Binging days

I have occasional binging days where I will go way over my daily caloric intake. My weakness is definitely sweets, I'm so in love with them! Most of the time if I eat sweets it will be a reasonable amount, but some days I just can't control myself.

It's not all the time, maybe once a week. Very rarely will this happen twice a week.

Does anyone have any advice on how to stop this? And does it greatly affect my weight loss or not so much?



  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    Actually...i wouldn't. IMO, having a day where you can have those things you are trying to avoid or, a day when you canhave something special is the only way i can keep myself going. I find that if i deprive myself of the "goodies" then i loose it one day and never go back to "dieting". it is self sabotage for me. So, now i work it in. Appreciating the "treats" in controled amounts mind you. Every saturday i have coffee with a low fat flavored creamer...with a hint of chocolate of course. Or my hubby and i share a chocolate bar, or i have a cup of ot chocolate. that pretty much covers the sweet fix. For salty and crunchy, my true vice, i have a few pickles. or buy a small individual bag of chips. There isn't anything you cannot have as long as you can control how uch of it you eat. Last but not least...if you binge once in a while, thats ok, take it as a learning curve. figure out what caused it. adjust and keep on truckn. remember you are human and this is aint always gonna go the way you want. and thats OK.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey hun,

    I'm a lifetime binger...

    "some days I just can't control myself. "
    This was the biggest part of my problem, because I (And you) CAN control this.
    You have to commit to this 100% or you'll get trapped in the yoyo from you know where.

    If it helps at all...the first two...maybe three weeks is tough, but usually if you cut back on that stuff, you'll get to a point where you don't want it. It does get easier with time. Binging has a lot of negative effects on your health, depending on what you choose as your poison for the night (meant figuratively not literally.) You don't even have to cut things out completely, I don't. If you want the ice cream, get some...but get one portion, and allow it in your daily caloric intake. What do we really get from food anyway? We spend a lot of money, buying things our bodies don't like, and we all know where all food ends up in the end.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
    Hope it helps, even if just a little.
  • alonzojmiller
    alonzojmiller Posts: 10 Member
    Just binged again tonight after a "good" day. Ughhh. Also strikes when I'm most vulnerable, late at night, alone and unwatched, unable to sleep. I was just sitting there with the fridge door open looking for something to stuff into my mouth...passed over several veggies. Only the comfort foods do though--quick and tasty stuff. Thank goodness we didn't have much in there to derail me and I ended up having two homemade flour tortillas with provolone cheese and turkey slice on each. Tried to fatten those up and make them tastier by dipping them in mayo, but couldn't. I was frustrated after that because I was still deeply in that "binge zone" mode and was even contemplating driving to a 24 hour fast food drive thru, but at last, my fatigue started to kick in and my reason I gather. I did decide to have two pieces of toast with margarine, milk, a few marshmellows and some left over seasoned white rice before calling it quits. Wowza! Do I sound like a maniac or what?! And I had a really good day, tracked and all! :-( Feel so bad but maybe I needed to have this happen again to start to see how out of control I can get in these wee hours?! And what if there were more junk food available ....I would have most definitely ate it. Maybe limiting what I have in be house does work and I can convince my partner to compromise some more and keep the fridge and cupboard a bit more barren as they were to tonight for my sake?

    P.S. Should I track my binge and tack it on to today's or yesterday's diary? Do any of you do that?
  • Normal eating and a normal, healthy lifestyle involves occasional binges, or what I prefer to call, earned indulgences. You have to be realistic with yourself. Your life is going to involve barbeques, get-togethers, birthday parties, and other special occasions and there's nothing wrong with enjoying the foods that you like. You have to live your life. Just make sure you do it in moderation. If you go a little overboard one day, just get yourself back on track the next day and remember that you'll be able to enjoy those same foods at some point again, you sort of just have to earn your way there. I like to plan my binge meals ahead...for example, if it's Monday and I know that I'm going out to dinner with a friend on Saturday, I'll work hard to keep myself on track for the whole week, and once Saturday comes I'll know I won't have to be as restrictive and just enjoy myself. Remember, this is a lifestyle. You can't beat yourself up over enjoying the foods you love because life is all about enjoyment and not self-deprivation :)
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    having a ginormous bowl of halloween candy has been killer for me! lol I'm already figuring halloween candy into my calorie count for tomorrow because i KNOW its going to happen.
  • danijoy07
    danijoy07 Posts: 11 Member
    having a ginormous bowl of halloween candy has been killer for me! lol I'm already figuring halloween candy into my calorie count for tomorrow because i KNOW its going to happen.

    This is me.
    I like to track my binges because knowing how many calories I "wasted" has been an eye-opener for me and it definitely makes me think about it the next time I'm contemplating all the sweet stuff I love so much.
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone. And yes, I think it's a good idea to track your binges. I track them to make sure I didn't eat over a pounds worth (3,500?) of food!