Significant Other Sabotage



  • dietpepsi100
    dietpepsi100 Posts: 76 Member
    talk to your wife tell her how you feel. I think this happens in many relationships but talking about it may help her recognize that what she is doing is hurtful. Go from there if it continues after you have talked about that is when you I feel you may have a problem. Best wishes and keep up the great work! I don't care if your a man or a women it is not easy to lose weight if it is 5 pounds or 100
  • martintanz
    I'm not sure what you've said to try to motivate her so this may be a repeat of that but I'd have a sit down with her and let her know how she's made you feel and how you're still planning on sticking to your diet and exercise even if she's not going to. Ask her not to bring stuff like that into the house and remind her that this is not just for weight but also for health and you do hope that she continues on in one way or another so she sticks around for many years to bother you. LOL! Encourage her to join MFP. And above all tell her you love her. :)

    I don't go there any more with my wife. I have, on occasion, made comments about treats she brings into the house, like chocolate, frozen custard, cake, potato chips, and microwave popcorn. She usuallly reminds me that she didn't complain when I used to bring home sliders, fried chicken, chinese takeout, and ho hos.

    So that is why I just try to lead by example. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  • nerolimoon
    nerolimoon Posts: 32 Member
    My husband is quite thin. He's not that supportive any more, he thinks I've already lost enough weight, but I reckon I still have around 7lb to go. And it,s my decision to lose that remaining 7lb. He often brings "bad" foods into the house, but I don't see this as sabotaging me at all. Before I started losing weight I knew I would have to live in a world full of chocolate, cake, chips, crisps etc - at home, at the office, going out with friends and family - and I'd just have to come to terms with that and make my own choices about what to eat.