mikjenna Member


  • I'm new this month so I'll stick with 100 miles. I need to get my bike computer fixed. . .
  • I just logged on to see this thread and I'm wondering if I can join too. I've done P90x once, but only did the workouts and not the diet--big mistake. I didn't really see any results. This time I'm hoping to really stick hard to the diet. Maybe we could post daily intake/meals? That would give some accountability and maybe…
  • How about doing this again for September?
  • I know you are all on week 7, but is there any way I can join in? I just started using the MFP community a couple days ago and I'm looking for a home! This looks like a pretty cool one. Just in case you say yes. . .I started at 214 last week and I'm now at 208.2. Thanks!
  • Also try Costco. Costco has organic ground meat for a very reasonable price. Depending on where you live you can also get organic chicken from Costco. A budget just means you have to plan a little better. I've also bought organic meat from a family farm in the area which can also be cheaper.
  • I want to try and post something motivational every day, so here goes. . . I love Victoria Moran. She's written terrific books about the mindset of losing weight. We all know how important it is to reprogram our inner voice to be positive--most especially when we're trying to lose weight. Victoria Moran says to phase out…
  • I love Trader Joes, but maybe theirs doesn't work for you. Vitamin Shoppe has a good one under their brand that also doesn't require refrigeration. It's called "Ultimate 10 probiotic". (Sorry, I saw in my original post that I said 10,000! I meant billion. . .) I went to a Whole Foods Market chef demonstration recently and…
  • So are you taking a probiotic with the psyllium? Psyllium alone is sometimes not enough. You're better off with a really good probiotic, i.e. one that requires refrigeration and has 10,000+ live organisms. Also, I might have misunderstood your question. . .
  • Screw being self conscious is right!! If you live your life worrying about what everyone else is looking at then you won't be living. Good for you for JUST DOING IT! Trust me, everyone else is too worried about how they look in their suits to look at you. I used to remember that when I was running in those horrible skimpy…
  • Hi there. I'm not anywhere near Portland, but I'm good at motivation. I need some myself, actually.
  • Very funny. . .not quite an addict yet, but I hope to be.
  • Tracking has always worked well for me in the past. Support is also a huge part of it. . .Good luck! (I just started today as well.)