ElPatoLoco Member


  • Hi and welcome to the crazy house ;) My Fitness Pal has been the only thing that's worked for me properly largely by making me more aware of two things,, what i'm eating and how much of it. I guess you do need to become a little obsessive otherwise without a reasonable approximation of your calories in/calories out record…
  • Grrr... muscle does not weigh more than fat... OK so maybe I'm a pedant but it iritates me every time I read that line... a pound of feathers weighs exactly the same as a pound of hammers... a cubic foot of muscle will weigh more than a cubic foot of fat because it's more dense... Ergo a smaller volume of muscle will have…
  • It was created in microsoft excel.. I just saved it as an image and posted it for interest value really. I don't weigh daily because I'm obsessive about my weight I just like numbers ;) ... but I've found looking at the graph and being able to see where my "good" and "bad" times were has been (and still is) a motivator.…
  • Damn.. I should have posted my graph here lol.. didn't see this thread before I posted... yes I weigh every day... the graph shows, MFP's projected weight loss (red line) actual weight loss (blue line) and the trend of weight loss (black line)
  • My poisons of choice... A nice merlot... 175ml - 84 calories Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum... 50ml - 100 calories (with diet coke of course... but I prefer it with diet coke anyway) To be honest... evenings with the Captain have probably helped me stay sane through the early weeks...
  • ... and where does semi-skimmed goats milk for the lactose intolerant fit into this conspiracy? .. or even "Lacto-free" cows milk?... I dread to think what process that goes through.. but I still drink it and happily so... Quirky Factoid: According to David Lister, dogs milk apparently lasts longer than any other kind of…
  • I had a similar problem a few years ago when I went to the gym a lot... One of the trainers at the gym explained to me that a lot of strength exercises converts fat to muscle which is heavier so although my fat was reducing my weight wasn't. As Tam says, scales are a horrible way to track weight loss especially of you are…
  • Diet Coke for me ... goes better with Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum :)
  • hmm dunno about the fat thing... couple of years ago I did Atkins (I know, I know... but it worked brilliantly the first time)... 2nd time I tried it I completely lost ALL appetite after a week... just never felt like eating, never got hungry... was kinda weird actually... was almost having to make myself eat regularly but…
  • No outright allergies but certain foods do have certain effects... If I eat prawns then next day I get really dry skin on my face, if I eat Dorito's corn ships I get asthma... if I eat bread or pastry with Calcium Propionate (E282) which is an anti-fungal treatment used in flour I get really (really, really bad) acid and…
  • I weigh myself every morning around the same time... after I've been through the morning routine, simply to give myself a continuous point of reference. I've been told by some that you "shouldn't" weigh yourself every day and I understand that some of the weight loss clubs are obsessive about telling people to only weigh…
  • Might I suggest getting a heart monitor to wear during exercise periods if you don't already have one and monitor the amount of calories you burn while doing strength rather than cardio exercises... they're not that expensive these days and you might even be pleasantly surprised... Losing weight is a pretty straightforward…
  • late night nibbling was always one of my problems too... and finding other "distractions" never really worked because I was still thinking about food... and I knew that even while I was doing something else I was doing it to try and avoid thinking about food... ergo I ended up thinking about food... When I get hungry I…
  • You could try Senna tablets... they're a fairly gentle and natural laxative alternative to the prune juice nuclear option of flushing your guts with something likely to cause a toilet bowl Bikini Atoll... ... and can I just add that if a single cup of coffee makes you run for the hills might I politely suggest you have an…
  • I'm curious but what is your recommended calorie intake and what were you on to make people say it was too low? If it actually was too low you get into that whole metabolism sowing down thing. There are quite a few threads on here in the "eat more to lose more" theme and if you were woefully under your calorie intake for a…
  • last week I had a "lapse" for about 5 seconds when my weight went UP by a pound from 1 day to the next... my immediate response was "screw this, that's it.. I'm off to eat cheese burgers"... then I calmed down again... One thing you will see repeated again and again in these forums is "The scales are not your friend"...…
  • When I get "the urge" I go for a walk now ;) but that journal might make some pretty interesting reading in 6 months time especially if you're able to draw some clear conclusions from it. Who knows... there could even be a best seller in there somewhere ;) Having just read Kal's post about fear it reminded me of something…
  • cheers everyone who replied... she's read all the comments and feels a lot happier, she had a good chuckle at the "what's the rush" comment :) She used to be very active (hell... we both did) but driving a desk and long hours of running your own business can make you take your eye off the ball sometimes and she…
  • I don't usually post but your comments got me thinking about something I said to my wife just yesterday... I used to have a really stressful job and I hated it... actually no... the job was great, it was the people around me that were the cause of my discontent... I was angry and frustrated all the time, wasn't sleeping…