Name: Niko Age: 24 Height: 5'7" Start Weight (1st February): Goal Weight (1st March): 138 12th February: 19th February: 26th February: 1st March:
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You look amazing! You go girl ♥
I say bad. Simply because they aren't filling. I can pack a snack/meal for the same amount of calories and be much more full.
A few goodies for you: 1/2 cup cottage cheese 2 tbs sugar free jam 1 tbs sunflower seeds *Mix all together and enjoy! ♥ 3 slices turkey breast lunch meat 1/2 avocado (sliced) 1/2 red/yellow/orange bell pepper (sliced) *Wrap 1 slice avocado & 1 slice pepper in lunch meat ♥ 3/4 cup edamame 2 tbs sesame seeds 2 tbs teriyaki…
My journal is open! Add me :D
Idk I'm doing the clean eating thing for about a month and haven't had any problems really. That being said, 2-3 days a week I have a "eat whatever I want" type of day, so long as the food isn't over saturated with sugar, sodium, or fat, and I stay within my calorie range. I cycle too, so on my "eat whatever" days I get…
I would suggest coconut oil or hempseed oil. Both are very light, and easy to digest. I don't really use oil that much anymore myself, but when I do I'll usually choose coconut oil. Hempseed oil is great on salads, however, I usually reserve it for washing my face.
Switch it up. If you exercise in the morning, try doing it at night instead. If you usually have a big breakfast, try having a big dinner or lunch and a small breakfast instead. There are little tweaks you can do, that don't really require you changing your routine all that much- just moving around your current routine
I don't do breaks, I do caloric cycling. Like 3 or 4 days a week I'll eat 1400, and then 1800 the other 3 days. It works for me because I also do low carb, so those 3 high calorie days are awesome for me! And I can basically eat whatever I want on the high calorie days, so long as I stay withing my daily goal. It's worked…
I try not to eat out in general (due to financial reasons), so when I do I eat whatever I want, simply because it's so rare. I never reach my daily calorie goal, so I always have some extra stored up for special occasions :)
Damn you look AMAZING!
I'm just starting really but here's day 7 vs day 30 yay :D
I would literally die if I ate 1200 calories. It's just not enough. Sure you'll lose weight but in the long run it won't be sustainable. I try to eat a solid 1500-1700 calories a day and eat back 25-50% of anything burned during a workout. I've tried the 1200 cal thing before and it's never worked out. It's a major reason…
I log it!!! The most important thing is being HONEST with yourself about what you eat. Even if you feel bad about it. By not logging it, the only person you're hurting is yourself.
Stop!!! JUST STOP!!! Love- VISUAL RESULTS > NUMERICAL RESULTS. I've lost like 2 dress sizes but haven't shed a pound. I'm ok with that because weight (much like age) is only a number. When I was in highschool I weighed 140, but people were convinced I didn't weigh a single pound over 120. As long as you are seeing physical…
Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to a place called The Melting Pot. I'm going to pig out and I don't regret it for even a second!!!
1/4th cup (when dry) oatmeal, mixed with 1/2 packet nestle hot chocolate mix, 1/2 banana, 1 hard boiled egg, and 1 cup of Lapsang Souchong tea- black.
Motivation and willpower is all well and good, but I think you're missing a few pieces to this puzzle. Dedication, determination, and discipline :)
Cooking every night is nuts. I couldn't do it. Back to the point - I find that eating the same thing for 2 weeks at a time helps me save money. And buying stuff when it's on sale too. Once a month Giant Eagle in my area has a BOGO on chicken and sasuage, and I can end up getting 100$ of meat for 50$. It lasts me almost a…
My goal is 100g, but I'm always over. Usually around 120+
Some people just don't understand yet that there is no magic fix to losing weight. Only hard work and dedication!
My dad taught me that there is *always* time to work out. And he's right! I used to think working out was for the morning, but lemme tell ya. I am *so* not a morning person. I usually end up exercising anytime between 8-10pm (sometimes later). I'm a night owl, so it works. It's just apart of my daily routine. I get home…
Agreed. Starvation mode is a myth. If you google it there are dozens of reputable articles that confirm this.
For breakfast I eat.... 1/4 cup (dry) oatmeal...when cooked comes out to about 1 cup 1 hard boiled egg or fried egg whites 1/2 a banana Surprisingly enough it's very filling.
What he said ^^^^ If you're bingeing then there's something your body is lacking. I also agree with the suggestion of eating a bit more calories every day to balance out and reduce the binge. I would die if I ate 1200 calories a day. I eat around 15-1600 which greatly reduces any binge cravings I have.
As everyone else stated, you're not logging your foods correctly. I also don't think you're eating enough quality food either. Put some freakin protein in your diet! Also you say you eat "low carb" but eat apples pretty consistently, which have a lot of carbs. A low carb isn't necessary either, as everyone else mentioned.…
Ummmm "starvation mode" is a complete myth. Please take the time to google and expand your knowledge. Thanks!
I'd say pass on this too. I mean, it's not a bad cereal per-say, but it's not filling *at all*. There are much better choices out there
Slow and steady is the way to go, because that's the way to sustain weight loss instead of yo-yoing. I'm also going for slow and steady! However, I'm more interested in visual results VS what the scale says :)