Sweet13_Princess Member


  • I used to do the measurements, but I haven't bothered this time around. I know they say muscle weighs more than fat, so it's hard to gauge just by the scale. I probably should take my measurements so I can see other forms of progress. Shannon
  • New shoes sounds like fun, or maybe another pedicure! I don't know about you, but when I get a new pair of flashy running shoes, it puts me in the mood to hop on the treadmill and put them to good use! ;-) Waiting for Day 60s weigh-in. I hope I'll be below 200 by then! Shannon
  • I have to admit, I haven't been very good about taking my vitamins. Most of the time I forget. I never seem to get on a schedule with them... I can't take them in the morning because it makes my stomach upset, but if I take them lunch time onward, with food I'm usually okay. I'm a late night snacker. I always feel hungry…
  • Thanks, CollieFit and sndrd49! I was actually in-between sizes 16 and 18. I'm hoping I can fit back into my size 16s for our Valentine's Day dinner tonight! *crossing her fingers* We have reservations and a babysitter. It will be nice to get for a little alone time together with my hubby! Shannon
  • Thanks for the support! Today I finally did my monthly weigh-in and was surprised I lost 8.6 pounds in the last month! Between your kind comments and the scale being so cooperative, I feel GREAT!!! Now, I just need to decide what my reward will be when I lose my first 10 pounds! I've decided to reward myself for every 10 I…
  • Thanks for your post, enterdanger! I don't really know how many calories I was eating before I started MFP. Probably a lot, since we were having Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays where I didn't exactly hold back. I'm now on a 1760 calorie goal each day, which I don't think is too bad. I've been trying to keep pretty…
  • Hi Michelle! Glad to have you in the group! You have a very challenging job. I'm always in awe of the dedication and hard work our learning support assistants do in our classrooms. I think at times, you can be an under-appreciated group. You must have a lot of energy to help with your grandson. I know my two year old…
  • I tried Zumba before and it was great. You can really get your heart rate up with it! Our instructor got to be pretty repetitive with it though, so I ended up losing interest because it was the same dance moves all of the time. My favorite workouts are step aerobics at the gym, but I haven't gotten back there since my 2…
  • That's not a bad idea! I've thought about doing some sort of mini-workout in my classroom during a planning period (I only have one for half a year due to block scheduling), but I thought that might be too weird if students walked by and could see me.*LOL* I have one coworker that does cardio DVDs on her projector a half…
  • I used to weigh myself weekly, but when I didn't see much weight loss, I'd give up. I know part of my problem is that I'm just too much "all or nothing." So this time, I've decided to try a monthly weigh in. I feel like I'll get less discouraged that way.... so long as it shows some kind of loss. 2 days to go and then I…
  • Hi, Amy! I'm always in awe of the elementary school teachers! You sure need a lot of energy to work with that age group! I had a two year placement in sixth grade when our district had budget cuts. I was grateful for the job, but I was exhausted at the end of the day. There was no sitting down on that job (plus I was…
  • Welcome to the group, Chris! Being a coach is very time consuming... you have a whole team of kids to worry about! That takes a lot of dedication. I feel like I want to set a good example for my daughter too. I never was very athletic when I was in school, probably because I didn't feel very confident in myself physically.…
  • I think my family is in transition to establishing a new routine, added to that I'm trying to get back on the workout/weight loss wagon. It's stressful and chaotic! I could use motivation now especially!! I have a two year old, a full time job, a husband starting a new business and who is working six days a week, and…
  • I lost of ton of the baby weight while breastfeeding, but when I finished I ended gaining it all back and then some! I sure which I had had the energy to workout while breastfeeding... the results could have been amazing. But we all know, with a newborn it's a "yeah right." I could use motivation now especially!! I have a…
  • I started a few days into the New Year (big surprise, right?) but was derailed with an out of control ear infection and a bad reaction to the medication I was on. I'm just feeling better this week, but I'm having a hard time getting myself down on that treadmill. Any suggestions on how to get myself back in the game?
  • I always feel like crashing when I get home from work. Right now, I've been doing 9pm workouts because I work full time as an English teacher, have a 2.5 year old daughter, a husband working 6 days a week starting his own business, and live-in in-laws helping with his business/child care. It's hard to find any time for…
  • I also struggle with workout time, having a two year old as well. Right now, my daughter goes to sleep at 9pm. I try to squeeze a quickie working once she's out, but I don't have that much energy that late at night! Then again, I'm NOT a morning person, so waking up early to do a workout would NEVER happen!*LOL* I can't…
  • I'm just starting out! I've run three 5Ks, but never had a very impressive time. I've gained a considerable amount of weight since my last one as well, which makes training even harder. I did some of those online C25K training programs before, now I'm doing my own thing. I started out with just a 3.0 speed on the treadmill…
  • My husband and I tested pregnant two weeks ago, but our confirmation appointment isn't until October 11... which is taking forever to get here! I'd like to continue losing weight, at least in the early stages of pregnancy, but not at the expense of the baby's health. I've been eating 1500 calories a day and have been…
  • My husband and I tested pregnant two weeks ago, but our confirmation appointment isn't until October 11... which is taking forever to get here! I'd like to continue losing weight, at least in the early stages of pregnancy, but not at the expense of the baby's health. I've been eating 1500 calories a day and have been…
  • My husband and I tested pregnant two weeks ago, but our confirmation appointment isn't until October 11... which is taking forever to get here! I'd like to continue losing weight, at least in the early stages of pregnancy, but not at the expense of the baby's health. I've been eating 1500 calories a day and have been…
  • My husband and I tested pregnant two weeks ago, but our confirmation appointment isn't until October 11... which is taking forever to get here! I'd like to continue losing weight, at least in the early stages of pregnancy, but not at the expense of the baby's health. I've been eating 1500 calories a day and have been…
  • So, I've got really nice sized tomatoes that are just starting to ripen, when all of a sudden they get these round black bad spots on them before they're even ripe. The plant itself doesn't look eaten or wilted. Anyone know what's up with this? I've been watering every other day and I use fish fertilizer once every two…
  • Thanks guys, you've definitely put this in perspective. I would think if things like this were truly harmful, there would be more people out there advocating about it. It's like a few of you said, there are lots of things that we expose ourselves to daily that can be just as harmful. Shannon
  • When you follow the website link and read about it, my husband concluded that it sounded like a "cover your a**" type of thing that companies do, just in case people get sue-happy. Has anyone else bought a Garmin product and was concern by this warning? *LOL* I definately don't intend to eat the packaging OR the product.…
  • I know a few of you mentioned how difficult it is to go back to earn your doctorate. I agree, but there are definitely ways to do it! I'm a newlywed, a high school English teacher, who is moving to a new house while simultaneously trying to start a family. I'm still going to do this! Luckily, Indiana University of…
  • I just started my Literature and Criticism PhD at Indiana University of Pennsylvania this summer. I'm currently a high school English teacher with an English BA and a MA in Curriculum and Instruction. I want my doctorate because education has always been important to me and it's something I want to achieve for myself. If…
  • I'm definitately bookmarking this post. We have a ****'s Sporting Goods, Foot Locker, and a Finish Line. Do you think any of the people there would be able to help? Otherwise, I might wait until my podiatrist appointment to buy a new pair. I'm just guessing, but my ankles feel a LOT better when I rotate/stretch them…
  • Although I would love the 610, it's still too expensive!!! Just bought the 410 for $204 on Ebay. Would have been a bit cheaper, but I had to pay sales tax, which I didn't realize until checkout. It's brand new, being sold by some sort of sporting goods store. I'm going to wait until I receive it before being the heart…
  • The Forerunner reviews on here are excellent. Anyone else have an opinion? I like my Garmin GPS for in the car, so I thought one of these would be a good choice, but now I'm not so sure... especially given how salty the price tag is! Shannon