calories intake for pregnant woman.. how many?

How many calories intake do you think I must have?? As a pregnant woman in my 3rd trimester? I am now by 1230 cals and I feel it's defficult to keep my self under it !! . I am 5'2" tall.


  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I think you are supposed to eat at maintenance plus 1-200 calories
  • 5tephoscope
    5tephoscope Posts: 32 Member
    1230 is way too low for a woman growing a baby! You need 300-500 cal on top of your non-pregnant requirements, growing a baby requires a lot of energy! Continue making healthy food choices, don't grab the extra calories from junk food. Get a lot of calcium and vitamin D because pregnancy takes a toll on your bones, too.

    congratulations btw!
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I agree that's too low. I don't know what it is, but people eat 1,200 to lose weight, and you're not trying to lose weight. Sure, you're not trying to gain a whole lot of weight either, but you don't have to be that low in order to maintain or slowly gain.
  • StenaphieRose
    You should be getting at least 1500. Growing a baby is hard work! FYI, if you plan to breastfeed that also requires 300 extra calories a day, so again, NO LESS than 1500.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    When I was pregnant my doctor said that I could remain on a 'moderate' deficit, but because babies are like parasites (in that they'll take whatever they need, without question) you have to make sure you are getting enough calories/nutrients for YOU.

    You should probably talk to your doctor about this, but I'd agree that you should be on more than 1200. I'd suggest eating at maintenance and see how you go.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    In the last trimester you're meant to add about 200-300 calories
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Id first off talk to your doctor-he/she is way more qualified to answer that for you than we are. But I do know that 1230 calories is very low. Its not even recommended for healthy non-pregnant adults male or female to go any lower than 1200 calories without doctor supervision and that is under extreme obesity cases.
  • hadlam83
    400 more than what you would usually be allocated. Hoowever if you're still hungry eat -just make healthy choices.

    Congrats :)
  • Irish_eyes75
    Have you been to a doctor at all during your pregnancy?? He/she would be the person to ask!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Shame on you.
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    I believe you're meant to add something equivalent to a tub of full fat yoghurt at least each day - so as others are saying, at least around 200 calories. You need more fuel than usual even if you're actively trying to lose weight. You have to have enough to ensure that your baby is getting the nutrients it needs, as well as you. If you're not that overweight, I'd stick to maintenance calories at least, not weight loss calories. It's not the time to be reducing food unless you are very overweight, and even then, you still don't go down too low.
  • jxerickson
    I am trying not to come off to harsh here, but you are putting yourself and your little one at risk. The third trimester is as important as the first because this is when they put on their weight and what they call Brown Fat. This type of fat helps them during their first days to transition from surviving off of you to themselves. If they are not able to build up an adequate amount of this, they are at risk for low sugar levels that can cause bad things.
    I can understand trying to watch what you eat while pregnant, but you should not be on a diet. I urge you to see your doctor and talk about what you are and what you are not eating. This is also why you feel like you have no more energy. Please also drink more than 8 glasses of water a day.

    Again I hope that I did not come off harsh, but this is important because someone that cannot defend themselves is depending on you and this effects the rest of their life.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Talk to your doctor! Seriously, you need to have the right nutrition (sufficient calories, vitamins, minerals) to ensure your and your babies health. Asking randomly on the internet is not the way to go.
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I looked at her other posts, and it looks like she's not pregnant yet, but wants to be, and is looking for ideas for staying fit during pregnancy. At least I hope that's the case.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    In the last trimester you're meant to add about 200-300 calories


    As a consultant obstetrician said on TV last night "a banana a day extra"

    it's debatable whether the obese need to eat anything extra. One lady on the program had lost weight over her pregnancy (before to after comparison) but was still obese.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    My husband and I tested pregnant two weeks ago, but our confirmation appointment isn't until October 11... which is taking forever to get here!

    I'd like to continue losing weight, at least in the early stages of pregnancy, but not at the expense of the baby's health. I've been eating 1500 calories a day and have been trying to work in walking daily and cardio/weights three days a week.

    So far, I've had absolutely NO typical pregnancy symptoms, so it doesn't really feel real. The only time I've felt nauseaous was when my husband drives on back roads. I guess when the doctor confirms it, it will finally set in.

    I have gotten a few cramps here and there, but no spotting. I should be at five weeks, two days when I post this, based on my ovulation data.

    I would LOVE other prego friends on here, so please add me! It's our first baby, so I'm goign to have lots of questions and will appreciate everyone's advice!

  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    You should be consuming 300-500 extra calories during pregnancy than normal maintenance calories, and another 500 calories on top of that while breastfeeding. You should NOT be trying to lose weight during pregnancy since you don't want to deprive your baby of the important nutrients. The biggest thing is to eat healthy calories like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and so on. Keep in mind to check with your doctor after you give birth on when it is safe to begin losing weight, especially since breastfeeding requires extra calories.

    Good luck!