Gained 2lb overnight!!!

*SHRIEK* nooooooooooooooo
well i upped my calories yesterday as everyone said they were too low, mostly added nuts for protein. Today i get up and im 2.3lb heavier ALREADY!! i'm going to end up right back where i started :( WHY cant i shift weight??


  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    you can't put weight on overnight. its most probably water weight or you have built muscle
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't panic.

    The scales are always going to fluctuate day by day - for all kinds of perfectly normal reasons (hormones, fluid retention, monthly changes, muscles healing etc).

    My advice: eat well (not too little, not too much), exercise (not too little not too much) and only weigh in every one or two weeks.
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    Wait, you mean to say from the time your head hit the pillow to waking up you somehow gained 2 pounds? I'd love to hear the science behind that. :tongue:
  • obamafan1980
    Must be a "conspiracy theory" to say you cannot gain 2 lbs over night?
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Unless your body magically turned 1,600 calories into 9,000 calories, it's water weight. Don't stress.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    don`t sweat it! Probs it`s water weight. don`t stress the everyday too much. Look out for the overall trend. I am a daily weigher but if the scale goes up a little I don`t worry. It always evens out.

    Women got the short end of the stick when it comes to scale weight! Fo sure! Also if it`s TOM?
  • smilesalot1969
    Wait, you mean to say from the time your head hit the pillow to waking up you somehow gained 2 pounds? I'd love to hear the science behind that. :tongue:

    Noooooo from yesterdays weigh in till today. My scales never drop they maintain or gain!!
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    you can't put weight on overnight. its most probably water weight or you have built muscle
    Lmao. I doubt she gained 2lbs of muscle overnight.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    You probably have to take a huge... just go to the bathroom.
  • smilesalot1969
    don`t sweat it! Probs it`s water weight. don`t stress the everyday too much. Look out for the overall trend. I am a daily weigher but if the scale goes up a little I don`t worry. It always evens out.

    Women got the short end of the stick when it comes to scale weight! Fo sure! Also if it`s TOM?

    no definitely not TOM and the overall tread is staying the same or gaining :/ the odd fluctuation is okay it happens but i keep gaining, there is no weight loss at all. not a single gram
  • aah faulty scale.. it keep on fluctuating your weight, is it the digital one
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    no definitely not TOM and the overall tread is staying the same or gaining :/ the odd fluctuation is okay it happens but i keep gaining, there is no weight loss at all. not a single gram

    My biggest advice to you is quit weighing yourself daily. It does not help, at all. It's best to do it biweekly or weekly. You are stressing yourself out. What matters is inches! :flowerforyou: Eat well, work out, weigh yourself weekly to biweekly (I like weekly and I see results!) and measure yourself when you weigh yourself.

    EDIT: I looked at your food diary and it looks great! Seriously, lay off the daily weigh-ins and worry about how you feel and your measurements! :bigsmile:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    A little temporary weight gain is common after upping calories. It's water weight.
  • JVS1
    JVS1 Posts: 20 Member
    Do your clothes feel any looser? Also, during this time, why not try measuring yourself? If you're losing inches, that is a better indicator of weight loss than relying on the scales.
  • BChamp1226
    BChamp1226 Posts: 26
    From what I've read, the most muscle an average person can put on in a year is 8 lbs. I'm sure it's no tthat.

    Probably water or a lot of nuts waiting to vacate the premises.
  • ElPatoLoco
    ElPatoLoco Posts: 24 Member
    I'm curious but what is your recommended calorie intake and what were you on to make people say it was too low? If it actually was too low you get into that whole metabolism sowing down thing. There are quite a few threads on here in the "eat more to lose more" theme and if you were woefully under your calorie intake for a long time then eating at the correct level can make you gain weight for a while.

    There are some links around these forums to some very useful information. I'd suggest reading the ones that are backed by actual research rather than just the anecdotal ones tho...

    Most importantly don't panic... there will be a logical reason... just need to work out what it is... and don't get down hearted about it.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Unless you have cardiomyopathy or congestive heart failure, you do not need to panic...

    I know this because I have those conditions... That is why I have to make sure that I do not gain more than 2 lbs in any 24 hour period...
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    My guess is that it's water weight. Your body will retain fluid, and the more salt you eat the more fluid is retained. You mentioned that you had increased your nut intake and most nuts have sodium added as flavoring. Check out your sodium intake and see if there was an increase in it the day you gained weight. It's pretty easy to find unsalted or lightly salted nuts. Also, if increase your water intake. I know it sounds counter productive if your body is retaining water that the antidote would be to drink more water, but the reason your body is holding on to (or retaining) that water in the first place is because you don't have enough. Your body recognizes the increase in sodium and says "hey, there's too much of that here, need to get it to normal levels, let's not let this water go and keep it to dilute all this salt in the body." So drinking water actually helps you get rid of water weight because having enough of it means your body doesn't have to hoold on to it and can just excrete it normally. Does that make sense? I hope so, and I hope it helped. I'm curious to see if there was a spike in your sodium levels from that day.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    This is why you should never weigh every day!

    I tried this out a couple of weeks ago and weighed every day, twice a day and more to see the changes. Weight fluctuated dependent on time of day, weight fluctuated from day to day but ultimately when it came to 'weigh-in' day, I had lost.

    Weigh once a week - weigh at the same time and don't become a slave to the scale because it will only send you crazy.

    Focus on the important stuff like your eating, your training and note the changes to your body, clothes loosening, healthy glow to your skin, more energy and hopefully the scale will pale a little into insignificance.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    Clam down! I PROMISE you didn't actually gain 2 lbs in one day. Unless you ate somewhere in the neighborhood of 9,000 calories yesterday, it's water weight.