

  • Me! Although I'm 5'5. I'm 140 and my initial goal was 130, but even getting to 135 I might just stop there and maintain. The last few pounds are always the toughest and the most stubborn, but keep up the great work! :)
  • I don't even think that any of us should use the term "cheat day"...this is a lifestyle and I feel like we all need to be realistic. Part of happiness and enjoying life is occasionally indulging in the things we love, it's just about moderation! There will be birthday parties, weddings, barbeques...realistically you can't…
  • Normal eating and a normal, healthy lifestyle involves occasional binges, or what I prefer to call, earned indulgences. You have to be realistic with yourself. Your life is going to involve barbeques, get-togethers, birthday parties, and other special occasions and there's nothing wrong with enjoying the foods that you…
  • Thanks so much for this! I was 140 last week but after a couple of Halloween parties this weekend, I'm now around 144 which I know is a fluctuation from the sodium and alcohol, but it can still be so frustrating and discouraging :( But you're absolutely right. It's a fluctuation. I didn't consume 14,000 calories. I'm much…
  • thanks :) that's what I figured
  • Have you had your thyroid tested recently? Hypothyroidism makes it almost impossible to lose weight. It means that your thyroid isn't producing enough hormones that affect basically all the systems in your body, including your metabolism.
  • I'm a firm believer in the idea of "everything in moderation." It's unrealistic to think that you're never going to have a slice of pizza or a piece of cake ever again in your life. This is a lifestyle and you need to live your life by allowing yourself those sweet necessities :)
  • I'm about 5'5 and I am aiming for about 135
  • Thanks...that sounds good! By the way I realized I put thise post in the wrong category so I'm moving to Food and Nutrition..thanks :)