

  • that's more my husband (though i got the star trek). send me a friend request if you like. i may not play those games myself - but i am a couch potato/indoor kid/ nerd myself. so i know how hard it is to get up and go outside sometimes. have you ever visited check that - we should be MFP buds. because…
  • i am trying my best to go primal - no grains, etc. so i stopped eating bread almost three months ago. i dont really miss it. but it isn't the taste of the bread itself that i enjoyed. i wrap my hamburgers in lettuce, etc. i didnt find it too hard to give up bread. but i do love cookies. so that is a constant struggle.…
  • eat. be active. enjoy it. MFP is a general guideline. you would do well to do your own research and set your own goals. i just use MFP as a diary. i customized my goals and i don't eat back my exercise calories b/c i've already figured that into my calorie intake. sounds confusing? it isn't. here is a good overview read…
  • yeah NF FTW i saw the subject line and immediately knew it was NF. having just finished a tasty taco salad full of meat and guacamole, i fully support eating more foods!
  • yes - that book. start there. no tears.
  • i understand i am not a doctor and i do not know your body type - so i may be wrong. that being said - i raise an eyebrow at what your doctor said. you don't have to spend hours in a gym to get lean. i have been a gym rat before - but i am taking a different approach now. if you want to tone (get rid of the chub) and still…
  • good words of advice. i'm so close to 5'8" that I claim it. feel free to add me. i started at 163lbs and am down to 151 (as of last night). 12 pounds down in a little over 2 months. I definitely do not have a small frame - so if I can get down to a solid size 4 (US) and keep it - I'll be beyond happy. I too am a big fan of…
  • All great suggestions - I also find that gargling with mouthwash helps.
  • i hear you - most mornings i would donate a kidney for 15 more minutes of sleep. you may not be going to bed early enough. if you are genuinely tired, forcing yourself to get up and exercise is only going to make you more tired and very hungry. if you absolutely cannot get up in the mornings - don't take that as a failure.…
  • it could easily be the swing in hormones. i've been eating primal for about 6wks and my last cycle was a little off. never hurts to talk to your doctor though.
  • I make most of my families meals at home and try to make a new recipe every week - I am mostly on the Paleo/Primal side though. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • i am a fan of delicious pumpkin myself. I tried this recipe recently: It is super tasty. I made mine without the syrup - but added unsweetened coconut flakes and walnuts to the top. I no longer fear thanksgiving - because now I know…
  • have you tried the whey protein isolate powder? it has much less lactose. just a thought. i don't really like any protein powder myself. i blend my almond milk w/strawberries. If you are looking to up your morning protein - eggs and bacon are both…
  • who weighs every day? i check in once a week tops for the very reasons you mention OP. you speak the truth - thanks for posting!
  • i have a $30 pull up bar. you can make significant progress just with body weight exercises. get the basics down (someone already recommended push ups) - before you go spending money on weight sets. even little ones. search for body weight exercises. you can get good strength training from push ups and squats without added…
  • I am borrowing a link I saw on another forum - if you want eggs - change the recipes!
  • cut back on carbs - take all the things you would have eaten on a sandwich and make a salad instead. quick and easy. mixing a little oil and vinegar (or just using salsa) as a dressing will eliminate those extra cals too. i put cold cuts on some lettuce. add some blueberries, walnuts and a little cheese. viola!
  • You don't have to have a gym to start strength training There are millions of body weight routines on the internets! Here is a decent one: If that isn't difficult enough - that is only one of many :) Best of luck!
  • save money if you like - but don't buy something just because it fits. is the point of getting fit to feel better about yourself? buy at least one outfit that makes you feel like a million dollars. do it. trust me (and these other folks). the body you have today is also worth celebrating. buying new clothes will not deter…
  • there are several very helpful posts on the boards about why you can't lose weight when you aren't eating enough. i know it sounds crazy. i am following the primal diet and have a ridiculous time some days eating close to what I should (protein is filling). if you aren't losing weight - then try adding quality calories to…
  • i've been on almost a month - update everyday. i am pretty diligent with my food diary. feel free to add me! sharing is caring!
  • i'm in - and thanks for the tip on standing crunches!
  • i go WAY over my protein count that MFP recommends and I'm still losing weight at a steady pace (full disclosure: I am following the primal plan). don't sweat it. especially if you are doing any sort of strength training and muscle building. you need the protein for your muscles!