

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    Awesome, I actually really really like this post. <3 Hilarious!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    @orangesmartie happy birthday to Charlie! Jello legos sound like a lot of fun. What a thoughtful, caring auntie you are!

    And after reading many of the posts on here, I'm wondering if "regular" clothing fits anybody? Seriously, who is it designed for?

    Wasting altogether too much time sitting here ogling my upper arm definition again, lol. It's a real novelty to have a body part that I actually like, however... most of the time I'm focusing on my flaws, so this is progress.

    The worst has to be plus sized clothing. I remember feeling they made almost all of the clothes for someone who was larger & taller. I have to say that a lot of the clothing for plus size has come a long way because I remember ugly shirts with cartoon characters, clothing that looked like a 90 year old grandmother would wear it, or stuff with the loudest prints you could imagine.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Good choices were not made at lunch today. At least it has potassium. :/

    I think you made a good choice. I really like those kind!

    My morning didn't start so good either. I ordered Starbucks and they made the first drink wrong so they gave it to me. So instead of one Starbucks drink, I had two today. :( So double the calories. (I wanted an iced caramel macchiato but they made a hot one first with a bunch of caramel in it).

    Also, just as an FYI-I got our first relationship counseling session scheduled for Aug 13 (it was the soonest that our schedules would allow). Crossing fingers!

    Good luck with this! Fingers crossed for you.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    OMG I agree 100% we should do it together
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited July 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    You can ask me or quiksylver! (Or Lois - I think that's what she is doing too). Have you looked at the app yet?

    Very briefly. I watched the video for workout A but haven't gotten around to watching workout B yet. I am planning on starting next week, so I will watch B sometime this weekend or something. My plan is to supplement my HIIT with the SL 5x5 so I will do it on Tuesday and Thursday and maybe Saturday. I don't know yet, because I haven't checked out the program yet.

    Any help you ladies could offer, would be tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Don't mind me listening in on your advice. I have every intention of starting Stronglifts at some point.

    eta: spelling, oy

    We may need to start an SL 5x5 thread in the batcave since so many of us are either doing it or going to start doing it. I'm pretty excited about seeing what my body can not only look like, but also, what my body can DO. My goal is more Ronda Rousey and less DLB. B)

    Oh my! Total girl crush!!! I love her! <3 If SL 5X5's get me looking like that, I'm NEVER stopping!

    Me either! She has the just the right amount of muscle without being gross. Sorry for those that are fans of DLB and that look. It's just not what I'm into or going for.

    Who's DLB? I Googled (briefly), but no love...

    Edit: typo

    Dana Linn Bailey. It's just too much.

    Yeah, I mean good for her, but no thanks. No one is going to be seeing that much of me besides Mr. Mo and he doesn't want me more ripped than he is. He's made that plenty clear. Ronda, on the other hand, I think he'd be cool with that. :smiley:

    Also, I see you found her.

  • sprice20152015
    sprice20152015 Posts: 17 Member
    80% of the time I convince myself that it's okay to eat what I want as long as it's within my calorie goal for the day.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    It's easy to make. Butter, confectioner's sugar, cream (just a bit), dash salt, dash vanilla or cocoa powder depending on flavor. Takes just a few minutes and OMG is it worth the effort.

    That's for buttercream and if you whip it longer/sub heavyweight whipping cream for the cream it gets super fluffy... More butter, it gets fudgier...

    Omgggg, don't tell me this!!!!

    For chocolate buttercream, I use melted chocolate chips and a little brewed coffee instead of cream. I always use unsalted butter and never add salt.

    Other flavors I've tried recently- maple (just added maple syrup instead of cream), raspberry mocha (raspberry extract instead of vanilla), and lemon.

    I have to add a bit of salt. I always feel like desserts have something missing when they don't have any salt added--as I tell my mystified family, it tastes hollow. ;) I always say that about food that has some sort of deep-but-not-strong flavor missing--the main flavoring might be present, but it's wrapped around a shell of hollowness with no depth. Does ANYONE know what I mean? Or am I nuts?

    I totally know what you mean, and agree. Whenever I taste something that isn't quite right, add salt and it's usually fixed. I LOVE salt. I have sweet things I love, but my craving foods are bits of salty fatty deliciousness.

    I never touch salt. It makes me blow up. I just ate nuts with salt (I am following Kelly on lack of sleep/being up to early and eating all things -- although she seems to be doing better than me) and I know in about 2 hours my calves will be huge. :(
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Random things I hope to do one day:

    1) Kick down a door. Don't know why, it just looks fun. But based on how attempting to kick a fence board down went, I don't think I'll be very good at kicking in doors.

    2) Flip a table when I'm mad. Preferably someone else's table, with their stuff on it.

    Life goal! Kicking down the door would be fun too. I need to build up some more leg strength before that happens though.

    Confession: I like kicking/punching things.

    I feel stupid kicking/punching anything. I have puny hands and am not particularly physically violent. I more rage with words. When I try to be violent (break something, rip something up, punch something) I feel stupid and ineffective. I just rant and yell and swear alot (but not here of course).
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    You can ask me or quiksylver! (Or Lois - I think that's what she is doing too). Have you looked at the app yet?

    Very briefly. I watched the video for workout A but haven't gotten around to watching workout B yet. I am planning on starting next week, so I will watch B sometime this weekend or something. My plan is to supplement my HIIT with the SL 5x5 so I will do it on Tuesday and Thursday and maybe Saturday. I don't know yet, because I haven't checked out the program yet.

    Any help you ladies could offer, would be tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Don't mind me listening in on your advice. I have every intention of starting Stronglifts at some point.

    eta: spelling, oy

    We may need to start an SL 5x5 thread in the batcave since so many of us are either doing it or going to start doing it. I'm pretty excited about seeing what my body can not only look like, but also, what my body can DO. My goal is more Ronda Rousey and less DLB. B)

    Oh my! Total girl crush!!! I love her! <3 If SL 5X5's get me looking like that, I'm NEVER stopping!

    Me either! She has the just the right amount of muscle without being gross. Sorry for those that are fans of DLB and that look. It's just not what I'm into or going for.

    Who's DBL? I Googled (briefly), but no love...

    Dana Lynn Bailey (I'm not sure if that's spelled exactly right)

    ETA: I think she looks amazing & I can appreciate the amount of hard work she's put in, but it's not a goal look for me either.

    Thanks, Shiba!

    So, there's no way she's not on steroids, right? Unless she has just crazy high t-level naturally I didn't think that low of body fat and that level of definition/mass was possible for women...I guess there's always outliers though.

    Good on her for getting what she wants, but yeah, I'd be team Rousey, too.

    Googled both, definitely team Rousey. DLB's thighs scare me, it actually looks like she has stuck bricks on her quads.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Good choices were not made at lunch today. At least it has potassium. :/

    I think you made a good choice. I really like those kind!

    My morning didn't start so good either. I ordered Starbucks and they made the first drink wrong so they gave it to me. So instead of one Starbucks drink, I had two today. :( So double the calories. (I wanted an iced caramel macchiato but they made a hot one first with a bunch of caramel in it).

    Also, just as an FYI-I got our first relationship counseling session scheduled for Aug 13 (it was the soonest that our schedules would allow). Crossing fingers!

    Yay. Best wishes on the process.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    are you kidding?! that drawing is AWESOME!
    you ARE one of those ppl others are jealous of because you CAN draw well!! <3

    stuck in the quote!
    Thank you for making me smile (and blush)!!! :blush:
    FroggyBug wrote: »

    Wow, I can't believe you just said you wish you could draw better...I think that is amazing. :) I love it! You are talented.

    I'm not sure how to get this comment out of the quote so I'll just bold it. haha
    Thank you, that's very kind!! :smiley: I enjoy drawing/doodling but I never really worked that hard at being good at it. If I were to try to draw The Joker from memory it would probably end up look ridiculous :lol:

    Also... these black bean brownies are sounding so delicious. I usually buy black beans every week anyway because I find them useful to have around and I love them. I'm thinking brownies tonight! ... But that means buying more flour... which means I will probably make three pans of brownies in the next week. Oops.

    You sound a bit like me. :) I'm not too awful at reproducing simple drawings if I have them right in front of me to copy, but otherwise I'm a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad artist. :p

    They do, don't they? I want to make them too, but I know that it's a terrible idea... I don't have to worry too much, though--my husband won't let me get near any baking ingredients in the supermarket, as per my request to help me stay on target. :D
    I used to love that book when I was little. :tongue:

    AND YES, THEY SOUND DELICIOUS! I still haven't gone to the grocery store... and hey, I just realized that I haven't eaten a single thing today and I am still not very hungry. My appetite has been very much gone lately for some reason. That means I can allow myself to devour a few delicious brownies, though ;) Muahahaahaha!!!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    80% of the time I convince myself that it's okay to eat what I want as long as it's within my calorie goal for the day.

    It is, unless you have a medical issue.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    It's easy to make. Butter, confectioner's sugar, cream (just a bit), dash salt, dash vanilla or cocoa powder depending on flavor. Takes just a few minutes and OMG is it worth the effort.

    That's for buttercream and if you whip it longer/sub heavyweight whipping cream for the cream it gets super fluffy... More butter, it gets fudgier...

    Omgggg, don't tell me this!!!!

    For chocolate buttercream, I use melted chocolate chips and a little brewed coffee instead of cream. I always use unsalted butter and never add salt.

    Other flavors I've tried recently- maple (just added maple syrup instead of cream), raspberry mocha (raspberry extract instead of vanilla), and lemon.

    I have to add a bit of salt. I always feel like desserts have something missing when they don't have any salt added--as I tell my mystified family, it tastes hollow. ;) I always say that about food that has some sort of deep-but-not-strong flavor missing--the main flavoring might be present, but it's wrapped around a shell of hollowness with no depth. Does ANYONE know what I mean? Or am I nuts?

    I totally know what you mean, and agree. Whenever I taste something that isn't quite right, add salt and it's usually fixed. I LOVE salt. I have sweet things I love, but my craving foods are bits of salty fatty deliciousness.

    I never touch salt. It makes me blow up. I just ate nuts with salt (I am following Kelly on lack of sleep/being up to early and eating all things -- although she seems to be doing better than me) and I know in about 2 hours my calves will be huge. :(

    Bummer :( Is that due to some underlying medical condition or you are just extra skilled at retaining water?

    I know when I go nuts with popcorn (salty fatty thing I am most likely to eat TONS of) to expect a couple pounds of water gain, but that goes away pretty quickly for me, and I don't FEEL any bigger/different.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had a dream last night that I started SL 5x5. I was at the Y and I was completely lost on what to do and what machine to use and NO ONE would help me, they all just continued doing their thing even though I looked like a lost child hiding the clothes rack.

    This is my fear. I will get up the courage to start and will be totally lost and no one will help me, so I just take myself back to the cardio stuff because it's easy and I have yet to hurt myself on it.

    I have anxiety over this. :(

    You can ask me or quiksylver! (Or Lois - I think that's what she is doing too). Have you looked at the app yet?

    Very briefly. I watched the video for workout A but haven't gotten around to watching workout B yet. I am planning on starting next week, so I will watch B sometime this weekend or something. My plan is to supplement my HIIT with the SL 5x5 so I will do it on Tuesday and Thursday and maybe Saturday. I don't know yet, because I haven't checked out the program yet.

    Any help you ladies could offer, would be tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Don't mind me listening in on your advice. I have every intention of starting Stronglifts at some point.

    eta: spelling, oy

    We may need to start an SL 5x5 thread in the batcave since so many of us are either doing it or going to start doing it. I'm pretty excited about seeing what my body can not only look like, but also, what my body can DO. My goal is more Ronda Rousey and less DLB. B)

    Oh my! Total girl crush!!! I love her! <3 If SL 5X5's get me looking like that, I'm NEVER stopping!

    Me either! She has the just the right amount of muscle without being gross. Sorry for those that are fans of DLB and that look. It's just not what I'm into or going for.

    Who's DBL? I Googled (briefly), but no love...

    Dana Lynn Bailey (I'm not sure if that's spelled exactly right)

    ETA: I think she looks amazing & I can appreciate the amount of hard work she's put in, but it's not a goal look for me either.

    Thanks, Shiba!

    So, there's no way she's not on steroids, right? Unless she has just crazy high t-level naturally I didn't think that low of body fat and that level of definition/mass was possible for women...I guess there's always outliers though.

    Good on her for getting what she wants, but yeah, I'd be team Rousey, too.

    Googled both, definitely team Rousey. DLB's thighs scare me, it actually looks like she has stuck bricks on her quads.

    I agree. They are freakish and scary.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »

    I love it too... and my question is, what the heck kind of bra do you wear with it?

    When I wore this Saturday, I wore a beige strapless bra with it and I was fine. You could also wear one of those bandeau things that are super popular right now.

    I wish I could. I don't have a huge chest by any means but these aren't supportive and I'd really like to try as hard as I can to prevent what I do have from sagging to my toes :s

    Glad I'm not the only one!
    peleroja wrote: »

    They do work - I have one that kind of works, even, and I've got a very big chest. They're not great for lift or support, obviously, but they do shape and cover.

    Have you tried a longline strapless? I have one from Freya that's got just a couple inches of "band" under the cup and it stays up like nobody's business with that extra fabric. Plus it looks cute, even.

    I have a longline strapless... it's ancient, which means it's hardly worn... which probably means it didn't work terrifically well. But it is also low-back, so it's probably trying to fill too many needs at once. I may have to dig it out and try it.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have the sliding issue with the bandeaus I have, but the bra stayed put. It is one I bought for my brother's wedding 5 years ago that has the non-slide gel-like stuff that some of the no slip headbands have.

    What are the backless stick-on bras? Don't think I've seen one before.

    Come to think of it, all of my strapless bras are from the days when I wore a too-large band (when I followed the "add 5 inches" guideline) so that might be half the problem.

    Backless bra: 397663_unbra.jpg

    edit to close parentheses, because that sort of thing keeps me up at night

    How does that even stay up?!

    Incomplete parentheses would haunt me too.

    It's sticky on the inside, and after you wear it you rinse it carefully and leave it flat to dry and it gets sticky again. And like I mentioned, they're good for shape and coverage but obviously don't do anything lift-wise, really.

    I'm glad the brownies worked out for you, @ythannah, and you don't think they taste like beans ;) My husband likes them more than real brownies because of the way the sweetness is cut back by the beans.

    I'll have to try these brownies since I have around 3 cans of black beans.

    Other than the black beans & brownie mix did you guys mix anything else in?

    Not much of a baker here.

    When I made the Chickpea Hummus Dough it was pretty good & I couldn't tell it was made with beans.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Good choices were not made at lunch today. At least it has potassium. :/

    I think you made a good choice. I really like those kind!

    My morning didn't start so good either. I ordered Starbucks and they made the first drink wrong so they gave it to me. So instead of one Starbucks drink, I had two today. :( So double the calories. (I wanted an iced caramel macchiato but they made a hot one first with a bunch of caramel in it).

    Also, just as an FYI-I got our first relationship counseling session scheduled for Aug 13 (it was the soonest that our schedules would allow). Crossing fingers!

    Good luck and congratulations!!! I really hope you get the answers you need/want one way or another.
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to a place called The Melting Pot. I'm going to pig out and I don't regret it for even a second!!!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    My brother and I used to get into a lot of physical fights. After a while (since I'm the older sibling) I started phasing out of that (he also turned into a solid, broad-shouldered dude) and now when I look back I just feel stupid and confused about that whole fiasco. I'm not a violent person WHATSOEVER. I guess I had to make an exception for my brother :lol: My older sister had a bigger age difference than the two of us, so she wasn't around enough for us to fight. The one time she did pull my hair I was so shocked I just went to my room. :lol:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...

    As I don't have children and therefore have never given birth, this scares me :#

    I've given birth 4 times with no drugs and I don't recall ever having this problem. I only recall the last one being difficult to push. He was also the only omen induced though, so that's what I blame it on.

    I have horror movie scenes running through my head. What is this?!?

    ETA: I think I figured it out. "The only one induced" right?

    Oh my goodness this was one funny typo. Did he have 666 carved on his head too?
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015