Scale Won't move

I've lost about 18 pounds since April 23rd, but for the past 2 almost 3 weeks the scale has decided not to move. I workout and stay within my calorie limit everyday, as i was doing before. I'm getting frustrated! Of course I'm glad it's not going up, but I want to know why it's not going down. I don't believe I've lost enough to plateau yet.


  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    Stop!!! JUST STOP!!! Love- VISUAL RESULTS > NUMERICAL RESULTS. I've lost like 2 dress sizes but haven't shed a pound. I'm ok with that because weight (much like age) is only a number. When I was in highschool I weighed 140, but people were convinced I didn't weigh a single pound over 120. As long as you are seeing physical changes you shouldn't be so concerned about the number on the scale.

    If you aren't seeing any physical changes, *that* might be an issue though. If you'd like further advice, please make your food diary public so we can take a look :)
  • sprice20152015
    sprice20152015 Posts: 17 Member
    Stop!!! JUST STOP!!! Love- VISUAL RESULTS > NUMERICAL RESULTS. I've lost like 2 dress sizes but haven't shed a pound. I'm ok with that because weight (much like age) is only a number. When I was in highschool I weighed 140, but people were convinced I didn't weigh a single pound over 120. As long as you are seeing physical changes you shouldn't be so concerned about the number on the scale.

    If you aren't seeing any physical changes, *that* might be an issue though. If you'd like further advice, please make your food diary public so we can take a look :)

    I'm going to work on that, not paying so much attention to the scale, but more to how I look and feel...thanks : )
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Agreed ^
    you could take pictures or measurements as well.

    Add more water too
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    keep your calories the same but change the food you eat for awhile. Change your workout also for awhile. Your body can adapt fast to the same routine. So you got change it up every now and then . Best of luck .
  • lindsey0724
    lindsey0724 Posts: 12 Member
    I second the photo suggestion! I weigh almost the same since I started, but I took photos instead of weighing on the scale (hard to get used to, at first). Although most days I didn't really feel different, I'd compare the photos and see that there was SO much change that the scale didn't reflect. So you might still be seeing progress but your weight isn't changing because you're becoming strong/building lean muscle :)

    If you feel like you're actually plateauing and not even visually seeing results, I agree, try changing up your workout so you trick your body into something new and make sure you're logging all calories in/keeping a relatively clean diet. Watching macros helped me a lot.