

  • bump for later!
  • I'm doing the same thing. I've been stuck in a rut with weight loss for the last several months and I figured Lent was as good a time as any to do something about it.
  • I like lunges, sqauts, bicep curls, french press, dumb press, chest flyes.
  • We usually try to get a hotel room that has a mini fridge and/or microwave and then we head to the local grocery store to stock up on fruit, yogurt, things to make sandwiches, milk and cereal for breakfast, peanuts for snack, stuff like that. It is diffinetly easier on the calories and the wallet than eating out the whole…
  • My biggest obstacle was figuring out why I was eating and how to change those habits. Like, I snack a lot more when I'm tired so I've been telling myself it's okay to lay down and take a 15 min nap to recharge-which isn't always easy to do with kids around-but it gives me some energy and I don't snack then. It has taken my…
  • Perhaps she just likes doing something for them that makes them happy. Maybe you can suggest some other activities that don't include food. My kids love it when their grandma takes them to the library or the park when she picks them up for me or watches them. But than again I'm lucky because my MIL is health concious and…
  • Actually there is a difference between a yam and a sweet potatoe but I'm not sure if there is a nutritional difference.
  • I had a few sessions with a personal trainer to show me strength training and how to use the machines. Now I don't feel akward or out of place when I'm using the weights. I was really glad I did that too because now I have discovered how much I like strength training and seeing how tone I am getting.
  • Some days just getting to the gym is the hardest part. I started telling myself just go and do 10 min cause that's better than nothing. Everytime I do that I end up working out at least 30min because once I'm there and get started I get into it and don't want to quit after just 10 min.
  • I think we as a nation rely too much on processed foods. I grew up having a garden and raising our own meat and while I have continued to do this in my adulthood processed foods were easier and started to become the norm in my families diet. In the last few years I have been cutting back on processed foods and focusing…
  • Liking how I look in pictures. And taking lots of pictures with my kids and hubby.
  • How do you make homemade yogurt? It sounds like something I would like to try.
  • I have the same problem. I've been trying to reward myself by doing something I enjoy instead of eating. Like read a book, scrapbook, paint my nails, call my sister or a friend, or sometimes I lay in bed and watch tv instead of watching tv in the living room since I don't eat in bed this seems to work really well too. I've…
  • I let myself have a treat/snack when I'm craving one. If I don't I'll end up binging later. My trick has been to slow down and savor my treat. It takes longer to eat and I'm satisfied with a lot less of whatever sweet treat I'm eating. I know by allowing treats it's taking me longer to lose the weight but I've also been…
    in failure! Comment by ChrissyM April 2010
  • Quality, stress free time with my husband and kids is what keeps me happy. Reaching my goal weight in itself won't make me happy but it will make me healthier so I can live a long life and have more time with my family.
  • You will be amazed at how much better you will feel. Even when I hit a plataeu I don't let myself get discouraged because I feel so much better and have so much more energy than I used too. When I start to slip on my eating habits I noticed that I feel bloated and sluggish and want to get right back to eating healthy. Same…
    in Brand new Comment by ChrissyM March 2010
  • I've started putting in a wedge of lime in my water, adds lots of flavor and no artifical sweeteners.
  • I realized the same thing one day when I was working out. What an awesome feeling!!!!
  • How about things like Crystal Light? Does that count as H2O intake?
  • I learned about the Tabata method from a personal trainer I used to teach me strength training. It works very well with strength training exercises-squats, bicep curls, push ups, etc... He actually recommends it as a way to vary my workout and if for days I have only a short time at the gym. I have to use a lighter weight…
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