This is when I loose faith

On my second week now, the 1st week I lost over 4lb this week I have lost 400g :( I really try hard not to go over my calorie intake, Im a domestic cleaner so im quiet active and burn loads of calories off. I also exercise at home. The only thing I struggle with is drinking water !

Im being my sisters bridesmaid in Oct and I really dont want to be the fattest person there :( I want to cry now !


  • gmrecovery
    Stick at it, you will do well am sure! Weight loss is never the same after the first week, slow and steady is the way to go!
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    Stick with it! Sometimes the scale doesn't move for a week... two weeks... a month....some times we lose inches, sometimes we don't. But, if you stick with this, you will lose the weight. It sucks that it takes a long time, but the longer it takes to get the weight off, the more healthily you are doing it. I know we all wanna be skinny in a flash, but we just have to suck it up and stick with it! You can do this! I too have a wedding to be in, in December. Keep your head up and stay focused! You got this!
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    you can do it hun please don't give up it will happen it just takes time and some weeks will be better than others but you just have to say positive and keep your goals in mind and you will get there!!! :smile:
  • ElPatoLoco
    ElPatoLoco Posts: 24 Member
    last week I had a "lapse" for about 5 seconds when my weight went UP by a pound from 1 day to the next... my immediate response was "screw this, that's it.. I'm off to eat cheese burgers"... then I calmed down again...

    One thing you will see repeated again and again in these forums is "The scales are not your friend"... and it's true... they're not. Apart from the fact that standard bathroom scales can be woefully inaccurate anyway your weight loss will not be the same every day...

    The other thing to remember is losing weight is not a sprint... it's a marathon... that's always been where I've gone wrong in the past. MFP has made me realise this is a long journey of little steps... with lots of little victories along the way... and the occasional set back.

    Don't give up hun... just re-adjust your thinking... you might not be the "ideal" weight in time for the wedding.. but you WILL be thinner and you'll feel better. Just think of it as another step on the road.

    Good Luck... celebrate the small wins and above all else keep smiling :)
  • sweetpea7441
    sweetpea7441 Posts: 149 Member
    No matter what, you lost something, so you should be going YAY!!! Its unlikely you will lose the exact same amount of weight every week and maybe in week 2 you actually lost inches rather then pounds.
    Don't get demotivated. Keep at it! You will get there. :-)
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member

    Weight loss is a slow process - stick at it

    I had a look at your food diaries (if your recording accuratly) then you are eating no where near enough food.

    Minimum for any day should be 1200 calories - if you excercise then you need to add them in to.

    You can lose loads of weight by Oct if you are sensible and commit to a sensible eating plan and do a little exercise every day, find something that you can stick to day in day out.

    If you want to add me as your friend please feel free - my diary is visible to firends - feel free to have a look at what i eat (i am no expert but i have lost 46lb since Sept last year)

  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    Don't rely on the scale alone. Take measurements.
  • chrismic999
    I agree about the scales. I started 3 weeks ago religiously counting callories and exercise first time ever in my life. I started at 94KG and have eaten most days less that 1900 calories. I bought some electronic scales (big mistake!) and measured myself everyday at various times.... BIGGER MISTAKE. In the first two weeks I have got down to a consistent 92KG (great) and over the past 2 days around 91.5!!! However when I got up this morning they weighed in at 93.9!!!!!! I am very dispondent on this as I'm not sure why?
    I am really religiously eating (a few relapses but nothing drastic) and this is the 3rd week without any achohol.

    Help need some faith back
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    A good way to keep motivated is by recording non-scale victories (nsv's). NSV's can be how your mood is altered based on what you eat, getting one extra push up or doing an exercise longer, or how your clothes fit better. Congratulating yourself on the little successes gives you the momentum you need to achieve the larger goals.
  • ronnio_ron
    ronnio_ron Posts: 61
    Agree with all...stick to it and u will do well.
    i have seen weeks without loss but we need to run this thing down slow and steady.

    Try get some increased water intake and log your food and exercises well.

    Keep at it...dont lose hope
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I'm sorry, but why are you upset about losing 1 lb in 1 week? That's healthy weight loss. Most of the 4 lbs. from the previous week was water weight, not actually fat.

    You need to prepare yourself mentally for fluctuations. Eating a lot of salt, starting an exercise routine, menstruation, etc., all cause the scale to go up without you putting on a single gram of fat. Just keep calm and know that these things pay off slowly and over time.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, I have an October goal too!

    I agree with the others, stick with it and it'll happen - significant weight loss takes time. You could do very well by October - either way time will pass, it's just whether or not you decide to carry on. You could decide to lose weight by then or not. I hope to lose 20 pounds+ by then. You could probably do similar depending on what your weight is to start with - you could do even better than my goal! To give you an idea, I'm 168lbs currently. Also, in the last 10 weeks I've lost 21 pounds though some weeks went better than others. Also if I had a mediocre weight loss week I'd often have a bumper week the following one to make up for it so don't quit just yet. By the end of your third week you could see a much bigger loss.

    Take measurements and photos too - grasp every opportunity to see and feel a difference to spur you on. I've lost several inches and my face in photos is noticeably slimmer.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    last week I had a "lapse" for about 5 seconds when my weight went UP by a pound from 1 day to the next... my immediate response was "screw this, that's it.. I'm off to eat cheese burgers"... then I calmed down again...

    One thing you will see repeated again and again in these forums is "The scales are not your friend"... and it's true... they're not. Apart from the fact that standard bathroom scales can be woefully inaccurate anyway your weight loss will not be the same every day...

    The other thing to remember is losing weight is not a sprint... it's a marathon... that's always been where I've gone wrong in the past. MFP has made me realise this is a long journey of little steps... with lots of little victories along the way... and the occasional set back.

    Don't give up hun... just re-adjust your thinking... you might not be the "ideal" weight in time for the wedding.. but you WILL be thinner and you'll feel better. Just think of it as another step on the road.

    Good Luck... celebrate the small wins and above all else keep smiling :)

    This is an excellent post. I second that - my weight loss targets were too aggressive to begin and I 'failed' to reach them. But I did weigh less than I started and I had made progress even though it wasn't as much as I thought. You might need to re-adjust your goals a bit so you don't get disheartened. I was hoping to hit 142lbs by Oct but it'll more likely be 147-154 or something like that but that's still a huge success in my mind.

    As a rough idea 1-2lbs a week should be doable if you eat 1,200kcals+ and do 3-5 exercise sessions a week.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hang in there! What I always say to myself is, "What will my weight be in three months if I don't change now?" That usually snaps me out of it! Whatever my weight is now - I know that when I reach that three month mark, I will be thinner. Maybe not at my goal, but not where I WAS! Stay strong!!
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Oh, and one last thing - try not to measure your 'worth' on whether or not you loose weight. I expect if you ask all those around you what they think of you they'll list tonnes of positives about you. We tend to forget our own value and we're worth so much more than any number on any scale!

    Also, weight loss doesn't always reflect the effort put in some weeks. Water weight can put us up and down by several pounds and it means nothing when it comes to fat loss. To combat this as best as possible, weigh yourself first thing in the morning, wearing the same kind of clothes.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    water can be hard to do, so what I did was started using me. tastes like koolaid, but with no cals or sodium unless your drinking energy mio.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Really? 2 weeks and you're afraid of giving up? Stick with i and remember that the results don't always show up on the scale. I didn't budge on the scale for 3 weeks, but lost several inches off my waist and i took progress pictures. Seeing those pictures motivated the crap out of me. I take progress pictures once a month. around the 20th of each month.
  • ChelleFeegan
    ChelleFeegan Posts: 80 Member
    Stick to it honey. The weight will come off and in my opinion the smaller amounts the longer they stay off for.

    Keep talking to people; keep motivating yourself and reminding yourself why you are doing it. And more importantly, keep on smiling.

    And I am sure that you will look stunning at the wedding and think of how healthy you are going to be as well.

    I am here if you ever need a little push or just to rant at.

  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    A year from now you'll wish you started today.
  • misspatrice562
    misspatrice562 Posts: 192 Member
    I recommend making water a PRIORITY. 8 glasses minimum but you really should be drinking your weight divided by two in ounces. (if you are 200 lbs . . . 100 oz of water). I recently increased my water intake and have seen a significant change. It really does help with your weight loss efforts (of course in conjunction with eating sensibly and exercising).