

  • I had a HORRIBLE experience with a "Reload". I went to my mother's birthday party and ate whatever my little heart desired (and drank more shots than I thought I would). End result: I gained 6 lbs overnight and 6 days later I'm still up 2 lbs. I feel horrible about it, but lesson learned that I cannot do that. I've been…
  • I just made this quiche and it's really good :) 10 oz frozen broccoli 8 oz shredded cheese (I used cheddar) 6 eggs 1 cup heavy cream 1 tsp. salt dash of pepper Put broccoli in bottom of glass pie pan (spray it first), top with shredded cheese. In separate bowl mix eggs,salt, and cream together and pour over the top. Bake…
  • The doctor was my GYN since I really don't have a PCP. She doesn't test because the two ways to control PCOS are contraception (which I refuse to be on) and metformin (which I also refuse to go on). So the only thing really I can do is try to control it through diet and exercise. I didn't push the issue because testing…
  • My meals take less than 15 minutes of prep (some take more time baking). I usually make a quiche (eggs, heavy cream, cheese, and veggies) which has 8 servings in it. I can freeze half of it and keep the other half in the fridge. I pop a piece into the microwave for 1 minute and breakfast is done. Lunch is leftovers from…
  • My husband made me look it up when I tried using, "I'm on a diet" as an excuse. Worked as well as having a head ache...
  • So far I'm down two pounds, which I know is all water weight. Water weight or not, I'll take it. A loss is a loss :) Now, to organize a list of Overnight Oats recipes that I want to make so I can go grocery shopping :)
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
  • Awesome idea!
  • You're right. Water is one of the things that their fluid ounces (volume) is equal to their ounces in weight. Thanks for making me check up on that :)
  • I'd say normal. Don't worry about it. 8 lbs = 28,000 calories. Plus, if it was right after you ate your food hasn't been digested yet, so you very well may have ate/drank a couple of pounds. I haven't tested it, but I heard two cups of water equals two pounds...so if you had a couple drinks that can add to it until your…
  • I'm not sure...I don't remember having any questions at the end...what questions did you have? Maybe I'll watch it today and see if I can fill you in :)
  • I really like "The Collector". It's a little bit of "Hostel" mixed with a little bit of "The Strangers". I also love the Rob Zombie horror movies, in my opinion he does the best at making the new ones (even if some of them are remakes of the classics).
  • I'm thinking of doing one myself :) I was going to have it wrapped up for him for the day of the wedding, but then I realized my brother is best man, and there are certain things siblings should not see. I have seen some "naughty" couples pictures on Pinterest that I'd love to do in addition to the boudoir shoot (like the…
  • I use cottage cheese (blended) instead of sour cream...especially for veggie dip. I can have 1/2 a cup for 90 calories vs. only 2 TBSP.
  • I like to buy greek yogurt, string cheese, roasted soy nuts, and cottage cheese as my staples (well, the roasted soy nuts are only if I'm out-I buy a 2 lb bag at a time, so they last!). Anyway, then I plan out my meals for every day of the week. I used to worry how "healthy" something was until I realized I wasn't…
  • I agree to an extent. Instead of throwing them away, why not freeze them in individual portions? Tootsie Rolls would be very difficult to eat frozen, so she'd really have to plan them into her day. I agree though that if this is binging behavior that she needs to figure out the cause and the best way to cope. As for…
  • And I know I'm the ***** here...but he didn't say anything untrue. Since when is stating facts considered "bullying"?
  • It depends on the designer and the design of the dress. The bridal boutique I went to can alter my dress 4 sizes without losing the look/shape of the dress. However, they've been doing all their own alterations for 80 years vs. sending them to a different company. It's definitely one thing to consider. When I went to…
  • What I do is multiply the calories per serving by the total servings to get the total calories for everything. Then divide that number by the number of servings you made to get how much each piece is. Log it. Forget it. Move on.
  • Remember, you're not dieting. There is NO FOOD YOU CANNOT HAVE. You hear me? Go down and buy a food scale (if you haven't already). They're like 10 bucks I believe. Get one that does grams and ounces, and make sure it's digital. If you want a bowl of ice cream because you're pulling your hair out over swatches, go get one.…
  • Take a tape measurer (or better yet, have somebody else take the tape measurer) and holding it nipple line wrap it around your body and pull it tight above your breasts. The number is your band size. Round down if you land on an odd number (33 to 32, 35 to 34, etc). Then, holding the tape at the nipple line wrap it around…
  • Not a doctor here, but maybe the weight loss could be that you weren't digesting your food? Although you're technically eating, if that food isn't broken down for the body to use it's useless. So your body may have been using stored fat as it's main energy source. Also, if you're body was fighting off an abscess…
  • I ordered mine in the size I measured out at. That way, if **** hits the fan I know I have a dress that fits. I figured either way I would need to do alterations to get my "perfect fit" and my bridal salon charges a flat fee for side seems (so it doesn't matter if it's taken in 1/2" or 2"). I also wanted it to be a little…
  • Saves so much time shaving!
  • I have heard that short bursts (10 or 15 minutes) don't really do anything and that you need your heart pumping for a good 20-30 minutes for maximum fat loss. Now, does that 10 or 15 minutes HURT anything? Nope. Does it do SOME good? Yup. Just don't expect 1 hour broken up to be the same workout as 1 hour straight. Only…
  • I heard it was really good for you, but I haven't tried it. I would love to hear some opinions from users who have tried it. All the "reviews" I've read on it was on kombucha websites, so biased imo. I'm not necessarily looking at it to be a "wonder drug" or a "lose weight quick" kind of deal. Just an honest opinion on how…
  • Bump for when I'm at a computer and not my phone
  • I haven't tried P90x, but did do 30 day shred which you can find for free on youtube. I really liked 30ds. Also, I heard insanity was better than p90x
  • Ooooh, what documentary?