know what macros and micros are). When I started the weight loss nearly 18 months ago now I decided that the only way it would work for me and be sustainable into the future was to continue to eat all the things I like - just less of them. And the things I…
  • I don't have a big chest, most of my excess weight is in my backside and the top of my thighs. And do you know what, it still is. I'm still pretty much the same overall body shape now, at 58.4 kg, as I was when I started at 86.4kg. I have had to come to terms with the fact that this is going to be my basic body shape no…
  • Great link, thanks very much for posting
  • Hi there, I live in Orpington, Kent
  • My "eat anything" weight was around 13st 9lbs - that is to say, I guess I maintained that weight because the massive amounts I was eating every day were sufficient to maintain this weight. I hadn't even been on the scales for years before I got on them on 4 May 2011, found out what my weight actually was, and decided to do…
  • The British Family Planning Association has some great information on all the different types of contraception available (in the UK at any rate). The web address is
  • I had this a couple of years ago, it was really painful and had me hobbling about. I went to the doctor and as it turned out, like so many of the other posters, it was down to my flimsy summer sandals, and it pretty much went away after I switched back to wearing shoes. But I've been really interested in hearing other…
  • I'd really be interested to know more too, particuarly as the fitbit costs about £80. Are the readings accurate? I currently have a pedometer which counts steps and miles, and calories burned, but I don't really trust the calories burned figure so would be interested in something more reliable.
  • A small bowl of ice-cream, or some chocolate, or a bag of crisps - if you're full up and you need another 200 calories you can always have a treat.
  • I am saving my money fo the day when I stop losing weight and stabilise, and then I'm going to splurge on a new wardrobe. So I don't want to spend too much money on clothes at the moment. I still wear most of my old tops, T-shirts and cardigans, and those skirts which I've been able to alter so that they don't fall down.…
  • Although I have only been on MFP since June I have been losing weight since May 2011, and to date I have lost 4 stone. I am trying to do this in a way which will be sustainable, rather than going on a diet as such. I love chocolate, crisps, chips and wine, and I don't deprive myself of these - I just eat / drink less of…
  • The only method of contraception that has been scientifically linked with weight gain is depo. There are fifteen different methods of contraception, so most people should be able to find a method which works for them with a bit of trial and error. The Family Planning Association website has a lot of high quality…
  • Hi there, why not give yourself a few days off from daily weighing, you might then see the scale start to go down again.
  • I have been doling zumba for around 3 months. I do a "zumba - lite" class once a week, it's 45 mins and is meant for people who are on the older side or who, like me, are new to exercise or haven't exercised for a while. I think the idea is that you eventually upgrade to the normal, 60 mins class. I do enjoy it, even…
  • I used to believe in the BMI until an uber-fit colleague at work who does triathalons got a BMI score of 26.5 and was "overweight". I think we should be able to tell whether our weight looks / feels right without the BMI.
  • If you want to eat something in the evening / night and it's because you're hungry, then eat something. It sounds like your working patterns could mean that eating in the middle of the night is your equivalent of dinner. You should be able to sort out a meal or calorie intake plan that accounts for working patterns,…
  • Although I've only been on MFP about a month, I've been losing weight since May 2011. I decided at the outset that I'd only weigh myself once a month, on the first of the month, to stop myself getting obsessed or depressed about daily or weekly fluctuations. This really works for me.