Cheat Day

**I think posted this first in the wrong area!

Is having a day to cheat on your diet a good idea to curb your craving or is it self sabotage? Sometimes it's hard to "get back on the wagon" and part of me wonders if I should just cut "cheat day" out!


  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I personally don't have a regularly scheduled a cheat day, but they happen. I have had 3 semi-unintentional cheat days in 4 months (birthdays, special occasions) and don't feel guilty because I have consistently met or exceeded my original weight loss goal. I also don't deprive myself of anything I want, if I really want to have something I'll just have a smaller portion to satisfy a craving or get in some extra exercise to make up for it. I think it depends on what you consider a cheat day. For me, I am still mindful of what I eat and don't eat more just because it's a cheat day. I will still log everything and try not to exceed my calorie deficit from the previous seven days.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't see the need for cheat days. If you want to eat something, make room for it in your day by eliminating something else or adding in some extra workout time.
  • I don't even think that any of us should use the term "cheat day"...this is a lifestyle and I feel like we all need to be realistic. Part of happiness and enjoying life is occasionally indulging in the things we love, it's just about moderation! There will be birthday parties, weddings, barbeques...realistically you can't deprive yourself. Take a day out of the week to eat a darn cookie or have an extra helping of pasta. Live your life :)