Im gaining weight!!!!?????

Hi- I have been doing 60 mins or more of cardio and 20 min of weights everyday for a week- I am watching what I eat and have been under my daily count every day- but I am gaining weight!!! I am so frustrated. Any ideas? I do have a carb heavy breakfast- and then hardly any for the rest of the day. Please any help would be great!


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Can you open your diary for us to help make suggestions?
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Hi- I have been doing 60 mins or more of cardio and 20 min of weights everyday for a week- I am watching what I eat and have been under my daily count every day- but I am gaining weight!!! I am so frustrated. Any ideas? I do have a carb heavy breakfast- and then hardly any for the rest of the day. Please any help would be great!
    It's only been a week.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    The weight isn't the only way to know if there's any change. You should also measure yourself and see if you've lost inches, and you could know by how your clothes fit. It could be that you've gained muscles and lost fat, which mean you'd weigh more.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    Be patient,it takes time.I gained before I lost too. There are alot of factors,could be muscle,water retention,lactic acid buildup from working out.Don'T just focus on the scale,get your measurements.Maybe give yourself an off day from exercise,7 days a week is alot.Keep the faith,you are doing fine.:)
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Open you diary
    Also you could be gaining muscle - they hold water when you start to train hard
    Whats your sodium content a day?
    Do you eat clean or packaged stuff
    Do you sleep well?
    What sort of training?

    I would take all your measurements today waist, hips, bust, right and left thigh, right and left arm bicep.
    I would also do a fitness test and train hard for all takes time! :)
  • FirefitMike
    FirefitMike Posts: 85 Member
    Measure in months, not weeks.
  • ashmyburgh
    It could be a number of things:
    - Firstly, it's only been a week so just be patient
    - It may depend on where you are in your cycle - you may be retaining more water the week before and/or during the week of your period
    - as you are doing strength training, you could be building muscle but losing centimeters, make sure you are measuring yourself as well as the scales
    - how active are you during the day (despite exercise)? Do you have an office job where you are sitting around a lot? Try walking more and making small changes to be more active i.e. stairs instead of lift or escalators
    - While the number on the scale is important...keep in mind it's also how you FEEL and perhaps you should set yourself another type of goal, i.e. fitting into a particular item of clothing

    Don't let your life be ruled by the number on the scale - i know it's easier said than done, as I struggle with that too, but it's all how you feel. It should be just as much about a new and health lifestyle and way of living than weight loss.

    Above all, it's just been a week. Don't lose hope, don't lose momentum, it takes time and your hard work WILL pay off provided you persist. Keep going; you'll get there
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    have you pooped?
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    give it time
    new exercise / weight training can make your body hold onto some water weight for alittle while but it will come off
    how is your sodium if its been up drink some water to flush the body

    its only been a week !!!! and honestly the body needs rest days working out everyday and be under on cals may be the problem also
  • heluvarn
    How long have you been doing wt training? If you are just starting a program you may gain a few pounds before the scale starts going down. You will be building muscle so the scale is not an important gage if you are seriously pushing your max on wt limits. You should go by how your clothes are fitting.

    Also, are you getting enough to eat through out the day. No eating enough calories while working out as hard as you are will cause the body to hold onto whatever you do eat. Make sure you dont cut yourself short here.
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    if you've just started this workout routine your gain is likely due to water retention. Drink more [water], pee more, give it time.
  • allirep
    allirep Posts: 26
    It's only been a week.

  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Everyone has asked great questions...but the one thing I didn't see is have you had ENOUGH calories? That also matters. If you are working out hard and you are fueling your body with too FEW calories you aren't going to lose weight b/c your body is going to horde the calories. What is you net calories daily? For the week? Are you netting enough with the amount of exercise you are doing? Your body needs proper fuel if you are working it hard. Are you at least getting 1200 calories per day? If you are getting fewer than 1200 gross calories per day your body for sure is not getting enough and will hold onto every calorie.

    I won't repeat all that was said was all good.
  • SteveMoto
    SteveMoto Posts: 41 Member
    Agreed with heluvarn, don't short yourself on your calories. Also, muscle is denser than fat, so you could be losing fluffy fat while gaining muscle - the scale would be misleading at that point. Lastly, as EVERYONE else said, it's only been a week! LOL
    Relax and good luck, sounds like you're doing all the right stuff. :)
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    You are putting your body in survival mode - it thinks it is starving and therefore holding onto what you feed it. Try eating your alotted a calories and perhaps 100 more a day.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Everything everyone has already stated is valid and should be heeded. If it's only been 1 week, that could be anything. Absolutely anything.

    For me, I went 4 months going up and then down the same 6 pounds and I was mostly eating at or under my calories... not always. But I was eating pretty clean and trying to eat as raw as possible... and that is what it looks like was my issue. I was not paying attention to the other nutrients besides the macros, and to be honest I was not even worrying about those too much because I was "sort of" following a book titled Eat to Live... just eat without worrying about calories, etc.... I was weighing and calculating calories but not taking note of any of the other nutrients.

    I ate a lot of fruit. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. For me that seems to be an important part of the equation. As soon as I started to rein sugar in and put it into more manageable numbers, the 6 pounds I was fighting with came off PLUS another half a pound. And now it has been 3.5 weeks and I've lost another half a pound.

    So for ME, it seems like it was sugar. Natural, fruit sugar. (love those dates and figs!!!!! and mangoes!!!!!!)

    For you, it may be just that it has been only 1 week and there are so many different things that could be working here that would cause the scale to go up ... relax... keep doing what you're doing and look at it again in another 3-4 weeks... then if you're still having issues, tackle one possibility at a time because you won't know what it was if you change 3 or 4 things at a time.
  • whatsBEAUTIFUL
    "I do have a carb heavy breakfast- and then hardly any for the rest of the day."

    Instead of a "carb heavy breakfast" try to eat a high protein breakfast-- skipping the heavy carbs. I've been hooked on and suggest:

    3/4 cup Silk almond milk
    1 scoop Dymatize Whey Iso-100 (I use chocolate)
    1 Banana
    Cinnamon to taste (helps stabalize blood sugar; cutting cravings during the day)
    1/2 cup ice... blend and enjoy!

    If you are still feeling hungry add three boiled eggs, but only eat the whites.

    **Read this article on carb loading, it will definitely make you rethink how you start your day!***

    Good luck and stay motivated!!!

  • jlhallinan
    I found that when I first started trying to lose weight that it seemed to take forever to lose a pound or two. Once I hit my goal, same thing- if I veered off track, it was difficult to get back to that weight. Some of the things that I have found helpful:
    1. Drink more water - simple, but I have found that if I drink about 100 oz a day of water, I feel fuller (ie no overeating) and help keep myself hydrated. A hydrated body is a body that is more willing to shed lbs...
    2. Carbs..... I lived in Europe so I'm not a carb-hater. But something that I have found is that if I eat my carbs earlier in the day and keep dinner to the basics of a protein and some veggies, it helps. Track your food for a week and see what you are eating last in the day and how it correlates to your morning weigh-in.
    3. Working out - I have found that this can be a double edge sword. Working out is great, weight lifting burns more calories for a longer period of time and can give you more dramatic results faster. But working out does burn a lot of calories which can make you hungrier and cause you to "cheat" a little here and there because "you deserve it". Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after a workout to stay hydrated and also avoid overeating right after a workout.

    Often times, we assume that we are hungry when we are actually dehydrated. A little trick that helped me lose 50 lbs and also keep it off for 3+ years is to drink plenty of water, stay away from processed foods and to remember that we literally are what we eat. Reward yourself by enjoying your food, indulging in healthy food that makes you feel good (not guilty) and know your limits. If you are tempted by sweets, don't deprive yourself. But don't surround yourself with temptations either.

    Good luck!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    If you are exercising everyday you are most likely retaining water in your muscles for repair. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water to help eliminate toxins and make sure you are eating enough for this level of activity.